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Set It Off as mercenary bros
It just has the same vibes and I love both things
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
for @mouthymercx0x0 because it's time for these red menaces to hang out!
After passing a few notes here and there, Blitz felt entirely confident that Deadpool was his friend. There was absolutely no reason not to go and hang out with him. Besides, after a day like today? Blitz needed the company, and he wasn't quite up to going back to Hell. Sure, it would be a short trip, but there would be so many questions about why he was beaten to a pulp. Deadpool? Deadpool might laugh, but Blitz felt an easy sort of resonance in their energy together, and trusted the man would understand.
So, after picking up a bag of bagels, he headed off in search of his almost friend. When the second attempt at portaling spat him out right next to the guy, Blitz tripped on his way out of the portal. Swearing, he pushed himself up, brushed himself off, then put on a bright smile and held out the bag of bready goodness.
"Hey, fucker! I brought lunch. What are you up to, and can I hang out?"
The imp looked like trash. Deep bruises that were starting to swell, cuts and abrasions everywhere, his clothes all torn up from making friends with the concrete, but he was still smiling and bright-eyed.
"Before you ask," he said with a little snort, and gestured towards himself, "I made the mistake of trying to take out a mark near some asshole named Daredevil. Name like that, I thought he'd be on my side, but noooooo. No, no. Apparently, killing is," Blitz made air quotes, "wrong.
"So. Hey, how you been?" Maybe it was ridiculous to talk to a guy he didn't really know like this, but Blitz didn't care. Deadpool's existence made him happy, and he didn't want to pretend that happiness away. He liked the guy.
Although from some people, being patted on the head might feel offensive, or make Blitz grumbled, he closed his eyes and pressed his head up against Deadpool's hand when he did it. This guy, something about him just always, always set the imp at ease. He cherished him and trusted him, and maybe he was an idiot for that, but it felt good to trust someone. It felt good to be touched, so easily and gently, and he knew that if he ever could? He would do anything it took to help this guy.
"Honestly? I've been better," Blitz admitted, rubbing his cheek on Wade's arm as they headed into the building. "I kind of fucked everything up with my--fuck, I can't even say boyfriend. My situationship? And have been trying to deal with what a shitty asshole I am, and like, do better and shit. It's been... hard. Really hard. Having that... you know, last sense of denial ripped away, where you can't even pretend to believe in yourself anymore? It sucks." Once they were inside, he poked around, looking for any plates clean enough to set the bagels out on--there were a few different kinds of fillings, so Blitz cut all of them in half, so they could both try all of them.
"What about you? What's got you so introspective? And believe me, I am gonna do my best to stay outta your prime universe from here on out. Daredevil might not kill people, but mother-fucker he takes you goddamn close, doesn't he?"

Deadpool was having war flash backs when the Imp talked about Daredevil. He had also tried to kill that man for a bounty a few times and those few times he had gotten his ass beaten granted those were in his old days and he was more experince fighter now but, still. He shivered at the thought.
"I would love to hang out bud but, I told you stay out of my prime universe. It's shit show. It's why I left. Don't....fight anyone from there. Most them are assholes and KIND of strong. Let's eat these lunch and let me fix you up. I got some medkits at the apartment just encase." He patted the top of Blitz's head softly.
"Still thanks for coming to hang out. I am....Ok? I think. I been thinking alot of stuff lately. Been....getting treated better but, I don't know I am still struggling alot. How are you doing? And be real with me. I am not gonna judge." He spoke out as he walked Blitz into his building.