Male! Yuu - Tumblr Posts
A Quiet Moment
Twisted Wonderland
Summary: Yuu is worried about Malleus’s recent behavior and decides to have a talk with him about it during Malleus’s next visit.
Word Count: 675 ✯ AO3 Version ✯ Fan Art
Characters: Malleus Draconia x Male! Yuu/Player
Tags: Light Angst, Minor spoilers for Twst Chapter 6, takes place after chapter 6 epilogue but before chapter 7 starts, He/Him pronouns for Yuu, can be taken as either platonic or romantic

Ever since Yuu had returned from his adventure on the Isle of Woe, Malleus had been seeking his out for his company more than all of the midnight meetings the two had shared since they first met months ago. Not that Yuu was complaining about it! His time spent with Malleus was some of his most treasured here in Twisted Wonderland, it was just…Malleus was always distracted when they spent time together now, full of anxious attachment when he sought Yuu out. And Yuu…he could see the signs. The signs of an overblot waiting to happen. And he wasn’t having any of it, if he could help it. Malleus was one of his first friends in his new home and he wasn’t going to let his friend self-destruct.
The opportunity to talk to Malleus soon presented itself when, like clockwork, Malleus appeared in the Ramshackle garden in a sparkle of green light, brows pinched as he looked about for Yuu.
The pinch of his brows smoothed at the sound of Yuu’s cheerful greeting, walking over to find him sitting at their usual spot under the giant tree in the dorm’s yard.
“Child of man.”
Yuu smiled at his greeting, motioning for Malleus to sit beside him. The tension in Malleus’s shoulders was visible now as he took his seat beside Yuu, their pinkies overlapping as their hands remained just shy of touching.
“What brings you by today, Mal?”
A petulant frown was what he got in response. “Can I not wish to simply see you?”
Yuu shook his head, slotting their fingers together, stroking the back of Malleus’s hand with his thumb. “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just worried about you, that’s all. I’ve been wanting to talk to you about it. Ever since I came back from the Isle of Woe, you’ve come by to see me every day. Sometimes up to three times a day. I know you’re too busy to be checking on me that often.”
“I am not…’checking’ on you,” Malleus scoffed, looking from the corner of his eye as if he could pretend that he hadn’t scoffed. “I am…simply more aware of the little time we have left together before the…end of the school year.”
Oh. Yuu took in the sight of Malleus refusing to meet his gaze, the hunched shoulders…and exhaled soft and slow, tugging Malleus to lay in the grass beside him. Malleus went willingly, shooting Yuu a brief look of confusion as they faced each other.
“That’s a heavy burden to be thinking of all the time, Malleus,” Yuu murmured, squeezing Malleus’s hand. “You’ll miss out on all our time together by worrying about the future all the time. Nothing is permanent, you know?”
Malleus looked away, brows pinching again, before looking back, tremulous as he met Yuu’s eyes.
“I know. And yet, I…I,” he voice turned hoarse, unable to meet Yuu’s eyes anymore, “I’ve…begun to become afraid…of losing you.”
The confession sat quiet and heavy between, poignant and earnest, and Yuu could only stare.
Stare and stare as he thought, There’s not really anything I can do about that, is there? I can’t make any promises. I don’t even know if I’ll be able to stay in the future.
Swallowing, Yuu reached up, sliding his hand up the back of Malleus’s neck and carded it into his hair, running it through his strands. Malleus’s eyes closed, leaning into the touch.
“I’ve…become afraid of losing you, too,” Yuu whispered, voice equally as wrecked, as he pressed his lips to Malleus’s forehead, closing his own eyes.
Neither knew how long they lay there, or when they had fallen asleep, entangled in each other. The only fact they knew was that time was untouchable to them, in the space of the confessions they had shared, the future a vague horror too hazy to imagine. A horror neither wanted to consider right now. In this moment, it was just them, and they were loath to be parted.

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Your Speckled Face
Summary: Just two bros, two home slices, two peas in a pod I swear....
Notes: Reader will be referred to as Yuu and uses he/him in this!

Ace was pretty.
Pretty stupid, pretty irritating, pretty in the sense that his skin was smooth and rough and told everything and nothing about him. How, when the pads of his fingers pressed down upon Ace's skin the boy would rear back on his heels, scoff, and shove him.
Ace was pretty.
Pretty warm and pretty lively, like the nightlight Yuu had treasured as a child—to chase away the shadows of his room and the monsters that curled under his bed and awaited the moment his feet would kick out the covers and finally drag him under.
Pretty. Pretty in the way Yuu wished boys couldn't—shouldn't be. Fingers clenching when his friends would tease and prick at him— made him feel awkward in the skin his skin, made the tightness in his chest so unbearable he'd found himself balled up in the corner of the shower an overwhelming sense of something akin to dread—the fear your life was slipping from your fingers, that you were slowly losing pieces of you to an unknown force.
That the world felt like it was ending and beginning and you'd be the only one there to witness such a beautiful and horrific thing.
Ace was pretty in a way that jerked tears, that made Yuu want to weep—keel over and cry because this overwhelming feeling had reached a fever pitch, and that the butterflies in his chest had been flies slowly eating at him.
Ace was pretty because all these bitter and sweet emotions. The taste of passion strong enough that it coated Yuu's mouth and dashed all the things he'd wanted to say. An ache so great it sent him into frenzy trying to placate that burning under his heart—so close to being painful, so close to feeling good.
Finger pads drag against skin, Ace snickers—and its nothing short of irritating how easy it is for the cherry eyed boy to send his heart into a frenzy.
"I should get a marker and connect all those dots in your face."
"Go to hell,"
"'S not my fault you have connect the dots for skin." Ace huffs, pulling away taking a piece of Yuu with him. Red eyes search the coffee table, a dusty old thing that is surprisingly still holding its weight and then some with all these books spread across it—some they'd struggled to carry.
"Oh no—" Yuu leans away when he realizes that Ace had found what he was looking for—a marker, red like the color of Ace's eyes. "You are not marking my face."
"C'monn." The boy uncaps the marker, a smirk playing on his lips. "I won't do anything weird."
"I've seen what you wrote on Jack's face when he fell asleep first, fuck no."
"Okay—" Ace attempts to inch closer, assuming Yuu's eyes are on the tip of the marker rather than him. "And he got me back."
"He gave you a week long black eye..."
Cherry eyes roll. "Exactly, he got me back."
"You're not putting weird messages on my face, Ace."
"Who said I was gonna do that?" The floorboards creak at the sound of Ace rocking on his knees. "What if I just wanted to connect the dots on your face?"
"Im gonna connect my fist with your face if I look in the mirror—" Yuu nearly chokes on his spit—and words—when Ace nearly crawls onto him. Body slotting into his in a way that made Yuu want to shove him away and call this study session off.
He doesn't think his heart can take anymore.
Jolting at the cold nib of the marker, brown eyes flit to the side in an effort to ignore just how close Ace is or the warmth of his hand heating the skin of his face and chin as he tilts Yuu's head in a way to get a better look.
Yuu feels as though he's ready to burst at the seems and leave nothing behind. The sheer intensity of his gaze has teeth gritting and nails digging crescents into palms.
He can't do it.
He can't look at Ace, it's too much.
The drag of marker, the light puffs of breath being pushed through gritted teeth, the warmth of Ace that heats his chest and the pressure of his arm as his wrist commands each movement.
It's too much.
Yuu wants to burst into tears. Wants this mounting passion and gnawing ache to go away that it feels near desperate how his eyes flit to every bit of the living room and focuses on each minute detail.
"Ace..." He calls, though it feels more strained than anything. Yuu doesn't know what he's even asking for but it settles on his tongue all the same and that's enough for him
"You..." The boy rasps out. "You're... heavy."
The huff of breath that Ace takes dances against prickling skin and Yuu thanks every higher being that he isn't standing, for his knees would buckle under the absolute weight of the situation.
"I'm almost done." A swipe of wetness, near sticky, drags against Yuu's bottom lip and it takes a moment for him to realize it wasn't a dream.
Ace had dragged the marker nib against his lips.
And like that, the boy pulls away allowing the warmth and closeness that caused his body to tense up to dissipate into the cool air of Ramshackle.
Ears pick up on the sound of the marker cap settling and slowly but surely, Yuu lifts up to peer at Ace in near awe.
"What? Stop being dramatic we have to study for this test or Crewel is gonna kill us."
"I..." Yuu clears his throat. Willing the giddiness of knowing his feelings might be reciprocated down into the deepest parts of him. "Yeah..."

Taglist: @noir-drabbles @edgymoonstone @twst-drabbles
Guardian Wolf
Summary: Jack is bedridden so Grim and Yuu visit him with a present.
Notes: Reader reffered to as Yuu and Yuu uses they/them pronouns in this.
Happy Belated Birthday Jack!!

Jack, Yuu thinks, is an awkward kid. Like a baby bull trying to walk on hooves meant for the great pastures and hills beyond but finding itself in a China shop, where every mistaken move could end with porcelain scattering across the floor and an uproar that leads to more shards scattering.
Gentle like an elephant yet still fearsome in his own right. He walks with an assuredness that strikes envy into Yuu's heart, the type of envy born out of wanting to improve themselves, wanting to be better than the mopey mess they've been reduced to.
And yet, when Yuu squints all the more closer, they see someone who is awkward. Not in the sense that he fumbles over his words or his stride suddenly breaks in the face of those he deems better than him but rather... in the sense that Jack guards himself more than Yuu ever realized.
That Jack, despite being one of the tallest teenagers they've seen, at the end of the day he's still a teenager—susceptible to the highs and lows of a transitional period that feels like a nightmare to some and a paradise to others. Where people flourish or remain stunted.
Yuu guessed it was no wonder why Jack liked raising cacti so much—for they weathered and conquered in one the toughest biomes, for they remained steadfast even when the sweltering heat seemed nigh impossible to survive through.
For they displayed tenacity that Savanaclaw valued as a trait amongst all members.
But, you can't be tenacious all the time.
"It's just the common cold," Jack grumbles from under the covers as Yuu steps into his Dorm room, noting the various get well cards and flowers and presents. A smile curls onto Yuu's lips as they ease over, Grim prancing towards a particularly nice bouquet.
"See, Henchman, worried for nothing!" The cat monster then procures a can of tuna, making room on the already overcrowded desk that makes Yuu cringe and reach over. Fortunately for the two of them, the tuna fits snug against the gifts.
Though Yuu still waits at attention. They squint at Grim, unamused. "Weren't you the one begging for me to hurry up?"
"Of course, I don't want anyone showing me up."
"You... two were worried about me?" It's quiet, a question meant only for Jack's ears and Jack's ears alone but Yuu picks up on the contemplative look on his face, the frown of confusion and furrowed brow.
"Duh," Yuu settles at the foot of Jack's bed, fiddling with the handmade gift. It was a simple—doubly so compared to all the gifts that lined the side of his room— it'd been a wolf teddy, small and beady eyed, clearly handmade judging by the unsteady patterns of different fabrics being Frankensteined together and stuffing procured from old pillows.
It was rushed. Embarrassing in the grand scheme of things and Yuu wondered if they could sneak away before Grim said a word about it.
"All these gifts and well wishes are because everyone's worried about you." Then comes the lump in Yuu's throat. They'd never considered that if they fell sick who would care and who wouldn't, hadn't thought about how much they'd yearn for their family in the delirium of a fever.
They wondered, in that moment, they wondered if... Anyone would ever care if they got sick—for all they do for others, in a school like this where only extraordinary thrive would they slip through the cracks?
"Yuu," Jack leans up. "Are... Thank you."
Yuu smiles despite themself, despite the mounting fears that seem to tip the scales of rational and irrational. They know that it's probably not as serious as they're making it out to be but... Yuu can't help but wonder.
"You're welcome."
"Funaa!" Grim hops onto the bed, batting at Jack. "What about me! I came here to!"
Jack tenses before chuckling. "Thank you, Grim."
"Yeah, yeah." The cat monster moves on to his lap. "Yuu made you a gift and I helped, so be grateful!"
"You did?" Something akin to fear, ice cold and electrifying, spears through Yuu's heart as nervous hands fiddle with the gift. They hadn't expected Grim to mention it so soon, but knowing him and his tendency for praise—especially if he contributed the bare minimum—they shouldn't have been so surprised.
"I... um—yeah." It's an awkward bend, clammy—near shaky hands removing the gift from their lap and offering it to Jack who is practically glowing, the tell tale thump of his tail a dead give away.
They just hope he likes it.
The wrapping crinkled under the weight of Jack's hands, claws already bursting through. He peels it slowly and Yuu looks away. Near ashamed at the idea of a present.
They'd wanted to recreate the feeling of home. How, whenever they were sick their mother would slip through with soup and their favorite wolf teddy before ushering off to bed with a kiss on the forehead and a promise that they'd get better soon.
They wanted to recreate all the things they knew they wouldn't have now that they were stuck in Twisted Wonderland with effectively no way to return home.
Yuu wanted to give the same comfort they ached for on cold nights, where their bones felt hollow but their chest was full of something that felt so close watching their memories die.
"I love it."
"Huh?" Yuu perks, widened eyes flitting to Jack's mesmerized face—as if they'd dropped a star into his hands.
"Of course you do, we made it!" Grim exclaims, though one look at his wagging tail tells them all they need to know. Eager for praise even at the smallest expense.
"Thank you."
"I..." Yuu struggles to make sense of it, how Jack could find such a juvenile teddy nice enough that his whole face is glowing. "No problem."
Settling the teddy near his pillow, Jack falls back under the covers. And they take it as a sign to leave, Grim hopping from the bed and Yuu peeling themselves from their spot on the bed.
"Yuu," Jack calls from.the bed just as they flick off the lights. The undertone of pleading not lost on them, they peer back into the darkness of the room, the light of Savanaclaws hallway pouring in.
"C...could you stay with me?"
"Really?" Grim cheers, hopping from his perch on their shoulder. "It'll be like a sleep over we have! Yuu come 'ere!"
"Yea—yeah, of course. Yuu snickers as they settle on Jack's right. They'd remembered doing the same, calling out for their mother to watch them while they slept, remembered getting forehead kisses and an extra tucking into the bed.
"...You can lay down."
Jolting at the invitation, they squint into the dark before a smile curls onto their face. Because for all the times Jack is designated the role of protector, he's just as awkward as the rest of them.
Bending down, Yuu presses a kiss to Jack's forehead—hot from the fever. They can feel the boy tense under them before relaxing, the furrow of his brow melting away.
The kiss lingers on their lips as Yuu curls into Jack's side, a strange wash of contentment settling under their skin as the watch him settle into bed.
Because, for all Jack's bluster, Yuu's sure he misses home just as they do, even under the pile of gifts.
"Goodnight, Yuu."
"Goodnight, Jack."

Taglist: @noir-drabbles @edgymoonstone @hiraya-manwari @twst-drabbles
♡ How badly would your character get mischaracterized? ♡ What's a trait that would be completely overlooked? ♡ Which trope of mischaracterization would they get? (Example: A really sweet girl getting turned into a mean and horrible person for no reason. Or like the "yandere" mischaracterization)
♡ What's their sexuality/pronouns?
♡ CUTE LITTLE HEADCANONS PLEASE!!!! ♡ Who would the fandom ship them with the most?
♡ Who are they ACTUALLY shipped with? (If they have a romantic interest that is!!)
♡ And finally, who are they inspired by?