Marc Spector One Shot - Tumblr Posts
Two sides of the same coin [M.S & S.G]
Pairings: Marc Spector (with a hint of Steven) x gn!reader
Words: 1.8k
Summary: What was supposed to be a quiet evening in bed turns tense when Marc pushes you to open up about your thoughts
Warnings: Slightly insecure reader, crying, soft Marc, fluff. As always lmk if I missed anything
![Two Sides Of The Same Coin [M.S & S.G]](
![Two Sides Of The Same Coin [M.S & S.G]](
![Two Sides Of The Same Coin [M.S & S.G]](
Late evenings were your favourite; it was wonderful to be able to find comfort no matter the season. In the winter you could look out at the cold snowy roads in the comfort of your bed, wrapped up in a big blanket; and now - in the early stages of summer - you could watch the sun set slowly behind the buildings, still somehow wrapped up in your blanket - or actually Steven and Marc’s blanket. Late evenings were also the time you could lay in each other’s company in complete silence - alone together. You had told Steven early on in your relationship that being able to be with a person and do your own thing was something you strived for and of course he couldn’t have agreed more.
Luckily for you, it seemed as if Marc was very on board for that particular agreement, which is how you ended up in bed glancing from your book to his face every few seconds - even at times just abandoning the words on the page as they blended together in favour of looking at the beauty that was Marc Spector in his most relaxed of states.
Just as you thought the evening couldn’t be anything but peaceful a small annoying voice in the back of your mind crawled through your head only to get louder by the second. It was the same voice that seemed to manifest its way into your brain whenever you spent time with Marc; it wasn’t as if you didn’t enjoy his company - you most certainly did - it was the thought that he didn’t enjoy yours that filled and overtook the entirety of your thoughts.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Marc chuckled lightly, snapping you out of your thoughts as he moved closer to you on the bed.
Quickly diverting your eyes your focus fell back on your book as your shoulders drew up in a dismissive shrug.
“No reason… just thinking,” you murmured with a smile, hoping he would let it go and not question you further.
Your wish however wasn’t a success. The book in your hand was slowly removed and placed on the other side of Marc and his body was now completely against yours. With a gentle grip, he diverted your eyes to his, giving you a soft smile. Marc’s gaze was gentle - never as gentle as Steven’s - but gentle in his own way.
“Tell me what you’re thinking about,” he pressed lightly, his thumb smoothing over your jaw as he kept you in place.
You nibbled lightly on your bottom lip - a stupid habit you had picked up from living with Steven for too long - your fingers fiddled in your lap as you thought of what to say. You were sure Marc could see the thoughts scramble around behind your eyes, but he sat patiently and waited for whatever you had to say.
“It’s nothing really… silly stuff,” you smiled, laying a hand on top of his on your face.
Marc hummed thoughtfully, “I would’ve believed that if it hadn’t taken you almost a whole minute to think of an answer.”
“Well it is silly,” you argued, voice drawing on a whine.
“If it’s so silly, why won’t you tell me?” Marc chuckled, grasping your hands and holding them in your lap, starting to grow a little concerned when you kept redirecting the question. He threw a small glance towards the mirror where an equally concerned Steven stared back.
You noticed the glance, even though you pretended that you didn’t. Now Steven would be concerned as well… great.
“I don’t know if it’s really haha silly… more like I’m being really stupid silly,” you murmured, your palms feeling sweaty in Marc’s grasp.
“Okay, baby, you’re scaring me now. Please, just tell me… I promise it’s not stupid,” Marc tried, brows furrowing and creating a crease between them - one you so desperately wanted to smooth over with your thumb.
You swallowed down the huge lump that had suddenly caught in your throat, feeling the heat rise on your body. It was stupid - you knew that - just a stupid insecure thought that you had let fill your head. And even though you had tried to bury those feelings you couldn’t help the way they always seemed to show up whenever Marc was out.
“I- I… you know… well, I’ve just been thinking,” you stuttered out with a nervous laugh.
“Hey hey, baby, breathe,” Marc cooed gently, squeezing your hands in his larger ones.
A deep gulp of air filled your lungs, doing little to calm the anxiety that had settled in your stomach.
“You don’t have to say anything if you don’t mean it… but you know I love you, right… I would always pick you and Steven?”
Marc nodded slowly, bringing your knuckle up to his lips quickly to place a kiss on the soft skin before letting you continue.
“I just can’t help but- but sometimes think that if Steven hadn’t chosen me that y-you wouldn’t have. I just hate to think that you’re stuck with me if you… you don’t want to be,” you mumbled out in a rush, feeling the quickly building sting of tears in your eyes. Prying one hand out of his grasp you fist at your eyes, “sorry, I told you it was silly.”
Marc looks completely stunned, a flash of hurt passing over his features, but he was quick to hide it when he zeroed in on the tear that slid down the apple of your cheek. He felt guilty in a sense - guilty that he in any way made you feel like he didn’t want you as much as Steven or that he was just stuck with you - because that was furthest from the truth.
If he was being honest, then yes he was confused and a little weirded out the first time he took over the body only to find out Steven - somehow - had managed to get a partner; not only get a partner but successfully keep a partner as wonderful, caring and understanding as you. Yes, you were awkward and a little weird at times, but Marc found it quite endearing… you were just so unapologetically you.
And most important of all you loved him - you loved him even though you didn’t have to; you stayed with them both even though Steven was the one you had originally met. So, to hear you air out the same insecurities that lay within Marc was a complete shock.
“You really think that?” Marc softly spoke - voice so low it was dawning on a whisper.
Your shoulders lifted into a shrug as you sniffled, “I wouldn’t blame you if you felt that way… I mean, you just woke up one day and suddenly had a partner that you had absolutely no say in choosing,” you tried to cover the pain in your voice with a shaky laugh, “you and Steven are so different in so many ways.”
Marc’s hands were gentle - tentative- as he pulled you in between his legs and hugged you tightly to his chest, “hey you listen to me; yeah, I won’t lie to you, it was surprising waking up to find a sweet little thing such as yourself prancing around in our kitchen in only my shirt…”
Your face heated, warmth spreading throughout your body at the memory of the day you met Marc.
“… but even though I was surprised and confused I couldn’t be more grateful that Steven somehow managed to convince you to date him. And I’m even more grateful that somehow I convinced you to date me too.”
You lifted your hand to his cheek, feeling the stubble under your fingers, “you didn’t have to convince me of anything and neither did Steven,” you whispered.
“No matter the reason, you still chose to stay, my precious understanding baby, and I thank my lucky stars for that,” Marc chuckled, pressing his forehead against yours.
A soft smile lit up your face, your eyes falling closed at the gentle touch of his hands along your back, his fingers scratching and caressing your hip. You loved Marc like this - so gentle and careful with you - letting himself be vulnerable; you’re sure you have Steven to thank for that with the way he always pesters Marc to be more open with you.
“I’m sorry for overthinking… I just get in my own head,” you whispered, leaning your head on his shoulder to snuggle into the crook of his neck breathing in the familiar comforting scent of the men you love.
“Don’t apologize, I mean it. I’m sorry for not making it clear enough that…,” Marc began his voice lowering to a whisper, “- I’m head over heels in love with you.”
Heat spread across your face and neck as the sweet words flowed down to warm your heart, making the organ thump more vigorously. Marc’s breath was warm on your face, his lips lingering on your cheek, brushing softly against the skin.
“I love you too,” you sighed contently, letting your eyes drift shut, soaking up the affectionate pecks that Marc left for you.
Only a minute of peace passed between you before Marc’s chest shook with a chuckle and a scoff.
“Steven’s jealous,” he whispered to you as if Steven couldn’t still hear him. You giggled at that reaching up to stroke his cheek gently.
“I can take care of that.”
Marc hummed, leaving one last peck on your cheek before his eye twitched and a different kind of softness spread through them - undoubtedly Steven. No matter how long you had known them it never failed to surprise you just how obvious the change was; even the smallest things were clear giveaways to who was fronting - just in how they carried themselves and most obvious of all the accents, of course.
“Hi, Stevie,” you whispered with a grin, keeping your head on his shoulder as you had with Marc, blinking up at him with a lovesick look in your eyes.
“Hiya, darling,” Steven matched your tone with a shy smile, “just wanted a cuddle as well.”
Wiggling impossibly closer to him, you basked in the warmth he produced and exhaled contently, “I think I can manage that.”
Steven tightened his hold on you, his fingers gliding up and down your arm holding you with such care you couldn’t help but feel like the most important person in the world. The steady hum of his voice was enough to put your mind and body at ease, letting his warmth engulf you and lull you to a state of pure bliss - teetering on the edge of sleep.
“I’m glad you and Marc got everything sorted,” Steven spoke softly in between his humming.
A tired hum of acknowledgement and a low ‘me too’ was quite frankly all you could manage in your dreamlike state, but Steven didn’t seem to mind; a small gentle smile spread on his face as he looked upon your shut eyes and your peaceful face.
“I love you, darling,” was the last thing you heard before sleep finally dragged you under.
A/n: to be notified of future writing follow @saintlike78slibrary and turn on notifications ✨
Ghost Of You (Marc Spector x GN!Avenger!Reader)

summary: y/n dies at Vormir instead of Nat
wc: ~1k
content: poor attempt at angst, mentions of y/n’s death, mentions of the blip, steven and jake are not part of the fic, marc is not the moon knight when y/n dies
Pov: second person
After the split of the Avengers, everyone that was on Steve’s team, you being one of them, was either in prison or on the run from S.H.I.E.L.D and the United States government. You were on the run. Those stupid accords had caused you to flee the country, and move to London. Granted, a more secluded country would’ve been more safe, however, moving to London had always been a dream of yours. While in London, you met Marc Spector, the most handsome man you had ever seen in your life. You were wearing your Led Zepplin shirt when you met. The same one you wore when you fled the United States. You and Marc eventually fell in love with each other and got married. A small courthouse wedding that was just the two of you. No guests. It was all you could’ve asked for.
One night while you were laying in bed with Marc, you got a call from an unknown number. You looked at each other with confusion before you answered and put it on speaker phone. You and Marc looked at each other before you finally spoke up, “Hello?” You asked with slight fear in your phone. You jumped a little when the voice responded. It was your best friend, Nat.
“Y/N, I need you to come to Wakanda. It’s an emergency,” She said before hanging up.
“Who was that?” Marc asked.
“An old friend, and I guess she needs my help.”
“Do you know when you’ll be back?”
“No,” you sighed, “but until then, you’ll be just fine.”
The surviving Avengers in Wakanda took you back home in the Quinjet. You just sat there in silence, thinking about Marc. Wondering if he was one of the unlucky people to turn into dust. When you walked up to your front door, it was locked. You ran the doorbell hoping that Marc was there to open it, and he was. You lunged into his arms, crying as you told him everything.
Five years later Nat decided to visit you. Her hair had grown longer and her natural red was conquering the dyed blonde. As the two of you were eating lunch at a small café, she brought up that the Avengers might have a way to bring everyone back and that they wanted you to help. You agreed and immediately headed home to tell Marc. Just like last time, Marc asked, “Do you know when you’ll be back?”
“No,” you sighed, “but until then, you’ll be just fine.”
Little did Marc know, that would be the last time he would see you in person. Steve had delivered the news about your death to him. Everyone wanted Nat to, but she felt like it was her fault that you died. She told you about bringing everyone back. She went to Vormir with you and left with the Soul Stone, but not you. It was nobody’s fault that you died. Marc was understanding that Nat wasn’t the one to tell him. Out of all the Avengers, she was grieving the most. You two were the closest after all.
One morning Marc decided that he was going to clean up the house. He put on your favourite playlist, and started with your coffee mug that was on the coffee table in the living room. It had been sitting there, unfinished, for months. The same mug you were drinking out of when Nat had arrived to London. Marc sighed, as he picked up the mug. Your pink lipstick stain had slowly been fading away over time. He put it away before heading to the garage to clean out old boxes. He found a box that had your name on it, and opened it to see what the box had contained. Digging through, he found old photos of you and the Avengers, and below it all was your Zepplin t-shirt. Marc wiped a tear from his eye as he remembered that you wearing this shirt when you met, and how you told him it was the same one you wore when fleeing the states. Marc dropped the shirt in his lap and sat on the garage floor for what felt like hours before he heard the faint sound of your favourite song coming from the living room speakers. It was A Man Without Love by Engelbert Humperdinck. He got up and headed to living room to slowly sway with the song. It reminded him of you. The lyrics, and the fact that it was the song that was playing when Marc proposed. That was why it was your favorite song.
“Every day I wake up, then I start to break up
Lonely is a man without love
Every day I start out, then I cry my heart out
Lonely is a man without love”
You played the song so often that one day Marc asked you to turn it off. He had started to get sick of it, however now, he felt as if he would never get sick of it. He turned it up and danced around the house pretending that you were singing the song, and dancing with him. That night, Marc decided to sleep in your shared bed, instead of on the couch like he had been for the past few months. He took your Zepplin shirt, placed it on your side of the bed, and put on A Man Without Love.
Within the next week, Marc visited your grave for the first time. He finally had some closure over your death. He placed down a bouquet of lavenders as he sat down, telling you what he had been up to.
“So I drown it out like I always do,” he said through tears. “Dancing through our house, with the ghost of you.”
“And I chase it down with a shot of truth, that my feet don’t dance like they did with you.”
At the Campsite || Marc Spector x fem!Reader
Summary: your new, fitted shorts have Marc going wild while on camping with you
Warnings: smut without plot 🔞
Word count: 846
Author: Rouge

You've yearned for it and craved it. And you couldn't have been happier when Marc agreed to go camping with you. Preparation took a few days because you needed to buy a new tent and sleeping bags, as well as some other items and food to bring with you.
Marc would do anything for you, even if he wasn't thrilled with the idea at first.
You chose a campground with a variety of cycling and hiking trails.
When the two of you arrived at the location, you began erecting the tent. You couldn't shake the feeling Marc was constantly scrutinizing you, and you began to wonder if it was because of the new shorts you bought for the trip. "Marc, could you help me with these steel profiles?"
"Sure," Marc replied, eager to assist you with the tent. Even though he didn't like the sudden idea of camping in the middle of nowhere, he couldn't say no to you. "Should you go take care of the fire? This is something you can handle, baby."
Your reply was a quick nod. "That's a good thought."
It took you a long time to collect some brambles for tinder. After gathering some large stones, you excavated a small pit and circled it with stones to protect the grass from catching fire.
"Well, well, look at you, I'm beginning to think you're a pro camper," when you got back to your feet, Marc ruffled your hair.
You simply smiled at him and went to look for marshmallows in your backpack. "Do you want to eat?"
Marc's gaze never left you, especially your stick out ass when you leaned against your backpack. "I like your new shorts," he said lightheartedly.
You quickly turned your head to face him. "Do you? They're just material shorts."
"Which hug your ass so nicely," Marc got closer and placed his large palm on your buttock, squeezing it.
You let out a loud gasp as you stopped looking for the items in your backpack and turned fully to wrap your arms around his strong neck.
Marc yanked one of his hands under your ass and easily picked you up in the blink of an eye.
You wrapped your legs tightly around his hips to keep yourself from falling. "Did my shorts just turn you on?" You inquired teasingly.
"Mhm," was the only response he could muster.
Soon after, you two found each other in the tent; you laying down on the sleeping bag, Marc hovering over you, kissing your neck, his hands slipping under your t-shirt. When one of his hands reached into your shorts, he discovered you didn't wear underwear. Marc cracked a grin. "Aren't you being a naughty girl today?"
You nodded, rolling your hips at the sensation of his thick fingers rubbing against your clitoris. "You know I like to be a bad girl every now and then."
Marc didn't waste any time and quickly removed your t-shirt, followed by your shorts.
With a loud grunt, you reached for his belt and unfastened it with your skilled fingers.
Marc assisted you by pushing his jeans down his legs along with his boxer shorts while you wrestled his shirt off of him.
Marc yanked one of your legs around his hip, lining his cock with your entrance, pushing into you with ease because you were dripping wet at the time.
Your head rolled back as you muttered a quiet fuck.
Marc thrusted into you in slow but powerful thrusts, making sure to bury his entire shaft in your core every time. With time, his groans turned into moans.
As you gazed into his beautiful, brown eyes, you wrapped one arm around his neck and the other around his right bicep. "Marc... Just like that, love."
He leaned in to kiss your lips, the kiss sloppy and messy as he moaned loudly into your lips.
You snatched a handful of his thick hair as he quickened his pace, sliding in and out of you faster than ever before.
"I love you," he said quietly, the first drops of sweat forming on his forehead. "So warm and wet for me."
You wrapped your other leg around his hip, allowing him to penetrate you even further than before. It was met with his grunt of endorsement.
You soon felt your walls spasming around his throbbing cock, tightly hugging it. You moaned his name and proceeded to milk his member with your warm, thick release.
Marc lasted for a few more seconds before backing himself out of your pussy. He jerked himself a few times before cumming on your belly with a deep grunt, his head rolled back. Soon, Marc rested his forehead against yours, and you cupped his cheeks, your thumbs rubbing against his light stubble as you both panted heavily, coming off the peak.
"I love you," you whispered.
He chuckled deeply, kissing the base of your nose. "I love you too, Y/N."
"I think I should wear shorts more often, if they make you go that wild," you joked, licking your lower lip.