Max Crandall - Tumblr Posts

My 3 Pages Contribution To The Relay Race: A Flash Zine By @flashfamevents : Out Of Time.
My 3 Pages Contribution To The Relay Race: A Flash Zine By @flashfamevents : Out Of Time.
My 3 Pages Contribution To The Relay Race: A Flash Zine By @flashfamevents : Out Of Time.

My 3 pages contribution to the Relay Race: A Flash Zine by @flashfamevents : Out of Time.

I'm not crying, you're crying...

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Impulse (1995) #62
Impulse (1995) #62
Impulse (1995) #62

Impulse (1995) #62

Every time I read this makes me want to cry.

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Max Mercury, one arm wrapped around Impulse/Bart Allen, both view from the back. One of Bart's hands rests on his back. They're both slightly hunched, exhausted.
Close-up on Max Mercury and Impulse/Bart Allen's faces, very close together. Max says: "... which was your aim in the first place, no? The universe provides." Bart replies: "Ickto? I didn't know this hellhole had a name."
Close-up on Max Mercury and Impulse/Bart Allen's face, close together, they are holding onto each other, eyes closed, brows furrowed. Max says: "... huhh. Along with hope, I'm sorry to say. Don't look, my boy. All will be well. Every end is a new beginning. I'm so very proud of you."
Multiple panels of Max Mercury and Impulse/Bart Allen. Bart says: "Don't say it" repeatedly. Max, grinning, says: "The universe provides."
Max Mercury and Impulse/Bart Allen's hands, holding onto each other, the only body part free of the web they have been woven into. Inspector Pilgrim, walking away from them, says: "Until then ... I guess we just gotta have faith ... The universe provides."

pérez doesn't seem to know bart's supposed to be older than fourteen any more than deodato did but spurrier is in my good books for now for the fact alone that he's aware of how important max and bart are to each other.

The Flash (2023) #7

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