Lttm Rain World - Tumblr Posts
1 year ago

suns is such a funny character, to me

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first saw this september 18 according to my camera roll and thought it was the funniest thing ever. subjected myself to suns
freaking it sensitive style as often as possible. deeply regretted not reblogging it (until now). their face??? like an exaggerated
:pensive:?????? dramatic woe???? the other iterators looking on so very blankly???? just not used to having people i know react with the
same delight as i when encountering something so very silly. it's wonderful
(and @op: standard statement of “i like your stuff + hopefully i'll get around to reblogging more of it soon” :])
srs rain world
fp rain world
lttm rain world
nsh rain world
enot rain world
iterator rain world
slugcat rain world
rain world
1 year ago

one year anniversary of downpour yay!!! thank you for further expanding the world of my favorite game ever
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lttm rain world
rivulet rain world
iterator rain world
slugcat rain world
rain world
in addition to being over a year since downpour today marks the one-year anniversary of the first time i played rw (if 12 hours late)!!
i finally got an incredibly old piece done just in time for the occasion (wonderfully!!) and then. didn't end up having the time to post it
considering there were still a bunch of notes i wanted to write for it. though if i can't post one piece of rw art now i think another will
certainly work :]
i can't word much about the piece itself at the moment (besides the palette and texture...the blues and oranges fit together so nicely)
buut i do think it's funny how this came onto my dash specifically considering it's another polish ultrakill-rainworld liker. and am still
very glad that prev's come to enjoy the game considering how much i myself enjoy both :]
11 months ago
aint no rain's gonna break my stride
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i have taken far too long to reblog this (six days) but it's so cute... she brings Serotonin :]
^ tag written a year ago (apr6). i missed it!!!!!!! i meant to reblog this on this post's anniversary (big fan of anniversaries personally)
since i didn't end up reblogging it soon after i saw it.....been thinking about it though + it was important to end up putting it on my
blog at Some point since well. the first time i saw this was while i was probably in the most pain i've experienced + was not doing so good
but this genuinely cheered me up!! moon's little walk! kicking her feet!! her sway! above it all her determination!!!
it is really cute + helped me through that at least only little bit and so i'm glad to have finally said that hehehe...probably in no less
of a ramble than i would've given last year too :]
lttm rain world
iterator rain world
rain world