Miss Censordoll - Tumblr Posts

Ain't nobody in the whole damn town can fix that mess and to their credit they ain't trying either
Charging a psychic attack against the Moral Orel fandom, brace.

Every Protest/Picketing sign from Moral Orel, Season One (in case you missed)
Episode 1:
• Against the theater’s showing of The Wizard of Oz

Chant: “Follow the yellow brick road, means follow the devil in code!”
Signs {left to right}
“Only God can kill witches!”
“Boycott this trash!”
“There is no place like HEAVEN”
“Offended and proud of it!”
“Flying Monkeys, more blasphemous Darwinism!”
• Bonus.

“ ‘Rotting’ unfair to zombies!”
[on ground] Illegible :(
An additional “no Place like Heaven” sign from earlier
Episode 5:
• Against Rod Putty

Chant: “Reverend Putty’s mind is smutty!”
“Rev. Putty put the sin in sinner!”
“Boycott this trash!”
“We don’t need an ir-reverend!”
“Offended and proud of it!”
“God isn’t your pimp, Rev. Putty!”
Episode 8:
• Against the theater’s showing of The Ten Commandments

“ ‘Commandments’ is thinly veiled pornography!”
“Boycott this trash!”
“Parting of Sea = Parting of legs!”
“Offended and proud of it!”
“Burning Bush = Unmentionables”
Episode 10:
• Against the theater showing of It’s A Wonderful Life

Chant: “Every time you hear a bell, an angel burns in Hell!”
censordoll drawings!! ft: my personal design for her

censorodll eating a egg drawn with my non dominant hand