Magical Whale - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
Results For The Poll I Made The Other Week Came In- The Whale And Octopus X Squirrel Tied, So I Started

Results for the poll I made the other week came in- the whale and octopus x squirrel tied, so I started with this.

I'm going with the whale being a queen-of-all-cetaceans kinda local deity. You think blue whales are large? She's the Viola (the cow not the instrument) of whales.

The largest blue whale ever recorded way 33.58m (~110' 7") long. Off that record, I'm going with this lovely lady being around 100m (328') long at least.

She guides regular whale migrations and has minor healing abilities. Mostly just a whale protector, but massive and magical. Hence the cool colours.

There is 100% an Atlantis preserve, hidden underwater for oceanic creatures and you cannot convince me otherwise. This whale lives there, under their care. She'll leave every couple months to check up on her whales and dolphins, but comes back for the free food and head scratches.

I'd like to say that most animal families (cervidae, canidae, felidae, columbidae, ursidae, etc) have their own magical minor deity. They're all massive, have minor magical properties and abilities and often have cool colouration. She is one of them.

This could also be taken a step further- with Milch creatures like Viola or The Walrus being their deity's offspring or the deities themselves. (Demigod Viola is going to take over my mind from here on out, thank you.)

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