Miles Morales Astv - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Miles morales 1610 x reader

Requested by: @trollmartes

Pronouns: you/yours and they/them

(Miles is your tutor)


You wernt the smartest person around. Granted, you wernt stupid but sure as hell not Einstein. That is why you found yourself in the library tapping the click-y part of your pen against the table and waiting for your tutor. He had been late by 30 minutes at this point -which made you worry considering the ‘new’ Spider-Man had been fighting someone downtown pretty close to here about 15 minutes ago, what if he had gotten caught up in it? Gotten hurt? Or worse?- anxiety aside, you suddenly felt somone loom over your shoulder. You whip your head around to look at who it is and you see miles, slightly scratched up and out of breath. “hey, sorry I’m late.” You smile at him. “No it’s fine, uh are you ok? You look real banged up-“ you reach out to touch his face and examine a bandaid on his cheek” he panics and grabs your wrist, placing it on the table. “No I’m good I just tripped” he nervously looks around before taking out his phone and handing you an earbud. “Before we start, I made a playlist that I can help you study too. It’s kinda a bunch of stuff we both listen to.” He smiles kindly and takes a textbook out of his backpack. Your face heats as you smile at him, flattering that he remembers your taste in music. You place an earbud in your ear as he does the same and hits play on the song. The world fades out as it’s just you, him, and whatever subject you were studying. Every once in a while he brushes his hand against yours or laughs a little too hard at a joke. It’s very welcome.


A/N: I hope it was everything you wanted! If you see any problems please let me know. I greatly appreciate constructive criticism. Feel free to request any time:)

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8 months ago

1610 miles morales x male reader

Your just cuddling and talking about hair:)


You lay there, your legs tangled with his as your hand is buried in his hair. Your free hand is rubbing circles on his back. His hands are placed on your back, but not too low because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable. You take one of Miles’s right curls and stretch it to its full length(right above his chin) and then let it go, watching it spring back up. “Your hair is getting long, you wanna do anything with it? I think you would look nice with braids or cornrows.” He smiles at you and his pretty brown eyes soften as he makes eye contact. “I actually been thinkin’ about braids. I uh…saw this guy who looked like he stole my face or somethin’ and he had braids. He looked pretty good.” He trailed off a bit near the middle. You nodded and traced two lines down the back of his head to the middle of his neck. “I’m thinking right here.” He smiles at you and pulls your hair into two little pigtails “oh I think you should do your hair like this.” You laugh and kiss him on the nose. “That’s gay” he jokes. He’s not wrong. You kiss him. He kisses you. You bury your head in his shoulder.

That’s gay. Your gay.


Whew I haven’t wrote a fic about miles in a hot minute! Sorry it was short. Feedback is encouraged.

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8 months ago

Miles morales x male reader (one sided)

Inspired by the end of “suspended” by Jason Reynolds. It’s so good go read it!

C/W:unrequited love, crushing on a straight guy, Miles x Alicia, angst with no happy ending, mild sexual references


You’ve had a bad day. There’s no denying it. After a bad day, the next logical step is to see your best friend/supercrush, miles morales. It is usually frowned upon to walk into somone else’s dorm unannounced but Miles and Ganke had dubbed you an unofficial third roommate. You arrived at the door and opened it only to see something mortifying. Alicia kissing Miles. And Miles kissing Alicia. And Alicia kissing miles. And hands where hands shouldn’t be. His hands were all over here. All. Over. Her. Your vision went blurry and you backed out of the room. “I TOLD YOU TO LOCK THE DOOR!” You heard Alicia shout, followed by the sound of miles hitting the floor. You were hyperventilating a little. You looked around slinked to the ground. Tears welled up in your eyes as you stared at the closed door. Miles came out and sat on the floor next to you. “Sorry you had to see that, man.” He clears his throat. “Look (___), I know you got a thing for me.” You look at him with a deer in headlights look. “I’m sorry.” You didn’t know why you were apologizing. “It’s ok, you can’t control how who you catch feelings for.” He looks at you sympathetically. “I know. It just feels bad. Knowing that…no matter how hard you try you can never be with the person you’re in love with. It hurts.” Miles looks like he’s about to cry as a tear falls down your cheek. “You’re in love with me?” You can’t tell if he’s disgusted, flattered, or he just feels bad for you. “I said too much” he nods in agreement. “Yeah. I think you have.” You stand and begin to walk away, only to turn around to give him a chance to say something. He just walks back into his room to apologize to Alicia. You turn around and head to your room.

You’ve had a bad day.


Hah suffer/j anyway if you see anything wrong with this plz let me know, I’m always looking to improve:)

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8 months ago

1610 Miles morales x GN reader(one sided)

Requested by @hillesem

C/W: unrequited love, angst with no happy ending, miles does not take this well.


You. The one and only. You are the lucky person who has happened to capture miles morales’s attention. The only bad thing is, you don’t like him back. You couldn’t go on knowing he likes you and not bringing it up. The unresolved tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife. “Hey miles?” You knocked on his dorm room door. You knew ganke wasn’t there because he was messing around with some girl. “Oh hey! What’s…uh…what’s up (___)?” He awkwardly fumbled with his pick, clearly nervous to see you. He ultimately just decided to throw it over his shoulder. How is THIS GUY Spider-Man? It’s kind of endearing, honestly. “I needed to talk to you about something” you said with an unusually(at least for you) serious look on your face. He let you in nervously and you refused to sit. “Miles I know you have feelings for me.” His eyes widened and his cheeks heated up (evident by him tugging on his collar). “Uh- you do?” He clears his throat “I mean- it’s no big deal.” “Whether it’s a big deal or not isn’t for you to decide.” “What do you mean?” You avoid eye contact. “Miles, I do not have feelings for you. Being around you has made me incredibly uncomfortable. Your advances are unwelcome. Please loose my number and come back when you are over me.” You could see the pain on his face. The tears welling up. You felt bad, obviously. You arnt a heartless monster, you are just uncomfortable. You hug him as an apology. “I’m sorry.” He says, leaning into you. You let go and he falls to the ground. You walk out and softly close the door.

It’s not cruel, it’s just boundaries.


Screaming crying throwing up. How could you do this to my boy. Oh wait I’m the one who wrote this, arnt I?

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