;lysanderwinterdream - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
"darling..." "yes, Dearest?""I Keep Having These Dreams-""dreams?""of Home. What Would You Think About
"darling..." "yes, Dearest?""I Keep Having These Dreams-""dreams?""of Home. What Would You Think About
"darling..." "yes, Dearest?""I Keep Having These Dreams-""dreams?""of Home. What Would You Think About
"darling..." "yes, Dearest?""I Keep Having These Dreams-""dreams?""of Home. What Would You Think About
"darling..." "yes, Dearest?""I Keep Having These Dreams-""dreams?""of Home. What Would You Think About
"darling..." "yes, Dearest?""I Keep Having These Dreams-""dreams?""of Home. What Would You Think About
"darling..." "yes, Dearest?""I Keep Having These Dreams-""dreams?""of Home. What Would You Think About
"darling..." "yes, Dearest?""I Keep Having These Dreams-""dreams?""of Home. What Would You Think About

"darling..." "yes, dearest?" "I keep having these dreams-" "dreams?" "of home. what would you think about returning to the old family place?" "why, we haven't lived there in three lifetimes. I imagine it is in quite a state of disrepair. how did the old place look in your dreams?" "familiar...but forgotten and anyway, it will mend." "so you say, and so I listen. might this have anything to do with that wedding invitation from titania?" "no. well... perhaps, but only liminally. that simply opened a gate to view all the potential that is still there. I can see visions of the twins thriving, passionate, and powerful. " "then, again, I defer to your intuition. the winterdreams will return to veronaville."

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9 months ago
A Closer Look At Lysander Winterdream.
A Closer Look At Lysander Winterdream.

a closer look at lysander winterdream.


big happy family


romantic art lover cunning & living instrument

magical focus:

not yet determined

notable connections:

mab winterdream, mother jupiter winterdream, father helena winterdream, twin sister jester, feline friend

cc credits:

@o0corruptedghoul0o @my-historical-sims @xiuminuwu @glimersims @oydis @miikocc @pyxiidis @vibrantpixels @obscurus-sims @northernsiberiawinds @rona-sims @jius-sims @okruee @pralinesims @golyhawhaw @crypticsim @goppolsme @bradfordsims @cheng-chih @arethabee @darte77 @nell-le @llumisims @gorillax3-cc @sforzcc @christopher067 @ts4eve @nucrests

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9 months ago
"I Thought We've Lived In Moonlight Falls Our Entire Life."

"I thought we've lived in moonlight falls our entire life."

"your entire life, little one, not ours. a fae life is a long time, and when particularly nosy people notice that fact, it is safest to remove yourself from suspicion. not everyone can be trusted."

"what do you mean by that?"

mab did not answer that question. "we own a few houses to travel between in such cases, but the one to which we are return in veronaville was the first your father and I shared together."

the mother and daughter sat on a finely crafted, but well worn, black, antique piano bench. mab, a fairy woman with a regal air of eternal night, played a haunting minuet underneath their conversation. helena, a cunning little thing that just breached the cusp of adolescence, stared her mother down in that way which teenagers have of suddenly seeing through any adult bullshit.

"so who did you not trust there?"

"helena-" there was a curt and stern warning in mab's tone.

"fine. what's the house in veronaville like then?"

a certain tension released from the shoulders at this sudden pivot. helena was a talented hunter, much like her father. she knew how to redirect a target for a better opportunity and wait.

"oh, beautiful old stonework, dark wood floors, and a regency facade. there are workers refitting the kitchen and plumbing to more modern appliances now."

lysander, a boy of the same age and a similar disposition to helena came up the stairwell. beyond the curve of their smile and the cold clarity in their eyes, it would be difficult to tell the two were twins.

"when are we moving?" he had obviously been listening to the entire conversation from just below. mab pulled her hands away from the keys and the swell of music fell silent.


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9 months ago
A Few Car Doors Closed In Rapid Succession, Some With A Bit More Force Than Others. The Ambient Noise

a few car doors closed in rapid succession, some with a bit more force than others. the ambient noise of the engine faded in favor of chirruping crickets and singing cicadas hidden somewhere amongst the tall, vibrant grass. helena turned back to look down the drive they'd just come up in the family's rarely used car.

"it's hot."

"well, it's summer." lysander chuckled. his chin turned upward to take in the manor. vines had overtaken much of the stonework, but the detailed accents were exactly his mother's taste. "you can't blame a house for naturally occurring climate patterns."

helena scoffed. "why are you suddenly so shiny and optimistic about this?"

"it's not sudden. I've always possessed a natural glow." lysander grinned. he glanced back over his shoulder at his sister. she had never been great with change, or rather, change outside of her control. her lack of amusement seemed to imply that she was completely ignoring him while her eyes were set in the brush just down the hill, at least that was the reality in which he'd decided to live for the sake of his ego.

"I just have a feeling..." helena paused. when she didn't continue after a beat, lysander fully turned around to address his sister.

"look, I know it may be new to you, but most of us have had those for years."

both sharp violet eyes pulled their stare from a spot in the vegetation to stare into her brother with a look that any sibling would recognize instantaneously as mildly threatening with a hint towards promise of bodily harm. it screamed 'take me seriously', but at least he had her full attention.

"alright, alright. unclench your fist. I'm shutting up. what kind of feeling are you having?"

a muscle in the corner of helena's jaw tensed as her teeth ground together. she crossed both arms in front of her chest. the noise from the bugs fell away from focus or altogether went silent in the yard.

"it just feels like we should be prepared for something."

that was about an ominous statement as anyone could expect while still not actually answering a single question that had been previously posed.

"like wha-"

suddenly, a twig snapped down the driveway. it loud enough to make both twins turn toward the noise. something was in the yard. a small scuffle was quickly punctuated by a hiss and a single, sharp bark. without another word, they took off towards the sound.

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9 months ago
Jupiter, Having Just Finished Updating Some Of The Ownership Documentation In Town, Breezed Through The
Jupiter, Having Just Finished Updating Some Of The Ownership Documentation In Town, Breezed Through The
Jupiter, Having Just Finished Updating Some Of The Ownership Documentation In Town, Breezed Through The

jupiter, having just finished updating some of the ownership documentation in town, breezed through the threshold of the old place. he stepped over a kitten and noticed a pup staring longingly at the fireplace which was somewhat abnormal considering when he'd left the house, there had been no pets.


"yes darling?"

the sound of water tinged with metallic reverberation as it hit the drain. mab was standing in the kitchen methodically rinsing all the lost glasses and plates that she found hidden away in a corner cabinet after the renovation. jupiter entered the room and crossed to the sink. he rested his hands on the curve of her shoulders and pressed a chaste kiss to her cheek before preparing his question.

"why are there animals in the house?"

mab smiled and merely picked up a sponge to continue her task without falter.

"those are our children."

a booming bolt of laughter bounced off every bare wall in the eerily vacant kitchen. the amount of noise was unnerving, really. the new countertops were sleek and the tiles nice, but hopefully the room would feel more alive when it was no longer a husk.

"yes. shockingly enough, I was already aware of those, but I am, in fact, referring to the much smaller, much newer ones."

mab nodded knowingly.

"oh yes. well, those animals found our children today."

"they found the children?"

the diction of that sentence stood out as strikingly specific. words were the magic by which mab winterdream weaved precisely no more or less than what she wanted. there was decided purpose in such particular phrasing.

"lysander said those two little things were fighting off a fox right near the front gate. they've taken a quick liking to the twins so I've told them they can keep them. we'll be going into town in the morning for groceries anyway. we can pick up some food and toys then."

if not by the clearly defined circumstances, then certainly by the tone of voice his wife used, jupiter could tell that this matter remained settled.

"a fox, huh?"

"a hungry fox."

the faucet cut as the last plate was set on the countertop to dry. jupiter's brow furrowed in consideration. when was the last time they'd had a pet?

"hm. well, have they been given names yet? who has taken to whom?"

the couple walked out of the kitchen, turning the lights off as they stepped through the adjoining room on the way to the staircase.

"lysander is calling that little kitten by jester, and helena... helena hasn't decided yet."

that was cause for pause. jupiter hesitated with a hand on the banister. helena had always been direct and piercing as an arrow, not unlike her mother, so it was highly unlike his daughter. he rubbed his jaw.

"is that right? go on up. I'll follow suit."

mab climbed the stairs to their bedroom. thankfully, the new mattresses had already been delivered. everyone needed a good night's sleep before such a big day upcoming. jupiter remained with his hand on the base of the banister while lysander was in a vicious cycle of snatching his hand away from the kitten just long enough to entice her to bat at him more, and helena studied an ancient fae tome.

they could change their nature no more than a scorpion and a frog.

"lysander, don't stay up all night playing. get enough rest to help unload the moving truck tomorrow." there was a stern foot down in the way he spoke to his son that softened for his daughter. "helena, give that pup a proper name before bed, understood?"

both teenagers gave some combination of eye rolling and vacant nodding, with a mutual grumbled agreement. that was the best he was going to get. satisfied, jupiter started to ascend the stairs.


lysander hopped over the back of the couch, landed haphazardly next to his sister, and tried to catch a glimpse of whatever was on the page she was reading. it looked like one of those old fairytales their mother used to read them before bed. he yawned.

"so what's his name?"

the next page in the book turned without being touched.


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8 months ago
Various Stars & Moon Details From My Gouache Paintings
Various Stars & Moon Details From My Gouache Paintings
Various Stars & Moon Details From My Gouache Paintings
Various Stars & Moon Details From My Gouache Paintings
Various Stars & Moon Details From My Gouache Paintings
Various Stars & Moon Details From My Gouache Paintings
Various Stars & Moon Details From My Gouache Paintings
Various Stars & Moon Details From My Gouache Paintings
Various Stars & Moon Details From My Gouache Paintings

Various stars & moon details from my gouache paintings 🌙✨

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