Mirrak - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Could you do a headcannon were farkas and miraak (separate) see there S/O has been badly wounded when they came back from battle? Like, how would they react and Do? This is my first ever request (:

Oooh ok! Srry for taking forever to write this 💀 literally I wrote for this and it got deleted anyway, I’ve been really busy and I apologize for not getting to this until now


Ok he wouldn’t of let you go alone

So you didn’t tell him or just went without him

Which makes him kinda angry

Not because like he thinks you need him, he just wants to protect you

Anyway he would tend to your wounds

He would be fully prepared with supplies

Also your not leaving your bed alone for a few months until your healed

If you want to do something he’s coming with you, you cannot reason with him

He will leave you alone if you want but he does become very overprotective

He kinda blames himself in a way for not sensing that you were going to do that

But he shakes it from his mind bc he needs to help you

He will make food for you and buy it if he fails at cooking it

But also he does not leave your side at night

He’s just very over protective

But yea he tries his best to help

He stays pretty calm because he dosent want to stress you out

Internally he’s really stressed

But he dosent let it show


He knows you can take care of yourself and don’t need his help so he dosent care if you battle n shit

He is worried and does express it but he trusts you and knows your gonna be fine

His intuition was wrong like once

He was majorly freaking out

Like he carried you back to his room and looked for anyone who new how to tend to wounds

Which Vilkas did bc books

Vilkas kicked him out while he tended to your wounds

Farkas was pacing back and fourth in the hallway and then decided to gather food

In case you were hungry ya know

Anyway he becomes more protective

He’s seen wounds before, normally it dosent freak out when people get wounded

He trusts it will heal

But he genuinely loves you and the thought of you dying scares him

But he stays with you every day

Ditching missions sometimes

He will tend to your wounds by cleaning them and shit

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