Malleus Draconia X You - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

🐉Fears of a Prince🐉

Why hello there! My lazy being has decided that after all this time, after receiving a couple of very encouraging comments by a lovely person, I should probably upload one of the things I have had in mind for quite some time...

If ur interested, go ahead! Here's the prescription love, please take your reverse comfort pills with care. Now on your merry way you go. If you have any questions or concerns please request an alteration or a prompt. Thank you very much for choosing the Lively pharmacy. Hopefully I'll see you soon ♡

Pairing: Malleus x Yuu

Genre: Reverse comfort / Angst

Tw: PTSD, description of gore, blood and war, sad boi malleus

Summary: it's the middle of the night. Your having a peaceful slumber, until a panicked night creature comes knocking at your front door...

Story under the cut

It's a normal night at Night Raven College. The lights are out in every Dorm. The only thing reflecting off of the beautiful ornaments of the Ramshackle Dorm is the full moon shining in the black night sky. Yuu was sleeping soundly in their bed. Tucked in nicely and dreaming of their boyfriend: Crown prince Malleus Draconia, of the Valley of Thorns. To them he was perfect. Always so calm and collected around others but letting loose with them. Laughing, giggling and pranking was always apartof the couples scedule when they were alone. As few of a time as that may happen, with Malleus almost always being followed by at least one of his friends/watch dogs. Not to mention how handsome the fae prince was, his strong body, the sharp jawline, his hair falling into place perfectly everytime, his green eyes glowing brighter everytime he lays them upon your smaller frame. Perfect. That was all your sleeping mind was able to produce in your dreams. I mean, how could you not dream of someone as perfect as him? He is flawless!! Or so you thought...

Time: 2:37 am

A knock. Wait, a knock? Who would be knocking at your Dorm at such an ungodly hour? Hmmm. Mabye it was just your imagination. Its probably best if you just fall asleep again...

Another, much louder series of knocks. Ok, mabye it wasn't your imagination last time. This time, it definitely isn't. Getting out of bed you quickly put on your robe and head over to the stairs. As you decent from the stairs you hear another series of knocks, this time you can hear the desperation, even panic in the knocks. What was going on. Was somebody hurt? What could put a NRC student into such a state of pure desperation as to knock on your front door as rapidly as they do? As you arrive at the door you swing it open quickly, only to reveal a scared and (as usual) sleepdeprived Silver. "What happened? Is everything alright? Silver?" You asked with a worried expression as you eyed the breathless boy infront of you up and down, looking for injuries. "Yuu" Silver takes a deep breath "it-its Malleus... h-he-he's having a panic attack. Its horrible! The entire Dorm is shaking and a thunderstorm is raging outside. The wind is so strong, It's almost a tornado!" Upon hearing this you fell into a state of shock. Malleus? Panic attack? Snapping out of your trance you looked Silver dead in the eye and decided that you would have him find Lilia, who you assumed was not present seeing as he had come to you for help, whilst you would try to calm your beloved down. With this plan in mind you grabbed Silvers wrist and dragged him towards the Daisomnia Dorm, telling him what you had in mind on the way. Once you arrived at the Dorm you said you goodbyes and goodlucks to one another. And with that the human boy had left you in front of the shaking Dorm, surrounded by storm clouds, looking as if it was a scene right out of a horror movie. And you were the idiot main character, now making your way into the haunted house...

Once you made it inside, you went straight for Malleus's room, ignoring the screams of fear making their ways out of the other Dorm members throats. Ignoring Sebeks pleads to let him come with you, that he had sworn to protect the prince, even if that meant he had to protect Malleus from himself. Yet you left sebek standing outside of your boyfriends bedchamber. Once you had entered the room you immediately layed eyes on the weeping creature in the far left corner of the room, rocking itself back and forth, grabbing at its hair and horns, pulling at the body parts. Secretly hoping that nobody would see it in this state...

Yet here you were, standing right in front of the door, looking down at the broken man that you once knew as your perfect boyfriend with the most pityfull expression your face ever held. Slowly you made your way towards the 'young' prince as to not scare him. Once you stood before him you kneeled down, putting your hand atop his, entangled in his hair. The sudden skinship startled him, forcing him to look up at you. But the person looking up at you wasn't Malleus Draconia, it was someone else. Sure he still looked the same, except the tears rolling down his pale cheeks and his reddened, puffy eyes along with his stuffed nose, yet the look in his eyes told you that his mind wasn't at NRC right now, nor was it in the Valley of Thorns. It was far, far away from the peace and quiet that you had here, even with all of the overblots happening at the moment, the place that this man's mind was in, was far worse, far more dangerous and was flooded with the blood of innocent men, far more blood than the grounds Night Raven College will ever see...

Terrified was probably the most accurate word you could find for the look in you lovers eyes. Terrified of the things he had seen, Terrified of the things he might see in the future, Terrified of anything and everything. At this very moment, Malleus Draconia was in his weakest, most vulnerable state. Some would have taken advantage of this situation, the Crown Prince, on the floor, defenseless because of his emotional state, right at their mercy. But not you. You could never do something as cruesome as that to him, never. You heart wouldn't allow it. So, instead of gaining blackmail material, robbing him or assassinating the fae prince you hugged him. As simple as that. You didn't ask questions you didn't tell him to stop crying. You just assured him that it would be ok, that HE would be ok. So you just held him in the safe space that were your arms. As close to your chest as you could, hoping that hearing your slow heartbeat would help him calm down, at least a little bit. And it did. After another 10 minutes of him clutching your robe and crying into your shirt he had calmed down enough to form correct sentences again. But when you asked what happened you heard an answer that made your heart drop all the way to the very core of the world. "I had a nightmare" Malleus stated with a shakey, quiet and raspy voice " I was back. Back on the battle field. Back with all of these dead bodies loosing their lifes to save the life of my younger sister. All of those innocent men, lying on enemy territory, gutted, bloody, completely messed up. All of these men, who will never be able to see their wife and children again. All of those men that never had a proper burial because of those Bastards from Arendelle (pls dont hate me for this, I didn't know what else to pick). Only because their stupid king believed that he is the only one which is deserving of Mallania's hand in Marriage! (psst! Mallania is Malleus's younger sister) Abducting her like that! The things I had to see because of that son of a bitch! The things my poor innocent sister had to see..." and with that he broke down again. Hot tears streaming down his fair skin dropping on his lap once they reached his jaw. You were shocked. Not because you couldn't handle the situation, but because you would have never guessed that Malleus had gone through so much already, having to save his little sister from a Narcissistic King, watching innocent men and friends die... not only was that a lot to take in, but also a lot for one person to handle! How was he able to bottle that memory up for so long? All of that didn't matter when Lilia barged into the room. "Yuu? What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here. It's dangerous to be around him when he is like this. His emotions have taken over, he's not controlling his magic right now, his emotions are. You should leave, NOW!" Lilia demanded of you, but you couldn't. You couldn't leave Malleus, not like this. Not only because you didn't dare leave him alone like this, but also because the fae prince had a firm grasp at your wrist, not willing to let you go, not now, not yet. He needed you and you knew that. Seeing the way you two looked at each other Lilia knew instantly what was going on. So he agreed to let you stay. "What you are about to witness isn't for the light hearted" the Vampire stated "I will now lock away Malleus's memory's of the war again, leaving them to only faintly stay in his mind. For that I have to replay them in the open, which means you will see all of these horrid pictures Malleus has been tortured with for thousands of years now. Do you understand? You can still Back out if you want to..." But you shook your head. "I can handle it" you replied, confident that you could, infact, handle Malleus's past. Let me cut this short. You couldn't. You started weeping 2 minutes into the first memory. The things this man had seen were unbelievable.

Men and women, gutted like fish (Oclavinelle Members looking real scared rn). Their insides all over the battlefield. A liver there, a loung hanging out of the body of a woman. Blood as far as one could see. And Malleus, your Malleus in the midst of it. Covered in blood, mostly that of others. Gashes, scars already forming, blood running down his usually oh so gentle features, now putting up a face of rage, disgust, bloodlust. His eyes showed that he would make his enemy pay, that he would spill three times as much of enemy blood as they had spilled of his kind.

Snapping out of your trance your eyes fell upon a very concerned Malleus. "My darling, are you alright? You looked as if you would cry..." The fae prince proclaimed with a worried expression on his handsome face. "Oh, don't worry. I'm ok. How are you? Is everything alright?" Malleus looked at the floor. Shame rose in the usually so calm and collected prince.He had let his lover see him in his most vulnerable state, they had seen him cry and worst of all they had seen the things he was capable of. The thunderstorm, created by his negative emotion, the war. Oh god, the war... His innocent Rose had seen him kill, torture, frolocking in the sight of his enemies fall and their blood tickling down his body. What do they think of him now. Can an Angel like Yuu even love a Monster like him...

....aaaand this is where I'm gonna end it! Let me know if you want a part two! I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading it just as much. Alright loves. This is where your prescription ends. Mabye you can get a new one? Who knows... but this is all the Angst pills you'll get for now.

Love, Lively♡

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