Love This Sheep Gal - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Y’all remember when everyone called Puffy Dream’s mom? Yeah let me elaborate on that.

Could you imagine Puffy in denial that her little baby, her little duckling, is a monster? Could you imagine her finally coming to terms with it, her taking up a sword against him? Her joining the rebellion to dethrone the son she loves so dearly.

But then the gang discovers Dream has been possessed for a very long time, a Dreamon and its host, now they set out to find out a way to separate them. After finding a way to do so a huge battle ensues and Puffy is the one to separate the Dreamon from Dream.

Imagine her, battered and bruised, stumbling to the center of a huge crater where her little duckling lays. She calls out “Son?” As she gets closer, Dream looks up, mask cracked, “Mom?”. Puffy runs to him, gathering her son in her arms, “I’m here, I’m here.” “You’re okay, you’re okay.”

Is this my desperate need for positive physical affection? Is this my touch-starved state speaking? Maybe. I was just chilling in my room thinking bout Mama Puffy than B O O M angst.

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