Loumandstat - Tumblr Posts
And then Marius as Roberto and Armand as Theresa?? And Daniel as Juan???????? And and
How is Daniel gonna feel after he mocked Armand/Louis/Lestat’s messy triangle when he realizes he’s a part of it???
one of my favorite iwtv concepts is a louis/lestat/armand polycule. it wouldn't fix things. it would probably make them a thousand times worse. however, i think they should give it a try anyway because it would be SO funny.
lestat is fine with the fact that armand and louis are fucking but if he's not part of it? the house is getting burned down. armand forgets to do the dishes? they want to hunt at different times? louis is a coffin hog? the other two are cuddling closer with each other than with him? he's pulling out the THIS IS NOT A LIFE immediately. giant tantrum every night like "I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE YOU TWO DONT LOVE ME ANYMORE YOURE GONNA RUN OFF TOGETHER AND LEAVE ME BEHIND I KNOW IT" and he'd go sleep on the vampire equivalent of the couch idk and then come back to the fuckass big coffin later like heyyyy :((( cant sleep. sorry about the yelling. can i be middle spoon now?
armand is going to not say no to anything ever. is he down for that? doesn't matter. he will do it. he'll be going on and on about how damn healthy they are now that they've resolved their love triangle to a healthy flourishing throuple. if he never mentions any problems whatsoever he can create a romanticized version of them in his head where they all love each other equally and no one is ever jealous. doesn't matter what he wants, he's going to get a good grade in polycule which is both normal to want and possible to achieve.
louis is the one who suggested it in the first place and was like pls pls pls pls pls can you guys get along for me pls pls pls but now he spends all his time withdrawing and pondering if he's made a mistake, leaving armand and lestat alone together because he's off eating cats and shit and not actually participating in the relationship, then getting mad at them for having an affair with each other to spite and manipulate him (they are also together louis. louis this is a crucial part of a throuple. louis.)