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11 months ago

Character Chart

Peace and blessings upon everyone!

I hope life's treating you well. I’m Esmeray and I welcome you to this post on my blog Dear Esmeray.

Today I'll be sharing with you a character chart to help you properly plan out your OC. This is what I use for my OCs, This might not work for everyone so feel free to remove details that are not relevant to your story. Here you go.


-Insert a character quote here-

-Also insert a picture of the character-

Full Name:





His/Her Aesthetic Colour:

Body Build: (ectomorph, mesomorph, or endomorph)

Height: Weight:

Hair Colour: Hair Length:

Eye Colour:

Any glasses/contacts?


Physical Appearance:


Role in story:

Language/s spoken:

Favorite Colour:

Favorite Foods and drinks:

Likes: - - -

Dislikes: - - -

Education level:


Relationship status:

Life Goal/s & Amibitions:


Normal speaking tone:

Dressing Style:

Dominant hand:

Biggest Positive trait:

Other Positive Traits: - - -

Neutral Traits: - - -

Biggest Flaw:

Other Flaws: - - -


Proud of: Ashamed of:

Most Likeable trait: Most Unlikeable trait:

His/her Quirks:

MBTI Type: Enneagram Type: Enneagram Tritype: Enneagram tri-center with wings: Instinctual Stacking: Temperament: OCEAN Test: Attachment Style:

Primary love language:

Mother: Father:

Relationship with Mother: Relationship with Father:

Siblings (In age Order):

Significant Other:


The person/s s/he is closest to:

His/Her biggest enemy:

Other Important Relations (If relevant):


Where did s/he grow up:

Traumas (If any. Also note whether the traumas are concealed or public):

Biggest secret:


I hope this character chart helps you with your story. Happy writing!

With Love, Esmeray ♡

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