Love In The Time Of Cholera - Tumblr Posts

New book I have finished. Love in the time of cholera by Gabriel García Márquez. Have fun
That is how they were: they spent their lives proclaiming their proud origins, the historic merits of the city, the value of its relics, its heroism, its beauty, but they were blind to the decay of the years. Dr. Juvenal Urbino, on the other hand, loved it enough to see it with the eyes of truth.
Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (via wholesomeobsessive)
Life would have been quite another matter for them both if they had learned in time that it was easier to avoid great matrimonial catastrophes than trivial everyday miseries. But if they had learned anything together, it was that wisdom comes to us when it can no longer do any good.
Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (via wholesomeobsessive)
“…and it was always without pretensions of loving or being loved although always in the hope of finding something that resembled love but without the problems of love.”
Love in The Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez
waiting for october, i opened my window today. a warm breeze touched my face. i'm waiting for october to love you more. you're gonna be surprised by the amount of change i'll go through everytime it gets colder and days become shorter. beginning to love you in july gives off a summer-love vibe: passionate yet short and unfaithful, an illicit-affair kind of love. in october, i'm gonna hold you tighter, bake you ginger cookies and get lost in your oversized sweater. in november, i'm gonna watch gilmore girls with you and walk with my hand in your pocket. in december, i'm gonna make you coffee-milk, wear the mittens that you bought me, put up christmas lights, dance around the kitchen with 'cowboy like me' and read you my favorite poems by j. keats and shakespeare.
i'm gonna love you more in october.