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3 years ago

I wish I could just be as excited about Good Omens series 2 as everyone else seems to be, but I just can't stop feeling apprehensive about it because I am aroace and I fucking remember how uncomfortable it was to be aspec and in this fandom when series 1 came out.

Like, I can tell you right now, when that series comes out one of two (2) things is going to happen.

Possibly Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship will be explicitly clarified as romantic and/or sexual. Don't get me wrong, if this happens I will be very happy for mlm (and gay and mspec people in general) for getting representation that they are so often denied, but it will also mean losing what has been a very important source of queerplatonic representation for me personally, so I will likely have mixed feelings about it.

Alternatively, they may choose to keep it ambiguous (or even make them explicitly aroace)— in which case all the aphobic Good Omens fans who had only just quietened down will come squirming back out of the woodwork and start making things uncomfortable for aspec fans again.

I've already seen other aspec fans worrying about Option 2— and considering that the new series was only formally announced today, and I have already seen my first aphobic post that referenced it specifically just while I was scrolling through a related tag— it's not a stupid thing to worry about.

Get ready to be supportive of aspec fans in the run-up to this new series and after it comes out, because there's every chance that we're in for a pretty rough time.

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