Might Do A Part 2 If This Does Well - Tumblr Posts
Roommate entering your room to wake you up only to find out that you've shrunken to the size of a little action figure! Tentatively, they pick you up to examine your body as you begin to stir, and they not that your clothing, unfortunately, didn't shrink with you. Squinting your eyes as they adjust to the light after just waking and taking in your surroundings. You can do nothing but stare in shock at the face of your roommate which is nearly as big as the Eiffel tower in comparison to your tiny body. "What the hell happened to you?" They asked, clearly as confused as you are. "I have no idea but I'm freaking the fuck out right now - we need to find a way to fix this" you say, as your heart beats frantically in your chest. "Wow, you really are so small...." Your roommate trails off as they stare at you, fixated on your tiny body. Holding you in the palm of one hand they gently use a finger on the other to caress your small body, giving you goosebumps all over. "Stop! This isn't the time to be playing around!" You shout at them, your breath hitching at the ticklish sensation. "Oh, shut up, i know you're a little slut so you're probably enjoying this" they laugh out playfully, before running a finger between your legs. You fall forward, hands on their finger as you try to push yourself back up. "I'm serious! We need to fix this!" You shout indignantly as you let out a slight moan. "And I said SHUT. Up." They finish commandingly as they put their lips together and spit a massive glob that covers the lower half of your body, coating it in their warm saliva as they continue their assault on you with their finger between your legs. You let out a louder moan as you struggle to keep your footing on the extremely slimy surface you're now standing on. They laugh at this, "I KNEW you were enjoying this you little whore" emphasising their point by spitting on you again, this time hitting your top half and practically drowning you in their drool. Their finger gently rubs your body, going up to your face as they try force themselves into your mouth making you gag. "That hurts you know!" You shout defiantly. "I don't know what you're talking about~" they reply cheerfully, clearly enjoying this situation a bit *too* much. Finally, they bring you close to their face and you know the inevitable is about to happen when they part their lips a you see their tongue slither out towards your body.
They thoroughly lick your body, slathering it in their saliva, coating your face in so much its hard to breathe without swallowing some. "Mmmmm, you taste *amazing* " they say with a smile, clearly thinking it was some sort of compliment. Slowly you feel them work their way down your body and suddenly slide their tongue between your legs. You cry out in pleasure as they work themselves back and forth,rapidly coating your legs in more and more saliva. Eventually there's too much pooling around your feet it's hard to keep your balance and you fall forwards onto their tongue, your tiny hands holding your upper half off as you make a disgusted face. As if they can feel your discomfort, your roommate giggles and you look up to see a mischievous look in their eyes as you realise what they have planned. You can feel your body being pulled into their mouth along with their tongue as you beg them to stop. Soon, it's too late and you're trapped in this moist cavern, covered in their saliva as they giggle to themselves, the entire area vibrating around you. Their tongue pushes you up against the roof and begins properly exploring your body. Trying to force itself into all of your holes as you moan, each time you open your mouth getting nearly drowned again and again. They begin swishing you around in their mouth, humming as they go about their day. After what felt like an eternity they spit you out onto the palm of their hand, covered in saliva and still dripping. Suddenly it feels as though your limbs are stretching, a comfortable ache as if you'd just finished an hour long workout as you grow slightly, your rommate now having their hand fit around your torso as you excitedly look up at them, thinking this torture will finally be over, you ask them to put you down.
"Hmmmmm, no - I have a better idea" they say as they begin unzipping their pants. "Really, it's handy you grew to such an appropriate size. You can be my new fleshlight!" They say, clearly excited at the prospect of using you to relieve themselves. "Don't do this! We're still rommates! What happens if I grow to a normal size again!" You shout at them, praying they listen to reason. They spit into their other hand and wipe it across your body, lining you up with their already hard cock. "SO? Even at regular size I still tower over you. There's nothing you can do about it now - I OWN YOU" as they finish their sentence they shove you to the base of their cock, stretching you to accommodate their size. They moan loudly "fffuck you are the best thing I've ever felt" they say as they begin picking up the pace. It's not long before you're cumming all over them as they use your body without regard for you, tongue lolling out and lost in pleasure. Using you as nothing but their toy as they ravish your body, powerless to fight back. Finally you feel them begin to throb inside of you, panic fills your body as you shout at them to pull out but they're so engrossed in using you they don't hear you, holding you all the way down on their cock, filling you to the point where you're spilling out, nothing more than a glorified condom. "Are you okay?" They ask hesitantly after a few minutes riding out the orgasm. You make a guttural moan in response and they sigh in relief. "Good, because I feel like you're gonna love this part." They finish as they lift you back up to their mouth and shove your lower half of your body in their mouth as they begin sucking their own cum out of you, their tongue lapping up your body, forcing you to cum so hard you pass out. Taking you back to your room and placing your unconscious body back in your bed.