Luke Skywalker X Din Djarin - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
wolf-pearl - Art, Tangents, and Tomfoolery
wolf-pearl - Art, Tangents, and Tomfoolery
wolf-pearl - Art, Tangents, and Tomfoolery
wolf-pearl - Art, Tangents, and Tomfoolery
wolf-pearl - Art, Tangents, and Tomfoolery
wolf-pearl - Art, Tangents, and Tomfoolery
wolf-pearl - Art, Tangents, and Tomfoolery

You fools. You do not yet know the pain I can inflict.

I guess a lot of people interpret this idea as Din dying at Ben's hands when he burned down the school. That's a wonderfully painful mental image. That's not what I had in mind.

Something that truley pissed me off about the last jedi is how Luke pulled his lightsaber in ANY capacity on his nephew. Like, you expect me to believe that Luke Skywalker, the kid who looked Darth "death Incarnate" Vader in the eye and showed unyielding love and kindness, would react to seeing darkness in his young nephew by instinctively going for his weapon? No. That doesn't make any sense.

Not unless Luke had already become jaded to the galaxy.

So lets say that Din dies before Ben becomes Kylo Ren. Maybe it was a bounty hunt gone wrong. Maybe someone came after Din because of his relationship to Luke and the jedi school. Maybe it was some mandalorian who wanted the throne and the dark saber. Maybe it was a sith looking for to get revenge on Luke over Palpatine. No matter how it happens, Luke is left devastated. He has already lost so many people he loved - his aunt and uncle, Obi wan, Yoda, his father, every squad mate who died in the war - losing his husband is just too much.

Griped in the agony of loss, Luke finds himself thinking that maybe the old jedi order had a point with their rules forbidding jedi from having attachments. If he was more like the jedi order - if he didn't have attachments, he wouldn't be in so much despair. If he followed the teachings of the old order closer, he wouldn't currently feel like he was being torn apart again and again.

And so, that's what he does.

Luke withdrawals from all of his relationships, Including his beloved nephew. Ben had always loved both of his uncles, enthralled by Din's tales of mandalorian lore and Luke's teachings of the force. Now, still reeling from his first encounter with loss of a loved one, Ben feels like he's loosing both of his uncles.

(Maybe that's how the darkness starts to grow in Ben's heart. He's grieving, confused by his uncle's changes, and so very afraid of losing another person he cares about. And now that Luke has retreated into himself, Ben doesn't have anyone to teach him how handle these emotions to keep them from becoming entangled in the dark side of the force.)

It all comes to a head one night when Luke comes to check in on Ben and senses that growing darkness in his heart. Luke reacts - not how he would have before Din's death, not like how he faced down his father. He responds how a jedi of the order would have responded.

When Ben wakes up to see Luke draw his lightsaber, Ben doesn't recognize the man before him. For Ben, this is his fear come true; he really did loose both of his uncles the day Din died.

Ben burns the school and all the broken memories of family it represents to the ground, and flees.

And Luke is left in the ashes, realizing that he too can't recognize the man in his own reflection. And he has no one to blame but himself.

Bonus pain: imagine what all of this going down is like from Grogu's perspective, and how this would affect him. I'm so so so sorry-

Me: *sobbing over the mandolorian season 2 finale*

Tumblr: here's some Luke/Din shipping to make you feel better

Me: ( ; _ ; ) ( ; ‿ ; )

My angsty ass brain: maybe that's why Luke was so jaded during the new movies. Something horrible happened and he lost his husband-


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