Merry Ask Mas - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

The results are in aaaaand….

❄️ We’re gonna have a Merry Ask-mas! ❄️

Thank you to everyone who voted, and I will have more details as soon as I open the event up! This is my first ever event, and I can’t wait for it to start. Now I just need to figure out the logistics (like how to link my ask me anything button into my posts….😅)

The Results Are In Aaaaand.

Interest Poll!

Hello! I’m considering doing a special event in December - January to celebrate the festivities and end of the year. And since I only have the capacity to do something small due to said holidays and traveling…help me choose!

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1 year ago

❄️ Merry Ask-mas everyone! ❄️

 Merry Ask-mas Everyone!

That’s right, from today until January 4, 2024, my inbox will be OPEN to your asks for the following:

A) Ask My Muse - Ask any character from my fics in the master list anything you want to know!

B) Ask Me Anything - Ask me anything about my fics. This can be about inspiration, plot, anything related to my fics!

I can’t wait to see what you all send. This is my first event and I’m so excited!

Send your Ask-mas questions here!

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1 year ago

❄️ Merry Ask-mas everyone! ❄️

 Merry Ask-mas Everyone!

That’s right, from today until January 4, 2024, my inbox will be OPEN to your asks for the following:

A) Ask My Muse - Ask any character from my fics in the master list anything you want to know!

B) Ask Me Anything - Ask me anything about my fics. This can be about inspiration, plot, anything related to my fics!

I can’t wait to see what you all send. This is my first event and I’m so excited!

Send your Ask-mas questions here!

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1 year ago

❄️ Merry Ask-mas everyone! ❄️

 Merry Ask-mas Everyone!

That’s right, from today until January 4, 2024, my inbox will be OPEN to your asks for the following:

A) Ask My Muse - Ask any character from my fics in the master list anything you want to know!

B) Ask Me Anything - Ask me anything about my fics. This can be about inspiration, plot, anything related to my fics!

I can’t wait to see what you all send. This is my first event and I’m so excited!

Send your Ask-mas questions here!

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1 year ago

How do you gain motivation for writing your fics?

Ohhhh man, this is a hard one as I’m always wanting to write but have a hard time actually sitting down and doing it 🤣

Motivation is hard, and some fics were much easier to write than others. For example, Scratch took maybe a week to write, while The Season took almost a year from start to finish. I have to basically remind myself that I have all these ideas in my head that need to get onto the page, and dreaming of scenarios doesn’t help get the words out. I struggle with deadlines, in that I don’t actually set them other than “some time this year/season”, so my motivation is usually me knowing that whatever I want to create needs to live outside of my mind and be told. As long as you have a will to tell that story, you should have the motivation to keep going. I rag on myself so much for being a slow writer, but I’m getting my voice out there regardless so I’m all good 😊

Thank you so much for your thoughtful question!

Send your Merry Ask-Mas questions here!

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1 year ago



i am wondering what is your favorite thing you have ever written? (fic or not fic if you wanna venture out.) what about it stands out as the best, in your opinion?


MERRY ASK-MAS! I keep waffling over what my favorite thing I’ve written is. I know that my fics get more nuanced and better the more I write (which is true, practice makes it better!), and I do love all of my fics for multitudes of reasons. But I keep going back to (Blank) For the Holidays as my favorite thing I’ve written.

I love Yoongi. I love writing Yoongi especially as the kind, thoughtful, considerate man he is, and I love the friendship between the BTS members - this one was the first time I wrote the entire group together. This story also holds a special place in my heart 2 years later (side note WHAT DO YOU MEAN it’s been 2 years?!) because I am such a sucker for rom coms and cheesy holiday movies, and while it has my usual angsty bits it also has a sweet message about what the word family actually means. I love when they all rag on Yoongi when he introduces the OC to them in their own way, where there is this sense of warmth that comes from a group knowing each other for such a long time. Getting their friendship right was very important to me. I really wanted to explore the notion of found family, and what that means during a time that can be so isolating for so many people. And while looking back there are definitely things I wish I would have expanded on and/or edited, I still get that warm fuzzy feeling when I read it. If there is anything to take away from this story is that domestic Yoongi is always top tier, and while you can’t choose the family you are born into you can ultimately choose the family you live with.

Thank you so much for your question! I honestly sat here for like a half hour trying to a) determine which fic was my favorite and b) not write a whole thesis paper about it (results may vary on that one though 🤣🤣)

Send your Merry Ask-mas questions here!

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1 year ago

What is one of your favorite fics?? 👀

If we’re talking about fics in general, I absolutely cannot get over how wonderful Love Bytes by @stutterfly is. This fic is my Roman Empire. I am a sucker for friends to lover stories, and I can’t tell you how many times I have read and reread this fic over the years. The way they write friendships, dialogue, and building relationships is something I still aspire to do myself to this day. There’s a reason I not only recommend this story to everyone I know, but is also the very first fic I ever recommended on my tumblr page (back before I knew how to reblog with comments 😬😬😬).

But if we’re just talking about MY fics, I just waxed poetic about (Blank) for the Holidays in a different ask, so let me talk about another one of my other favorites I’ve written, The Season.

The Season is just a good simple romantic story, and I believe it’s where I really started to find my stride. Jin is basically a prince, the OC learns how to just let go and live life, it’s definitely self indulgent in that I would absolutely watch this if it was a film and just swoon over it lolol. I had struggled with writing it, even putting it on the back burner for a couple months, because for the longest time I could not figure out how to write Jin and the world he is living in. He is such a nuanced man, in that he can be both confident in every sense of the word and shy about who he is enough to joke about it. I like to think I found that balance in this fic. Fun fact - originally I had plotted an epilogue to go at the end of The Season that takes place 3 years later, but decided it didn’t need it. Maybe I’ll visit that again some day - I adore these characters 😊

Send your Merry Ask-mas questions here!

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1 year ago

❄️ Merry Ask-mas everyone! ❄️

 Merry Ask-mas Everyone!

That’s right, from today until January 4, 2024, my inbox will be OPEN to your asks for the following:

A) Ask My Muse - Ask any character from my fics in the master list anything you want to know!

B) Ask Me Anything - Ask me anything about my fics. This can be about inspiration, plot, anything related to my fics!

I can’t wait to see what you all send. This is my first event and I’m so excited!

Send your Ask-mas questions here!

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1 year ago

Hi Sabie!!! I'm here for your ask-mas, hehe(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

I want to know what's your favourite fic among the ones you have written so far and which one was the hardest to write!

I haven't read anything of yours, sadly, so which one would you recommend me to start with???

I hope you are having a great day and I hope you are taking care of yourself! Love you 💜🌼

Oh my goodness hello and welcome! Merry Ask-mas! I didn’t expect so many people to ask about my favorite fic that I’ve written - I had already explained why I love (Blank) For The Holidays in this ask and The Season in this one, so definitely check those answers out if you wanna see my musings about them 😊

The hardest one to write so far was definitely The Season. I really struggled on so many aspects on how I wanted it to go. The original idea was set in like the Regency - Victorian eras, but having to limit myself to those strict societal rules kinda sucked and I couldn’t get the tone right. So I changed to be set in a fictional country in an alternate world because I’m a writer and can make my own rules 🤣. Then I had an entire crisis over naming schematics, I couldn’t certain scenes to work (namely when Jin and the OC meet again after the gala), and trying to get Jin’s personality across eluded me for the longest time. I literally put the document away for like 2 months because I was so frustrated lololol. The way I write and imagine my stories, it’s almost like a film in my head. So when I can’t get the pictures in my head to translate onto the page how I want it, it can be so annoying!! But finally something clicked and I got it done.

As for recommending my fics, if you’re in the mood for something short but emotional, definitely check out Scratch. It’s an intriguing world to explore, and very dialogue driven, which is something I always like in fics. It’s also my most recent fic so it’ll give you a good sense of how I currently write. I also have a soft spot for Microcosmos, my very first fic, if you’re in the mood for something longer that explores relationships and healing from trauma.

Thank you so much for your questions! Happy reading! 💜💜

Send your Ask-mas questions here!

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1 year ago

I have a 3 hour train ride tonight, send in those questions! 🚂🚂🚂

❄️ Merry Ask-mas everyone! ❄️

 Merry Ask-mas Everyone!

That’s right, from today until January 4, 2024, my inbox will be OPEN to your asks for the following:

A) Ask My Muse - Ask any character from my fics in the master list anything you want to know!

B) Ask Me Anything - Ask me anything about my fics. This can be about inspiration, plot, anything related to my fics!

I can’t wait to see what you all send. This is my first event and I’m so excited!

Send your Ask-mas questions here!

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1 year ago

Christmas may be over, but Ask-mas is still here!

❄️ Merry Ask-mas everyone! ❄️

 Merry Ask-mas Everyone!

That’s right, from today until January 4, 2024, my inbox will be OPEN to your asks for the following:

A) Ask My Muse - Ask any character from my fics in the master list anything you want to know!

B) Ask Me Anything - Ask me anything about my fics. This can be about inspiration, plot, anything related to my fics!

I can’t wait to see what you all send. This is my first event and I’m so excited!

Send your Ask-mas questions here!

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1 year ago

Last call for my Merry Ask-mas event! You can participate in both Ask My Muse and Ask Me Anything parts! 🎉

Last Call For My Merry Ask-mas Event! You Can Participate In Both Ask My Muse And Ask Me Anything Parts!

❄️ Merry Ask-mas everyone! ❄️

 Merry Ask-mas Everyone!

That’s right, from today until January 4, 2024, my inbox will be OPEN to your asks for the following:

A) Ask My Muse - Ask any character from my fics in the master list anything you want to know!

B) Ask Me Anything - Ask me anything about my fics. This can be about inspiration, plot, anything related to my fics!

I can’t wait to see what you all send. This is my first event and I’m so excited!

Send your Ask-mas questions here!

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