Lucy Band Fanfic - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

You want soft thoughts? Here's one that's been driving me crazy for a few days lol. I watched a clip of Gwangil hugging his camera after a viewer asked for a hug and the way he went c'mere and hugged the camera absolutely melted me. Then started me down the spiraling path of, how would the members give a hug. I just know the Sangyeop would give the BEST hugs (I mean look at his arms?!?) and Wonsang would give the softest squishiest hugs. Yechan I feel would also give a very soft hug, he seems very touchy compared to the others vGwangil would maybe give a firm hug? I'm honestly not sure about him. (It is entirely possible that I just need a hug lol) I hope this also drives you crazy ahaha


genre. fluff. headcanons. established relationship. warnings. none. pairing. lucy x reader. wc. 611. a/n. KSJDKS OKAY THIS ABSOLUTELY DOES DRIVE ME CRAZY GOODBYE EVEN THINKING ABT THIS IS JUST SO SOFT IM MELTING INTO THE FLOOR RN STOP 😭😭😭 also like ty for sending smth in bcuz my inbox was like crickets 😔


You Want Soft Thoughts? Here's One That's Been Driving Me Crazy For A Few Days Lol. I Watched A Clip
You Want Soft Thoughts? Here's One That's Been Driving Me Crazy For A Few Days Lol. I Watched A Clip
You Want Soft Thoughts? Here's One That's Been Driving Me Crazy For A Few Days Lol. I Watched A Clip

okay definitely a soft hugger i feel like he's really into side hugs or back hugs

like he would just slip his arm around your waist and hug you gently like that

it's not very involved it's so tender but it makes it so that the hug can last for longer

yechan could just sit with you on the couch while doing something else and have his arm around your shoulder or waist and hug you like that for hours

i also feel like he's the type to grab your hands and wrap them around his shoulders if that makes sense

like he's always initiating things but almost 99% of the time it's so soft and gentle

he might squeeze your waist or hand but he's not gonna bear hug you (also cause his frame is so small he's not really built for it lol)


You Want Soft Thoughts? Here's One That's Been Driving Me Crazy For A Few Days Lol. I Watched A Clip
You Want Soft Thoughts? Here's One That's Been Driving Me Crazy For A Few Days Lol. I Watched A Clip
You Want Soft Thoughts? Here's One That's Been Driving Me Crazy For A Few Days Lol. I Watched A Clip

best bear hugs in the WORLD :(

he'll entirely wrap his arms around you from the front and give you the biggest squeeze

likes it when you lay your cheek against his cheek, he'd love to cuddle like that

and you can hear his heartbeat and the soft fabric of his shirt and it's so cozy (he's so husband material OH MY GOD)

sangyeop is definitely a cuddling while in bed enjoyer

all wrapped up under the covers with you, so close and comfortable with each other

he loves being the big spoon obviously i feel like he'd be offended if you wanted to be the big spoon lol

he's just so protector coded, he needs to have his arms around you so you can feel safe and loved!!! :(

also likes sneaking in cheek kisses hehe


You Want Soft Thoughts? Here's One That's Been Driving Me Crazy For A Few Days Lol. I Watched A Clip
You Want Soft Thoughts? Here's One That's Been Driving Me Crazy For A Few Days Lol. I Watched A Clip
You Want Soft Thoughts? Here's One That's Been Driving Me Crazy For A Few Days Lol. I Watched A Clip

wonsang spends so much time in the studio creating masterpieces so i feel like you would give him lots of back-hugs while he's in his chair

just with your arms hung over his shoulders maybe fiddling with the collar of his shirt or his necklace or his hair <3

or he'd pull you down onto his lap and hug you like that while he still works on songs :(

everything is very soft like yechan with wonsang

you'd rest your head on his shoulder and listen to him talk about his songs or his day :(

laughing together while you're snuggled close in his lap and you can feel his chest buzz

also i know that wonsang usually spends a lot of time in very soft hoodies as his casual clothes lol he's so cute

so like hugging him while he's wearing that almost every day is so cozy :(

if he was hugging you on the couch he would 100% intertwine your legs like THATS JUST SUCH A WONSANG CODED THING TO DO??


You Want Soft Thoughts? Here's One That's Been Driving Me Crazy For A Few Days Lol. I Watched A Clip
You Want Soft Thoughts? Here's One That's Been Driving Me Crazy For A Few Days Lol. I Watched A Clip
You Want Soft Thoughts? Here's One That's Been Driving Me Crazy For A Few Days Lol. I Watched A Clip

most comforting hugs ever in lucy HANDS DOWN

his voice is soft and his personality is soft and his hugs ARE SOFT

i feel like gwangil would just talk about his day with you while hugging you, face buried in the crook of your neck or resting on your shoulder

his hugs would make you feel better in an instant no matter how hard the day had been-- just being in his arms makes everything better

he also would rub your arm or back to make his hugs extra comforting TT

and he would sometimes pull back from the hug to give you a kiss too :( just a little peck on the forehead omg he's so KSJDKS

but i feel like in the morning before he leaves for work he's so casual with hugs

just a quick little pull into his chest before he leaves, but he makes sure to give you a good squeeze

↳ lucy taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @eternalgyu,, @evalevaeva,, @weird-bookworm,, @seunghancore,,


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1 year ago



GÊNERO: fluff, comĂ©dia.



‱ ele com certeza seria o melhor marido do mundo, muito atencioso e carinhoso, faria de tudo pra conseguir passar bastante tempo com vocĂȘ;

‱ muito engraçado, vocĂȘ iria dar gargalhadas o dia INTEIRO;

‱ te ensinaria (ou pelo menos tentaria) a tocar violino, seria um momento muito Ășnico pra vocĂȘs dois;

‱ yechan seria irritante tambĂ©m, entĂŁo vocĂȘ teria que se preparar para lidar com cĂłcegas, gritos, ele atrapalhando suas fotos... nĂŁo seria fĂĄcil, mas vocĂȘ nunca se arrependeria;

‱ sessĂ”es de beijos muitas vezes ao dia, em qualquer lugar.



‱ alĂ©m de marido seria seu professor de canto, ele te obrigaria a fazer aulas com ele sĂł pra ouvir vocĂȘ o elogiar nos intervalos;

‱ instinto paterno 100%, ele adoraria ser papai, sempre falando pra vocĂȘ "amor, nĂłs jĂĄ estamos casados a 4 anos, podemos ter um filho?";

‱ dono de casa, sangyeop faria questĂŁo de te ajudar a cuidar dos afazeres de casa, e tambĂ©m gostaria de cozinhar pra vocĂȘ;

‱ passeios seriam frequentes, principalmente para lugares mais calmos como parques e museus;

‱ sessĂ”es de beijos 2.0, mas em pĂșblico nĂŁo seria tĂŁo frequente, ele iria preferir a privacidade de vocĂȘs.



‱ marido otaku aqui, entĂŁo seria de lei vocĂȘ assistir anime com ele;

‱ instinto paterno 2.0, ele adora crianças e com certeza iria querer ter filhos com vocĂȘ;

‱ tocaria baixo pra vocĂȘ, e se vocĂȘ pedisse ele te daria algumas aulas (mesmo que ele ficasse irritado com vocĂȘ em quase todas);

‱ os beijos seriam mais rĂĄpidos, e geralmente seriam mais na bochecha ou na testa, mas ele amaria ter sessĂ”es de beijos mais longos tambĂ©m;

‱ a risada dele seria o seu porto seguro, vocĂȘ nĂŁo viveria um dia sem a risada dele e sabendo disso ele faria questĂŁo de rir em inĂșmeras situaçÔes.



‱ uma almofada humana, vocĂȘ ficaria agarrada nele a maior parte do tempo e ele amaria isso;

‱ gwangil nĂŁo seria muito de demonstrar afeto em pĂșblico, apenas coisas mais discretas como dar as mĂŁos ou abraçar a sua cintura;

‱ nĂŁo teria tempo ruim pra vocĂȘs, gwangil sempre faria questĂŁo de te mostrar vĂ­deos engraçados fazendo vocĂȘs dois terem grandes crises de riso;

‱ sessĂ”es de beijos rĂĄpidos tambĂ©m, ele com a mĂŁo no seu cabelo sempre, seja apertando os fios ou fazendo carinho;

‱ teriam noites de filmes com frequĂȘncia, tendo direito a muitas guloseimas que ele sabe que vocĂȘ tenta evitar (mas quem resiste nĂŁo Ă© mesmo).

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1 year ago



yechan × female header | sugestivo/smut (não explícito) & fluff

! mĂșsica de inspiração

VocĂȘ se sentia a mulher mais feliz do mundo ao lado de Yechan, mas tambĂ©m como que vocĂȘ nĂŁo iria se sentir assim? Tudo nele Ă© perfeito, desde a aparĂȘncia atĂ© a personalidade alegre e brincalhona.

A viagem de lua de mel de vocĂȘs estava sendo incrĂ­vel, vocĂȘs se hospedaram em um hotel de frente Ă  uma praia em Jeju, o lugar era lindo e de alguma forma passava uma sensação mĂĄgica, como se tudo oque vocĂȘs estavam vivendo fosse um conto de fadas.

No começo da manhĂŁ vocĂȘs tomavam cafĂ© juntos no restaurante do hotel, conversavam sobre muitas coisas e obviamente seu agora marido nĂŁo deixava de dizer o quanto ele te ama e o quanto ele quer que essa viagem te faça feliz.

Depois aproveitavam o sol mais leve da manhĂŁ pra irem curtir a piscina e depois a praia, vocĂȘ nĂŁo sabia nadar muito bem entĂŁo Yechan sempre dava um jeito de manter as mĂŁos perto de vocĂȘ, ou em vocĂȘ, seja te abraçando, segurando suas mĂŁos, segurando firmemente suas pernas ao redor da cintura dele, evitando que vocĂȘ corra o risco de se afogar.

Durante a tarde vocĂȘs deram um passeio pela cidade, conhecendo os postos turĂ­sticos e os restaurantes mais recomendados, tiraram muitas fotos juntos e dos lugares, Yechan faria vocĂȘ ter a melhor tarde da sua vida.

Quando chegasse Ă  noite vocĂȘs teriam optado por ir em uma das festas que o prĂłprio hotel fazia, era em um espaço aberto que dava acesso Ă  praia, vocĂȘs se divertiram muito juntos, dançado e bebendo tambĂ©m, e lĂĄ mesmo o clima entre vocĂȘs teria ficado um tanto... intenso.

Chegando no quarto de hotel em meio a um beijo apressado e intenso, Yechan fecharia a porta do quarto e te encostaria nela, se separando apenas pra começarem a se despir e Yechan te pegaria no colo, ele te colocaria com cuidado na cama e sem dizer nada iria beijar seu pescoço e deslizar as mĂŁos pelo seu corpo... Em meio a suspiros e gemidos os corpos de vocĂȘs se entrelaçariam intensamente, vocĂȘs dois declarando um ao outro o quanto se amam.

ApĂłs o ato, abraçados na cama entre os lençóis, fazendo carĂ­cias um no outro vocĂȘ diria pra ele "amor, vocĂȘ me faz sentir como se eu estivesse em um sonho adolescente", Yechan abriria um sorriso amoroso e acariciando seu rosto ele diria "e vocĂȘ Ă© o meu sonho adolescente princesa, eu te amo".

VocĂȘs demoraram pra dormir, as emoçÔes eram fortes e vocĂȘs queriam passar mais tempo olhando um pro outro, mas antes do amanhecer finalmente conseguiram se entregar ao sono, dormindo seguros e felizes nos braços um do outro.

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