Mike Montgomery X Reader - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

It’s A- Isn’t It - Mike Montgomery

Mike x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 294

Summary: Y/ns phone keeps going off but she doesn’t want to tell Mike who it is




“Who keeps texting you?” Mike asked after Y/n’s phone had gone off 5 times since they started the movie

“No one” she mumbled, tensing up under his arm.


“Mike” Y/n teased trying to change the mood

“Y/n Y/l/n” Mike stressed

“Mike Montgomery” she turned smiling at him trying not to laugh

“You know you can tell me anything. Who’s texting you?” he sighed, knowing what she was doing. When she didn’t answer he changed his position on the couch before trying again looking at her now. “Y/n”

“Its nobody” she stresses looking anywhere but him

“Y/n seriously” he turns toward her fully facing her now, wearing a concerned face.

“Just trust me, Mike. please.” Y/n grabbed his hands looking at him in the eyes, pleading.

Mike clenched his jaw at the realization of who it probably is “It’s A- isn’t”

“Please just drop it.” she begged. He shook his head and stood up, dropping her hands to her lap.

“What are you doing?” Y/n asked standing up to

“Getting your phone” he replied heading over to her bag

“What! Mike no!” she rushed over to him before he could reach her purse.

Mike sighed before looking at her. “This person needs to stop.”

“Mike, it’ll only make it worse.” her voice cracked

Mike could tell the longer they talked about it the more anxious she got. “I don’t want you being threatened-”

“Nothing stops this person! Nothing. Trust me we’ve tryed.” Y/n explained, Mike rubbed her arms for comfort.

“What can I do?” he asked looking her in the eyes, searching for an answer.

“Just, be here for me.” she gave him a small smile, before tugging him back to the couch.

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2 years ago

BestFriends Brother - Mike Montgomery

Mike x fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 482

Summary: Being a Lair and dating Mike even though Aria is your bestfriend.

* Just because of what I ended up naming this imagines I'll Link this song its not based on this song but the title is the same. "Bestfriends Brother - Victorious"


Pretty Little Liars Masterlist


BestFriends Brother - Mike Montgomery

“Stop tickling me please!” Y/n laughed as Mike wouldn’t stop tickling her sides.

“Nah, I don’t think so.” Mike smirked continuing on with his mission to take her mind off of everything.

“Please.” She pleaded giving him the best puppy eyes she could considering her predicament.

“What do I get for it?” Mike raised his brows pulling a fake thinking face.

“What do you want?” Y/n asked looking up at him out of breath.

“A kiss.” he smirked at her and Y/n laughed cause of how goofy his smile looked.

“You can have that anyway.” Y/n stated smiling at him. He should know all he has to do is ask. Even not ask, it’s not like she ever minded kissing him.

“Then something else.” Mike waved off his last request going to think again about what he wanted for stoping tickling her.

“Ok.” Y/n giggles, waiting for him to make up his mind. “What?”

“A date.” he states with a confident look upon his face.


“In town.” Mike added before she could get out the full word.

“Mike-” Y/n looked down feeling bad all of a sudden.

“No, no don’t do that. Please.” Mike cut her off shaking his head pleading with her to not say ‘no’.

“Someone could see us.” She reminded him as the two both moved into sitting positions. It’s not that she didn’t want to go on a real date with him, one where they didn’t have to go towns over or hide. It’s just their situation wasn’t the easiest.

“That's the point.” Mike nodded, trying not to get his hopes up.

“What if Aria sees us?” Y/n asked nervously wringing her hands together.

“We can’t hide from her forever Y/n.” Mike reminded her, not that she wanted to be reminded. Aria and Y/n had been friends their whole lives Y/n was just worried about how Aria would react. She’s dating her brother after all. Then there’s also the A- situation at hand and Y/n never wants Mike to be targeted.

“I know and I don’t want to.” Y/n stressed to him grabbing on to his hand and giving it a squeeze. Y/n doesn’t want to have to hide their relationship but she also doesn’t want mike to be targeted or for it to ruin her relationship with Aria.

“If your worried about A- then we’ll deal with it. I won’t let anyone ruin this for us.” Mike looked her in the eyes making sure Y/n knew each word that left his mouth he was serious about.

“Ok.” Y/n nodded agreeing to the date in town and to his statement about the A- thing.

“OK?” Mike asked again just to double check.

Y/n could hear the excitement in his voice and see it in his eyes. “Yeah, okay.” She answered smiling.

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