Lullabyquirk - Tumblr Posts
Okay this kinda ended up hella long and I didn’t want you to feel like you had to answer it publically if you don’t want to!
But thank you for all of your input 😊😊
*They way I see it- it doesn’t effect the deaf and only effects the hard of hearing to a certain limit, like becoming heavily drowsy depending on the ability to hear. It doesn’t really matter if they hear what her words are as much as the tone/melody to them. But correct if they have electrical aides her song is “cleansed”, and wouldn’t have an effect.
(Making it work through aides but not speaker systems seems a little odd to me considering we can’t expect her quirk to reach everyone all the time)
*If an area is loud the people who would be closer to her and hear her, for the most part, clearly would still be effected.
The way I see that is like- if she stands in the middle of a gathering, the immediate like 6 people who are going to hear her the clearest are going to become heavily drowsy/subdued, but the next rings are going to feel less and less.
*As I see it yes- the volume that she produces her song at will determine the strength in which is hits someone.
Could vary from being a nice and light floating type feeling to head spinning and feeling like you’re being pulled under wave.
*Physical ways of blocking your ears aren’t realiable against her quirk because I do see her being able to increase the effect with volume.
Like covering your ears when you don’t want to listen to what someone has to say doesn’t work if they keep getting louder, that’s how I see her quirk used. It would depend on how much of her song she gets through. It’s wouldn’t be something long and in most cases would be able to be done fairly quickly. If she isn’t able to finish it but got maybe 85/90% through it I would think of them as asleep. 85% being roussble with effort but they’d be fairly useless for a bit. But any less than that and they would be on the a scale of no effect to sleepy/task incompetent.
*When I say that she isn’t a combat oc I was mistaken- in the way that she is able to protect herself when her quirk fails, but that she’s not someone that’s centered on it. That she’s more suited for small group fights if she has to.
I think more like Aizawa in the USJ arc.
I have wanted to give her a capture/stun item- but haven’t decided which yet. But I agree that she needs a way to support herself in different combat styles 😊😊 I like to think along the lines of a bo staff or something similar to keep enemies from grabbing her