Mami Tomoe - Tumblr Posts
Day 5 <3
πβ¨Day 5: I saw a cat thing, but my cats were in another room. Maybe this is a familiar? I see sparkles everywhere now. I think I am close to becoming a magical girl! β±π£My skin has cleared up just like I manifested. I think I must be good at manifesting. I am manifesting that I will become a magical girl. πβ Making a scarf is easier than I thought. It's so easy that I forget to do anything else. Today, I remembered to work on something else for once. I drew a little bit. Maybe I will show everyone the scarf when it is done. I have completed 5/46 rows. π§πI have to go the the doctor twice this week. I don't trust doctors, but I will have to use my magical girl training to be brave! ππΏMy memory has gotten worse, so I apologize for almost forgetting to update. I will make sure to never miss a day.

Day 6 <3
πβ¨Day 6: I don't know if anything magical happened today.
β±π£I put together my own magical girl subliminal playlist, so now it is customized! πβI am rewatching Glitter Force. It is a cute anime π§πI will drink lots of water today! I heard that helps with subliminals. ππΏIf I get a transformation device, I wonder if it will be jewelry. If so, I hope I don't lose it!

Day 7 <3
πβ¨Day 7: I got back into wind magic. I don't think it's really helpful in battle though. I heard that you can do any kind of magic, but some types are really hard for some people. I think wind magic is a little hard for me, so I will try out other types of magic, but for now wind is the only one I can do.
β±π£I am going to train with a sword so I will be able to defeat evil creatures when I become a magical girl! πβI am on row 11/46 on the scarf I'm making! I am almost a fourth of the way there!
π§πI might put pictures of stuff on here someday, even if it breaks the format I've created for my posts. I want to take pictures of my cats, my scarf (when it's finished), my cosplays (with a censored face obviously. I won't reveal my identity since I am a magical girl), and videos of sword fighting. I don't know if I'm allowed to put videos of magic since it sounds like it would break the magical girl code though.. ππΏI've been very into the magical girl mindset today. I wonder if a familiar will come soon and turn me into a magical girl. I cannot wait!

Day 8 <3
πβ¨Day 8: My hearing is much better now! I have always had good hearing, but now it is extra amazing! It must be because the subliminals are working and helping me be fit to be a magical girl!
β±π£ I put my subs on double speed because I never have enough time to listen to the whole thing. I hope they still work even when sped up. πβ I am on 17/46 rows on my scarf! I love working on it, and I have gotten so fast with it! I must have the same attitude with magic!
π§πA fellow magic user helped me train with a sword. I don't have a real sword, so I use a music stand without the music holder as a sword. The weight is similar, so I think it will be useful to train with anyway! ππΏI have started practicing magic whenever I get the chance. I think it will be easier to practice magic once I become a magical girl because it will be more natural then!

Day 9 <3
πβ¨Day 9: A magical girl I met taught me how to find Kyubey. Maybe I will make a contract with him, but I will be very careful and ask every question first. They all said it was safe, so I hope they're right.
β±π£I want to be just like Homura Akemi, but I don't think I am like her yet.. Out of the Holy Quintet, which one do you think I am like? πβ I am on row 22\46 on my scarf! Almost halfway there! I love crocheting! π§πThe magical girls in a discord server I'm in taught me how to astral project. I will try it. It sounds similar to reality shifting, so maybe it will be easy. ππΏI finished an art commission, so now I have time to practice art again. I don't really like my current art style, so I will work on drawing how I like to draw! Maybe I will post art here if it is related to magical girl stuff, but it won't interrupt my daily blogs!

Day 10 <3
πβ¨Day 10: Since I'm going to become a magical girl soon, I think it's best that I start planning things out!
β±π£This is more of a note to self, but here are the questions I am going to ask Kyubey when I meet him: "Is it dangerous to become a magical girl?", "What is my potential?", "What color is my soul gem? What shape is it?", "what would happen if I wished for [X]? What wish-specific power would it cause?", "What will my magical girl form look like? What will be the theme?", "What weapon will I have?", and "Can I communicate with you in the physical realm?" I have heard that your outfit and powers are ones that you like and are connected to, but I am unsure of what I am connected to. πβ There are many types of magical girls. I wonder which kind I want to be. I have thought of being doll themed, ghost themed, Alice in wonderland themed, space themed, moth themed, and even just being a Homura replica. None of these feel completely correct. Maybe I will change as I learn more about myself and about being a magical girl. π§πMagical girl weapons can be very creative! It makes me question if I will truly be able to use mine.. I am practicing sword fighting, but if I have a bow and arrow, the training will not help with that. When I ask Kyubey what my weapon will be, as long as he doesn't say "It depends," I will practice using that weapon. If it is something uncommon, like a giant pair of scissors like Calibrus from Puppeter, I will find a way to practice that. I could try putting two swords together! ππΏI am unsure whether magical girl magic is different from regular magic.. I think it must come more naturally. I should probably ask Kyubey and the other magical girls for help once I make my contract.

Day 11 <3
πβ¨Day 11: I fell asleep before I could astral project whoops.. I will try harder to remember to astral project before I fall asleep this time!
β±π£Even though I didn't astral project, I had some strange dreams.. Although I can't remember exactly what they were about, I think I was a magical girl in them. It felt weird to wake up and not be a magical girl anymore.. I guess that feeling will pass soon anyway because I am planning on making my contract soon! πβI am so close to finishing my scarf! I am on row 32/46! It should only take me two more days to finish! π§πI feel like there are a lot of memories I have, but it's like they're incomplete. Maybe it is of a past life? I have a lot of memories that don't make sense in this reality.. ππΏI am going to try to ask Kyubey instead of the Universe to answer my questions using tarot cards. Here are the results, keep in mind that it is a cat themed deck, so the descriptions will reflect that: Q - "What is my potential?" A - Four of wands, upright. Wands represent spirituality. Description: "What's not to love? A wide lawn to sprawl on, bountiful sprays of catnip. Everything is calm and stable. A veritable wealth of joy and celebration has sprung up around you, so make time to enjoy the rewards together with your loved ones." Interpretation: I think it means either my potential level is calm, or I will be able to be calm when fighting witches. I like it either way. Being calm is nice.

Day 12 <3
πβ¨Day 12: Wow! We're at the end of season one!/j I tried using a pendulum to talk to Kyubey, and he was very confusing. I think I did it wrong because I used a ball and string instead of a crystal.
β±π£I have decided that I will draw many magical girls to improve my art, so expect to start seeing drawings occasionally! πβMe and someone else are going to cosplay as Madoka and Homura together! The cosplays will take a long time to get here, but it will be worth it! I think I will become a magical girl before then, but that will be a way to make people think I am pretending to be a magical girl, so I won't reveal my identity! π§πI wonder if there are any other magical girls near where I live.. Obviously I shouldn't tell people my location, and I can't go around asking people if they are magical girls. Maybe I'll bump into one while I'm fighting a witch. The ones I know online told me that you go in the astral realm to fight witches. I have heard of people meeting in the astral realm and then becoming friends. That sounds so cool! ππΏI am on row 39/46, just as planned! I will finish the scarf tomorrow.

Day 13 <3
πβ¨Day 13: I keep falling asleep before I can astral project...
β±π£I haven't been feeling well lately. I think I am getting sick. I have had trouble focusing all day. πβThe scarf has 46/46 rows now! Unfortunately, I messed up on the sides, so I am working on fixing that. It shouldn't take too long. π§πI'm not really sure what to put here... My mind is very foggy today... You can ask for tarot card readings in the ask box maybe. That's something to do. ππΏI am a little scared of astral projection if it is like lucid dreaming... I have heard of evil entities there... When I astral project, I will not go very far. I'll just ask Kyubey to come to where I'm at.

Day 14 <3
πβ¨Day 14: Today is August 8th, the day the Lions Gate opens! That means that all spiritual stuff is much easier to do. Maybe I will become a magical girl today!
β±π£I don't think I am sick anymore! I drank lots of water, and I got a lot of rest! πβI listened to a lot more subliminals today because I heard they are much more effective now! π§πI drew something for once, and I am very proud of it! Unfortunately, it is very edgy. Not very fitting for a magical girl blog... not to mention it being unfinished. ππΏI have fixed one side of the scarf, so I am almost done!

Day 15 <3
πβ¨Day 15: I am going to shift to other realities for a while. I will tell stories about my DRs when I am successful.
β±π£I finished the scarf! I forgot to tell you, it's a blanket scarf! Suprise!

πβMy memory has been terrible lately.. It's hard to remember I am becoming a magical girl sometimes. π§πThe PMMM movie will come out soon. I can't wait to see it! ππΏNow that I am done with my scarf, I have lots of time to draw!

Day 16 <3
πβ¨Day 16: I read a cute magical girl manga. It made me remember I want to become a magical girl. β±π£I have been collecting pose references to draw magical girls as. πβA magical girl I know was able to talk to Kyubey today. π§πI haven't been able to talk to Kyubey directly yet, but I think I know what I want to wish for. I want to wish to be able to shift realities every time I try. Even if being a magical girl was dangerous, I could shift to a reality where it wasn't. It's a mundane wish that feels OP. ππΏI used to draw cute things on my arms and hands. Maybe I will do that again. Being cute is an important part of being a magical girl (sometimes).

Day 17 <3
πβ¨Day 17: Whoops. I think I missed a day... β±π£I have a surprise for you all tomorrow! πβI have been starting to understand some things recently, but it will take a few more days to fully understand if I am lucky. π§πI will try to shift tonight. I think it is easier than astral projection since I've been doing it for so long, but I keep forgetting to do it. ππΏRoller skating is so fun! I will roller skate.

Day 18 <3
πβ¨Day 18: This next week has a bit of stuff that is going to be stressful, so I will not pursue any magical girl stuff until Monday, 8/21. I will talk about things that happened, or things I thought of, but it will be more random. β±π£The surprise I promised would happen today has been delayed for the reasons I am taking a break, but I will show you at some point. I will not forget. πβI have been figuring out the things I was talking about figuring out, but it will still take a long time to fully understand it all. It is very complicated and hard to explain, so I will wait until I understand it to explain it to all of you. π§πI saw an anime with characters that formed a band. Playing in a band sounds cool. I play the violin, and a bit of cello and piano, so I think I should practice more. Maybe someday I will play my favorite piece for you. ππΏI feel like I have made a lot of friends since I started this blog, so thank you to everyone who was friendly to me! :D

Day 19 <3
πβ¨Day 19: I'm back! I will focus on shifting for now because I am still a little scared of astral projection. β±π£I babysat my younger brother today, but I got no sleep the night before, so I was hearing a lot of voices, and that distracted me. πβI've been watching more Glitter Force, or maybe it was called Smile Precure? I like the yellow one and the blue one. π§πI realized I haven't been keeping up on my sword training. I will try to remember to do that. ππΏHere is the surprise! Warning: Implied Puella Magi Madoka Magica spoilers
Ta da!

Day 20 <3
πβ¨Day 20: I am finally getting my motivation to become a magical girl back! β±π£I haven't been listening to any subliminals recently, so I will start listening to them every day again! πβI will practice my favorite piece on the violin, cello, and maybe piano too, so I can combine them to make the full song! π§πI really want to write a story or make a comic book, but I usually lose interest every time I make a story, so I will just draw what happens whether I'm interested or not so I can at least have some experience. ππΏI might do art commissions, but I've never done one for real money before. If I did, what price seems appropriate? I think I'd say 15$ for something like the Sayaka drawing I did earlier, and then maybe 10$ for a simpler one? If anyone wants to do a commission, let me know, and I will set up everything (What I will and won't draw, prices, the time each type would take, and a queue). I like making art for other people because they think of things I would never have thought of before!

Day 21 <3
πβ¨Day 21: I am very sorry, but I am not Homulily. I will try to act like them while they are away. β±π£I don't know much about magical girl stuff, but I like horror media. I hope I won't corrupt this blog with the wrong ideas. πβI guess it's been a while since someone has used this. I haven't been keeping track, but I don't think anyone has touched it in a while. I am updating it so you all will at least know what is going on, even if it can't tell you. π§πI feel that my words are much more.. empty compared to Homus... It's hard to copy their style when I have nothing to say. ππΏThat's it. I have no updates on anything.

Day 22 <3
πβ¨Day 22: I have been practicing magical girl stuff again. I have also decided that my two sides are too closely intertwined, so I will stop trying to hard to separate them. β±π£I have tried to astral project around three times. One of those times was extremely close to success, but I gave up early. I am glad astral projection is easier to learn than reality shifting. πβThe others told me about something called a mindscape(?) that can be achieved through meditation. I tried to do that and go to a place in my mind that was already vivid. It was like daydreaming, but you don't control it as much. I think I was wearing a magical girl outfit in it, so I will draw it sometime. π§πI have been practicing with a sword again. I want to fight using any blade. ππΏI also think I saw my soul gem in the mindscape. It was indigo (when I talked to Kyubey using a pendulum, he did say it would be a shade close to blue), and it had a moon shape. It was in the egg-shape form though, so I don't know where it goes on my outfit yet. I will also draw this.

Day 23 <3
πβ¨Day 23: Someone tried to help pull me into the astral realm, and I got closer than ever! That means that I can become a magical girl super soon! β±π£They didn't refill my pills for a few days, so my body and mind have become messed up. Sorry for the previous post, that might have been caused by the altered mental state. The wires are misfiring and causing information to get mixed with each other. πβThe other magis said that your soul gem can appear in the physical realm in the form of certain objects. Even though I don't have a soul gem yet, I think I knows what object it will take the form of. It's something that kind of looks like the soul gem. π§πMeditation is really helpful! Even though my mind was messed up and sad, I was able to figure things out just by meditating! It was a good replacement while I couldn't have the pills. ππΏThere was a story I read that was one of those where you think it is fine the whole time, but when you reach the end, you are terribly sad, and you don't know why. I will not tell anyone the story because of the reason it made me sad, but it was similar to the story "Never Let Me Go" in the way it makes you feel. There was a certain character that was just like me when I thought I could never relate to anyone. I might have accidentally taken parts of their personality because of that.

24 <3
πβ¨Day 24: I am sorry for being confusing on the past few posts. I will try to be less cryptic and use I/me/myself like a normal person. I am one person, Homulily, and I have a very bad memory, so I sometimes forget important information. β±π£I am determined to become a magical girl. Today is the day. I will make my contract. πβI am a bit worried that once I go into astral, I won't come back, or I will come back different. How do souls, or whatever they are called work? Can something else take the body if I leave it unoccupied, or is the possibility no more than usual? π§πIf someone else does come here that is not me, do not yell at them or anything. And also, know that if I am gone, there's no need to wait for me to come back. I'm sure it'll be fine, though. ππΏI know exactly how I will phrase my wish, now, all that is left is to make a contract. I have been getting so close to astral projecting when I was hardly trying, so if I try, it will work.