Medieval Rp - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago
The Year Is 129 AC, King Viserys Targaryen Has Just Passed... ...His Eldest Daughter, Crown Princess

The year is 129 AC, King Viserys Targaryen has just passed... ...His eldest daughter, Crown Princess Rhaenyra is about to ascend the Throne... ...And his eldest son Prince Aegon has been given Dragonstone to grow the Targaryen line... ...What role will you play in Westeros’ new Golden Age?...

A SONG OF GOLDEN FIRE AND BLACK BLOOD HQ is a semi-appless, newly created No Dance!Fire and Blood / House of the Dragon AU RP, but that doesn't mean we're short on the scheming, intrigue, and drama that makes ASoIaF RP so thrilling. Just because the Dragons won't be Dancing doesn't mean there aren't dangerous tensions simmering just beneath the surface, wild ambitions ready to sacrifice peace in pursuit of their grand visions for Westeros, and the Kingdom may yet still find itself at War.

The site is currently in our SOFT LAUNCH phase and plotting our first arc; check out Our Plot, our Most Wanted, and come join our Discord to share your vision and help build our AU!

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