Love/hate Friendship - Tumblr Posts
Tell Me Again

Warnings: Mentions of sexual relationship and nudity
Pairing: FWB! Jungkook x (f)reader
Premise: You always knew what your relationship was. You always knew he was still in love with his ex. Now she's back, but you won't let him avoid his feelings.
Author’s notes: Hey Babes! I'm sorry I've been gone so long. After a death in the family I found out I was pregnant. So far this pregnancy has been really rough and all I'm really able to do is sleep. I'm hoping now that I'm in my second trimester I'll have more energy and the brain fog will clear. In the mean time here's a little drabble for you! 💜
Word count: 1.4K

“Tell me again why you’re here right now and not running to her hotel begging her to stay?” You chide him, watching his naked form climb out from under your covers. Gathering them around you, you keep yourself comfy in the after glow. But still manage to eye him curiously as he moves around your space collecting his clothes, searching his face for what should be an obvious answer.
“It’s not that easy y/n” He groans in annoyance, pulling his jeans over his perk butt. The sounds of the metal of his zipper echo his uneasiness. Even after so many conversations about this topic it never seemed to get easier for him.
“Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy our little one on ones.” You throw a pillow at him, shifting his focus back to you. Quick reflexes he catches it before it collides with his still naked back. “But this is the same woman you’ve told me about since we became friends. The one you’ve never been able to forget. Her having to leave the country was the only reason for you breaking up, blah blah blah.”
“Yes, that one. But…” His fists tighten on the white linen of the pillow. His demeanour morphing into something anxiety ridden. “What about …. This?”
“Jeon, we both agreed what this was, and still is. Nothing has changed on my end, we are still friends.” You smile affectionately at his concern. “Unless you’re inlove with me then i completely get it.”
“HA. HA.” You both burst into laughter. One of the bonus’ of having Jeon as your FWB was that you had agreed right at the beginning to keep an open line of communication. No lines would be crossed behind closed doors, no accidental feelings, no possiblility of heart break or a one-sided loss. And as much fun as you two had together, other than physically you weren’t eachothers type. You fit well in the bedroom, but you regularly annoyed one another. Your personalities were a bit much, so being casual friends that met up only because your friend groups crossed was the best decision to keep you from killing one another.
“Besides your friend Mingyu looks like he could be fun.”
The smuggness in your voice is not lost on him as you feel the cool thump of a pillow landing on your bare back. “Be nice.”
“Just saying.” You grumble at him, sitting up allowing the sheet to slide off your skin leaving you bare in the chilled air. Neither of you react to it as you gather your hair to put it in a butterfly clip.
“I’ll give him your number then?” His smirk is still there as he rolls his eyes at you.
“You better.” Climbing out of bed you throw on your bra and sweater, sweat pants then glasses. “Honestly though, if your source is as creditable as you say then not only does she have an 80% chance of staying, but she’s also single. And by what your friend has said, it sounds like she’s still in love with you too.”
He hesitates, “What if I ask her to stay… What if I tell her I still love her and she leaves again?”
“You would have done all you can, it’ll still hurt. But this time you’ll know there was no saving it.” You sigh, you don’t have all the answers he wants to hear. You can’t tell him she’ll stay and they’ll live happily ever after.
They were both pursuing their careers, and unfortunately that took them away from eachother. But if it has brought her back and she can still grow here, with him…it would be worth the risk, in your opinion.
You watch him pull his shirt over his head, covering his abs. Standing to the side as he grabs his shoes from where he discarded them on his hasty entrance, he sits on your bed to put them on.
He catches at you staring intently at him.
“What? You want another round?” His stupid smirk and bunny teeth on full display as he cocks his head towards you.
“Like you could manage.” You taunt.
“Maybe not after the last two, but I’m sure I could get you there atleast once more before I go.” His cockiness really knows no bounds sometimes. His face may scream innocence, but his sex drive and dirty mouth completely shatter that image. He saunters towards you in an overly sexualized way, making it more comical than if he was actually trying.
“Get out Jeon. We’ve spent too much time together this week, you’re starting to irk me.” You shove him towards your front door, genuine laugh coming from him as he lets you lead him out.
“Yea yea. Like anyone could stand being with you any longer.” Sarcasm rolling off his lewd tongue, as you reach the door.
“Hey! I am a ball of sunshine. I’ll have you know people love my company!” You play up the hurt in your tone. You both knew you preferred being by yourself then with most company. It was a personality flaw you came to appreciate about yourself.
“Who exactly?” He mocks openly. “Drama characters don’t count.”
“....…. Go!” You bark. No serious anger in your voice.
“Bye bye” he scoots out your door, closing it behind him. You lock it, mind already going 100 miles an hour. You’d help him not loose this chance. Not again.
Heels clacking against the cement slabs beneath you, the fragrant bouquet increasing your determination every step. Dressed presentably in a nice dress, long coat to give an air of ease, you didn’t want to over dress but then again you didn’t want to show up in sweats. Today would be an important day.
The light breeze feels like it’s pushing you forward. You know exactly where to go, you’ve done your sleuthing from his friends. If he thought you would let this go he was sorely mistaken. You’d never let him pass up this opportunity, after all this time. Never forgetting, never willing to let go.
Regardless, you weren't’ the type of person who sat by idly while your friend didn’t let himself an attempt at true happiness.
Marching into the hotel lobby, you don’t slow your pace. Heading straight to the elevator and pushing the button for floor 12. You smile to yourself in the reflection of the mirrored walls. You had a good feeling about this.
The chime brings you back and you step out onto the carpet, down the long hallway and stopping in front of room 1212.
Rolling your shoulders back you reach out and knock on the door.
“Delivery!” You call pleasantly.
You hear a sweet voice through the door answer back, “coming!”
Shuffling comes through the wood before the door opens, “Yes?”
“Special delivery from one Euphoria florists.” You hold out the bouquet of specially chosen flowers. You can see the look fash behind her eyes, the recognition of the name. A past she hadn’t forgotten, regret she still felt.
“There all-” Her voice trails off absently as she take them from you, examining each bulb and leaf.
“Your favourites Miss. This is a custom order for you, along with this card.” The astonishment in her eyes is not lost on you. Nonetheless you hold out the envelope patiently waiting for her to be ready to take it. When she comes back to herself she gently but hastily takes it from you.
“Oh, I’m sorry! Thank you Miss-?” An open ended question. One that you deemed unimportant for right now.
“Don’t worry about it.” You smile even brighter at her, taking a step back you take a step to leave, but you can’t help yourself.
“Yuri?” You say her first name, you can see the surprise ripple through her. “He named it after you, Euphoria.”
“Who are you?” Her gentle voice taken over by a slight tremor. Panic or excitement, you weren’t too sure.
“A friend.”
She takes a moment to stare at the bouquet in her hands, slowly a small careful smile appears. That’s the one you were hoping for.
“Thank you.” She offers you a hopeful smile, her eyes now looking watery from the pooling tears.
You wave to her as you retreat down the hallway back towards the elevators.
He was either going to grovel at your feet in thanks or you were going to get your ass kicked for the rest of eternity. Meh, you could take Jeon if necessary.
