Mgafs Charlie - Tumblr Posts

Okay, let's get ready for the trauma...

Props to Davis, his acting skills are really good! 👍 I can really hear the horror and sadness in Sun's voice as he realizes that Dazzle is one of the July 16th victims. He just sounded so broken. Everyone handled this extremely well, Dazz,Sun, and Jack, all handled this very well. Sun's probably gonna need a few days to recover, but it's good he knows... I think.
I'm also pleasantly surprised by Jack. I thought he was gonna overhear that Sun hurt Dazz and then fly into a rage and try and attack Sun, but he showed great restraint, and I'm proud of him for that. But all I can say is WOW, THIS EPISODE IS A GUT PUNCH! Sad/10 😢 😭

AND ANOTHER GUT PUNCH! 😭😢 Sun remembers EVERY. SINGLE. ONE of the July 16th victims' names and every single detail about them, like how one loved superheroes and dressed like a Superman/Spider-man fusion, two of them were twins one loved mustard, the other hated it, and one wore seven rings pops always, I don't think I could remember little details like that but he does! Wow. He feels so bad for what he did to the kids. Even though it wasn't his fault, he felt like he should have gotten punished for he did, but he didn't. He got away with it and feels like he shouldn't have. Is that like some form of survivors guilt? Moon definitely earned some brother points here, caring for Sun, talking with him, not getting mad about the July 16th stuff. He's definitely changed since the series first started. Good on you, Moon. Also, the best jokes in this episode came from him.
Moon: We could order Arby's. I want use to feel really bad about ourselves.
Moon: I'll just order Olive garden.
Sun: Do they even deliver?
Moon: They will when I'm done.
This a great episode I really did love it. Davis, Reed, everyone, you guys did amazing 👏

Now on from Sun's trauma to Puppet's.
I love the thumbnail. Puppet's putting on a smile while internally she's like AHHHHHHHH!
We have finally met Charlie, not gonna lie, I was halfly expecting a rebellious teen, Charlie, but instead, we got hyper goofy a little bit rebellious, Charlie. I can live with that. Charlie is like Puppet's number one fan, and I love that, too. Meanwhile, Puppet is going full protector mode on Charlie... let's just hope she's more successful than our Puppet from the main fnaf universe. I'm still very curious about how this puppet works? Is this like a fourth closet situation, but instead of making four Charlie bots, Henry made a puppet with Charlie's personality? I think it's something like that. I'm gonna love having Charlie around more. We just need to protect her from Puppeteer/Anti-Puppet.
Also, did anyone else notice Charlie had a puppet toy?

🎊🥳👏👏👏 let's go!!!!!!
You guys work so hard, and you deserve all the subscribers you've earned. 👏 👏 👏 👏
16th/10 😭👍👏
Seriously, these were great episodes.

First one up Monty and Foxy show....
OH MY GOHS!!!!!!!
This episode was crazy! Charlie is still very in danger! Puppetmaster is still on the loose, and we may lose Foxy AND Puppet soon. Maybe we will have to see how this plays out, but from what Foxy said, if Puppet has to leave this dimension, he will go with her, which is actually kinda cute. He's willing to leave his entire dimension to be with her. Aw.
Vageta came in handy here. Vageta, you have earned even more of my respect and are slowly becoming one of my favorite characters.
Did puppetmaster...? Or is this something else?!
We got to wait till tomorrow to find out!

On a lighter note... WELCOME TO YOUR NEW HOME DAZZLE! It's gonna be fun having Dazzle live with them now. Sun still feels very guilty for what happened for Dazzle to become like this. And I can't disagree with him. He is basically responsible for her being dead. Even though it wasn't him or his fault, he still feels responsible.

Not gonna lie. This was a fun episode.
Just your basic Q&N. I hope we get more of these like one for Moon, Earth, and Lunar, maybe even Jack or Eclipse? I love it when we get to see into the characters' thoughts and their takes on things. Funtime Foxy and Glamrock Chica did one of these today too. GO WATCH IT! 👉
Only if you want tho.
One thing that Sun said that kinda made me sad was when Someone asked what type of person Sun would like to date and he said because their lives are always in danger of being killed by the Creator or Fazbear or some other danger that having a relationship is kinda pointless plus he said they could get kidnapped or be used to hurt Sun in some way. I mean, he's not wrong, but... I don't know it just feels sad. Monty and Earth are in a relationship and while yes they know there is always the chance one of them could get hurt or kidnapped they don't let that stop them from being in a relationship and it shouldn't stop Sun! He should be able to have a relationship with someone without the fear of them getting hurt. Hopefully, one day, he can.
11/10! ✨️ 😲