Louiganweek24 - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Louigan Week 2024!

There are some wonderful August events happening here shortly (@tinimmyweek and @bobsrarepairweek), so I wanted to sneak in a really quick promo post before they got underway 💫

Louigan Week will start on September 23rd and go through to September 27th. Please feel free to vote for prompts using the poll below, and reach out if you have any questions!

Louigan Ship Week 2024
Google Docs
Hi everyone! We're back again for a Louigan Ship Week in the year 2024, and we’d like your help! Pick ten words that inspire creativity and

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6 months ago
Graphic, As Always, By The Wonderful @drawthething!

Graphic, as always, by the wonderful @drawthething!

Louigan Week | Sept. 23rd - 27th

@louiganweek Use the tag #louiganweek24

I'm so excited for the third annual Louigan Week! You can find the guidelines here, and they’ll be the same as years prior. Happy creating!

Day 1 - Bet/Smug

Day 2 - Comfort/Shirt

Day 3 - Bicker/Unspoken

Day 4 - Linger/Flame

Day 5 - Wild/Electric

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5 months ago

@drawthething does it again with another amazing work of art!

LouiganWeek Day 1 - Bet/Smug

LouiganWeek Day 1 - Bet/Smug

"You want us to play this? Really?" "Yes, sue me, kicking off your suffering with all the most supreme things I remember owning in this house."

Happy louigan week :)

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5 months ago
Louigan Week Day 4: Linger/Flame

Louigan Week Day 4: Linger/Flame

As always, this art was a commission done by the wonderful @zazatur whose commissions are here!

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5 months ago
LouiganWeek Day 4 - Linger/Flame

LouiganWeek Day 4 - Linger/Flame

I told myself if I'm not drawing mafia AU for louigan week first and foremost then I'm not drawing anything ever.

Also felt extreeemely obligated to draw the tie grab.

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5 months ago

This is absolutely just beautiful and understated and I am in awe!

Louigan Week Day 5: Wild/Electric

Louigan Week Day 5: Wild/Electric

There’s something really beautiful about a black and white sketch, especially from @zazatur, commission info here!

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LouiganWeek Day 1 - Bet/Smug

LouiganWeek Day 1 - Bet/Smug

"You want us to play this? Really?" "Yes, sue me, kicking off your suffering with all the most supreme things I remember owning in this house."

Happy louigan week :) Yeah I have a lame thing for board games, sorry.

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Day 1 Discussion: What’s your favorite Louise and Logan moment?

The best part about ship weeks is making sure everyone has the opportunity to contribute and that includes by asking some no stakes, no pressure questions! So, what’s your favorite interaction between these two?

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Louigan Week Day One: Bet/Smug

Digital fanart of an aged-up Logan Bush and Louise Belcher from Bob’s Burgers. They are seen from the waist up in a simple, sketchy style, with some turquoise monochromatic coloring. Logan has one hand on Louise’s shoulder and is giving her a smug grin. Logan has short, spiky hair and is wearing a regular T-Shirt. Louise is wearing a beanie with a Kuchi Kopi pin on it. She also has her hair in braids and is rolling her eyes. They are standing in the Belchers’ kitchen.

“Stop looking so smug. You still owe me after losing at our poker game last week, Bush.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know we made a bet. But you know you love me, don’t you?”

Happy Day One of @louiganweek!! I can’t believe it’s here again already. It really snuck up on me this year, so I can’t participate with a drawing for each day like usual, but I still have some lined up now!! I decided to go for a simplistic, sketchy style for today, which is quite fun (and of course easier than my fully rendered drawings) for me to do. I hope you enjoy!!

[ID]: Digital fanart of an aged-up Logan Bush and Louise Belcher from Bob’s Burgers. They are seen from the waist up in a simple, sketchy style, with some turquoise monochromatic coloring. Logan has one hand on Louise’s shoulder and is giving her a smug grin. Logan has short, spiky hair and is wearing a regular T-Shirt. Louise is wearing a beanie with a Kuchi Kopi pin on it. She also has her hair in braids and is rolling her eyes. They are standing in the Belchers’ kitchen.

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LouiganWeek Day 2 - Comfort/Shirt

LouiganWeek Day 2 - Comfort/Shirt

Babs has a thing for couches so I drew louigan on a couch. The end.

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Louigan Week Day Three: Bicker/Unspoken

Digital fanart of Logan Bush from Bob’s Burgers. Logan is seen from the waist up and in a simple sketchy style with dark purple monochromatic coloring. He has one arm raised in the air dramatically, and he has an emotional look on his face, complete with watery eyes. He looks as if he’s bursting into song. He’s also standing in the Belcher’s kitchen.

Happy Day Three of @louiganweek!! I decided for today, the concept would be that Louise and Logan had a fight (because when do they not), and Louise is currently giving him the silent treatment (hence the unspoken part of the prompt). And Logan is now having a dramatic musical moment, because he’s a Drama Queen. And it’s great.

[ID]: Digital fanart of Logan Bush from Bob’s Burgers. Logan is seen from the waist up and in a simple sketchy style with dark purple monochromatic coloring. He has one arm raised in the air dramatically, and he has an emotional look on his face, complete with watery eyes. He looks as if he’s bursting into song. He’s also standing in the Belcher’s kitchen.

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LouiganWeek Day 3 - Bicker/Unspoken

LouiganWeek Day 3 - Bicker/Unspoken

She's coming with him after (see him making a fool out of himself and steal his mighty gum and paperclip)

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Louigan Week Day 4: Linger/Flame

Louigan Week Day 4: Linger/Flame

Something about a morning scene with a beverage, man… @zazatur did this piece nearly two years ago, and I found it buried in my photos. Blessed she still has commissions open, info here!

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Louigan Week Day Five: Wild/Electric

Digital fanart of Louise Belcher and Logan Bush from Bob’s Burgers in a lineless style. They are seen from the waist up. They are slightly aged-up and both holding electric guitars (Louise’s is a light blue and Logan’s is a bright red). Louise has one foot in the air while she’s playing, and has a wild look on her face (Logan has a similar look on his face). She has crazy, fluffy black hair that reaches her shoulders, and has bright blue eyes. She’s also wearing a very light green shirt and pink pants. Logan has fluffy blond hair and green eyes. He’s wearing a red shirt with gray sleeves and pink pants with a pocket on it. They are standing on a concert stage with colorful fog behind them.

Can you believe it’s already the end of @louiganweek?? It feels like the time just flew by. It seems like just yesterday the week was getting started.

To celebrate the last day, I decided I had to draw Louise and Logan as wild rockstars with electric guitars, because that vibe fits them way too well.

Thank you so much to @babsvibes for running yet another amazing Louigan Week!! She’s a total powerhouse and deserves all the love and appreciation.

[ID]: Digital fanart of Louise Belcher and Logan Bush from Bob’s Burgers in a lineless style. They are seen from the waist up. They are slightly aged-up and both holding electric guitars (Louise’s is a light blue and Logan’s is a bright red). Louise has one foot in the air while she’s playing, and has a wild look on her face (Logan has a similar look on his face). She has crazy, fluffy black hair that reaches her shoulders, and has bright blue eyes. She’s also wearing a very light green shirt and pink pants. Logan has fluffy blond hair and green eyes. He’s wearing a red shirt with gray sleeves and pink pants with a pocket on it. They are standing on a concert stage with colorful fog behind them.

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Louigan Week Day 5: Wild/Electric

Louigan Week Day 5: Wild/Electric

There’s something really beautiful about a black and white sketch, especially from @zazatur, commission info here!

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