...Many People Have Given Me Happiness Through This Story. - Tumblr Posts

 Invitation From Nowhereland 15/15
 Invitation From Nowhereland 15/15
 Invitation From Nowhereland 15/15
 Invitation From Nowhereland 15/15
 Invitation From Nowhereland 15/15
 Invitation From Nowhereland 15/15
 Invitation From Nowhereland 15/15

🦒 Invitation from Nowhereland 🐳 15/15

We were hoping you and we wouldn't have to say goodbye. You will go on your story. You will always be our friends. And you will sometimes want to laugh with us...? so..., we don't have to say goodbye. Just as there is an end if there is a beginning, there will be a beginning if there is an end, It resonate with each other, and It may be told in another story, another time...

🍁 Beginning / Previous / Next? 🌟 

Special Thanks: Kristina Baker by @honeyteasims​ (I'm full of gratitude for you that affirming me in all of this story and supporting me and them with big friendship!🥰) / And, YOU!! / Pose by @atashi77 @posesbysloane (Leaf @ddaengsims) / Thank you so much to all the amazing creators! 

🌠It all began, when @honeyteasims​​ follows the light of a second star to visit me. At first, "Invitation from Nowhereland" was my timidness dream plan, but I'm really happy that many people, including her, were read it and enjoyed this adventure with Kristina! Thank you so much for all your comments and support!!

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