Lucifer Is A Precious Duckling - Tumblr Posts
This... this was Lucifer? The real Lucifer? The actual--
Blitzo's jaw dropped. He had just raised a hand to interject something when the man turned into a horse (and what a beautiful horse; all horses were perfect in Blitzo's eye, but that one was Perfect) with a snap of his fingers, and now the imp's hand fell back to his side very, very slowly, stunned. Because that hadn't just been casual shapeshifting. There was power there, real power, power that sizzled and crackled and left a tang on the air, that left no doubt about who or what this stranger was.
Running was probably a very good idea.
Maybe the only idea.
Blitzo was extremely tempted to do so, and even tensed up as he came out of his shock, preparing to do just that--but he stopped himself. If he ran now, when was he going to get another chance like this? To actually hang out with Lucifer? Who, as it turned out, was charismatic, friendly, intimidating, and a whole entire dangerous package all rolled up into one delightful little man? A delightful little man who could become a horse?
It was too late. Blitzo was already charmed. Hooked. Maybe enamored. Definitely going to get himself into hot water.
But, of course, he tried to play it cool. "Yeah," he said, and scratched at one of his horns way too casually, "I mean, sure. If you're offering, I uh, wouldn't mind spending some quality time with the biggest Daaaa-aaa..." Nope. No. Do Not. Do Fucking Not Call Lucifer Daddy. "Damned good um, leader. Like yourself."
Fuck. This was a train wreck. Not wanting to lose the opportunity, Blitzo put on a big grin and offered his hand.
"Let's try this again. Hi. I'm Blitzo, the O is silent. And I'd love to spend some time together. Working on any new creations or torments you'd like to show a big fan?"
It took a moment for Lucifer to register what Blitzo had said, but all of the sudden he doubled over laughing. "I can assure you that i'm the real thing, if there were any imposters you'd bet your ass I would have killed them already!"
With a snap of his fingers the demon turned himself into a beautiful horse.. minus the top hat before returning to his normal form.
"Buut if you do need a place to crash for a bit i'm sure I could find extra room somewhere." Lucifer was actually just avoid any of his responsibilities at the moment so in his mind this might just give him more time to shirk his duties.
"I don't exactly explore hell as much as I used to."