Mha 357 - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Endeavor is such a good, well written character and it REALLY sucks how fans just boil him down to being a Shitty Husband/Dad like people miss the point so hard to the point where they still think hes the same person from season one like yeah He did shitty and horrible things BUT NOT ONCE DOSE THE NARRATIVE EVER ASK HIM TO TAKE PITY ON HIM FOR FEEL SORRY FOR HIM they leave it totally up to you if you want to forgive him or not just like how it is painted with his kids and if you canโ€™t forgive Enji for what heโ€™s done thatโ€™s totally fine BUT DONโ€™T SIT THERE AND ACT LIKE HE HASNโ€™T CHANGED OR ISNโ€™T TRYING TO BE A BETTER HERO.

like really, my only big issue with Todorokiโ€™s is that they donโ€™t put this much effort and thought when writing with his wife, I could go on for hours

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