Misty Day X Reader - Tumblr Posts

Seven Wonders - Misty Day (AHS Coven)

Misty is my wife, no questions pls and thank you



It had been a couple months since you learned that you were a witch.

It was tough at first, but then it became really fun, especially since you had the power to control the earth around you.

Misty loved your power, always asking for you to grow her favorite flowers or plants.

Everyone joked, mostly Madison, that you were flower children and tree huggers, but you didn’t mind. Neither did Misty. Both of you loved nature and animals, so it wasn’t really a surprise when you two fell in love.

The only problem was that the Seven Wonders would have to be performed in a few days, and it’s not that you weren’t confident, but you knew the history of how many witches died when performing in the past.

You didn’t want anything bad to happen to Misty.

You wanted to cast a protection spell, not just for Misty, but for all your fellow witches...even Madison.

Misty watched in childlike curiously as you hurried around your room, searching for your spell book and some candles and other supplies you would need for the spell to work.

“What’re you doin’, darlin’?” Misty voiced. “You’ve been running around all over hell’s half acre this mornin’.”

“I’m looking for my spell book.” You called out from across the room, neck deep into one of your dresser drawers.

“Well, hell, sweet pea, I’ve got it right here!” You grinned as she handed the thick book over to you. “I was doin’ a little reading and I forgot to give it back.”

“Oh, that’s okay. Thanks.” You placed a short kiss on her cheek and headed to the center of the room where you had gathered all your supplies.

“What are you trying to do?” Misty asked as you poured a salt circle around yourself.

“I’m casting a protection spell.” You said, starting to place five white candles in the correct position.

Misty furrowed her brows and tilted her head in confusion. “Is someone gettin’ hurt?”

You smiled slightly, flicking the lighter on and setting fire to the candles. “It’s to help us get through the Seven Wonders.”

“Oh. Well, I don’t really think I need help with that. Ms. Myrtle thinks I’m the next Supreme, ya know.” She giggled, bringing her favorite shawl over her shoulders.

“Yeah, and Cordelia says nobody should want to be a Supreme.” You frowned. “Plus, Snow is an old bat who can’t even see two feet in front of her. She wouldn’t be able to tell a Supreme from an acrobat.”

“Well, that’s kind of a rude thing to say.” She mumbled, fiddling with the end of her shawl.

“Sorry, it’s just, that witch bitch Fiona was supposed to find her successor before she kicked the bucket. We were never supposed to do this shit.” You huffed, turning the pages of your book until you found the correct spell.

“You’re scared?” Misty asked, but it was more of a statement since she already knew you were.

“I just don’t want to lose you...” You said softly.

Misty smiled softly, getting off your bed and sitting herself down on the floor next to you. “You’re not gonna lose me, darlin’. I’ll be just fine, and so will you.” She held your hand.

You tried to smile, but you still had a horrible feeling about it all. “Well, it still wouldn’t hurt to cast a spell.” You shooed Misty away from your salt circle, but she still sat across from you to watch.

You reached for your knife, bringing it up and slicing into the palm of your hand. You took a deep breath, closing your eyes and clenching your bloodied fist, speaking the words to the spell. “Ut corrumpebent in potentia ad miracula septem Deus ut noceret mihi. Peto qoud sit verum et ad bonum omnium. Sic fait semper.”

You exhaled, feeling your blood burn your skin as you finished the spell. You opened your eyes to see Misty staring at you intently. “Well, did it work?” She asked.

“I guess we’ll find out.” You sighed.

“Well,” Misty scooted closer to you, wrapping your hand with a clean cloth delicately. “I’m sure everything will be fine even if it didn’t. Thanks for trying though.” She smiled.

You sighed dreamily. “You’re so good to me.” 

Misty crossed over your salt circle to place a sweet kiss on your lips. “That’s cause I love you.” She smiled.

“Yeah, yeah, love you too.”

“So,” Misty drawled, still wearing a grin, “can you grow some of my flowers again?”

You rolled your eyes playfully. “Of course.”


Misty deserves all the love in the world

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4 years ago

Don't You Know I Love You?

Pairing: Misty Day x Reader

Word Count: ~ 1,162

Summary: After you sustain an ankle injury, Misty decides to heal it for you. In the process, some hidden feelings surface, changing your relationship with Misty for the better. (This summary is kinda bad, but I promise the writing is better lol)

Warnings / Misc. -- Fluff, Happy Ending

I envisioned a female reader as I wrote this, but there's nothing to stop a male / non binary / genderfluid person from feeling the love!

A/N: Hey everyone! This is my first writing, and constructive criticism is welcome. Feel free to request, all I ask is that you have an idea of what you want. We can come up with something together if you're not too sure, no worries! As always, comments and feedback are much appreciated. I hope you enjoy! 😁

SPECIAL THANKS: I want to thank @imagines4thepeeps for encouraging me to post this and showing me the ropes!


"Misty, it's just a little sprain! Nothin' to get all bent outta shape over." You laugh incredulously, rolling your eyes at her. "You got hurt, and I'm not gonna just let you be in pain for no reason. Now just sit there and look pretty while I find the right spell." She replies, matter-of-factly. Arguing with Misty never seemed to go anyone's way except hers; she has a funny way of always sounding right and logical. So, you do what she said to. 

The soft hum of a Fleetwood Mac song moseys into the room, filling your ears with the sweet melody, making everything peaceful. You look around the room for something to occupy your mind, while she sifts through her book in the adjacent room; your attention is momentarily captured by the glass of sweet tea she brought you earlier, the condensation slowly dripping down it. As strange as it sounds, sitting there looking at the glass, you feel something swell within your chest. You love her. You'd known for a long time, and you'd had to come to terms with your feelings. The way she was just so gentle and good, never meaning harm or having wicked intentions like so many others you'd encountered before. She was perfect and pure, and you wanted nothing more than to protect and cherish her forever. 

And in your dreams, you did. They were wonderful, pleasant fantasies; they felt like that rush of warm summer air you feel as you step outside, into the sun. Or like the smell of sweet lavender as you ride your bike down the streets, feeling the light drizzle of cool water from your neighbors watering their gardens. It was warm and safe, and you never wanted to leave that place. But sadly, your reality is far different than that paradise. 

The sound of her voice calling to you pulls you from your thoughts. "--you alright? You were in your own little world there for a bit." She smiles, looking down at you. You can't help but do the same, the look on her face making your heart speed up. Whenever she paid you any attention -- however small it might be -- you were giddy. "Yeah, I'm good." You tell her, and you feel your walls begin to rise back up. "D'you find the incantation?" Her eyes analyze you for a moment before she answers you. "Sure did, sweet thang. I just need ya ta' sit up for me. Here--" she says, reaching out a hand. You take it, and she eases you up, before helping you lean back on the couch; she crouches at your feet. "Ya know Mist, I didn't injure my whole body... you're treatin' me like I'm fragile." Without missing a beat, she says, "Well you are, Y/N. That's why I love ya so much."

 Her words nearly knock the wind from your lungs. She loves you? Surely not like that. The way she said it so freely, so unafraid; those same words that you've been repeating to yourself for months, like a mantra, trying to find the right way to confess. And here she is, so gorgeous in the lazy, fading sunlight, simultaneously calming you down and making you nervous as hell. She quickly furrows her brow, looking up at you from her crouched position in front of you. Mustering up all the courage that you possess, you say, "I need to show you something." She just nods, reassuring you that she understands. You tenderly take her hand within your own, creating the physical bond required to show her your world. She gazes into your eyes, growing serious and curious all at once. "Show me, darlin'." 

With that, you begin. Warmth and radiance fills your senses, the dazzling aromas and sights following suit. You allow her to experience everything you feel when you see her; the giddiness, the excitement, the pleasure. It's unexplainable, but you manage to show her all of it; how protective you feel of her, how precious she is to you, all the things you never knew how to tell her on your own. Then, you let her in on some memories -- the main one being the first time you realized you love her. After that, you slowly release the bond, letting her get prepared for the juxtaposition of realities. Something drips down your cheek as you open your eyes; it’s a tear, and you wipe it away before she can see it. Her eyes stay closed for what feels like an eternity, causing you to sink down into the cushion and prepare for the worst. 

“Well... there ya go.” You let out a singular, nervous chuckle, before looking down and biting your lip. There was no way you could look her in the eyes as she rejected you. You sneak a glance at her, and find her eyes open; she has a gorgeous, awestruck look on her face. “That was beautiful.” She utters, sounding breathless. “I’ve never felt so accepted and loved before... why didn’t you tell me sooner?” You raise your head, meeting her gaze. “I was afraid. I mean, you’re so you and I’m just me. I could never measure up.” Instead of wasting oxygen on telling you all the reasons you’re wrong and she’s right, she leans forward and kisses you. 

It’s sweet and gentle, just like her, but it holds so much passion that you know you’d swoon if you were standing up. Her left hand cradles your head, and she moves to deepen the embrace. A few more alluring kisses later, you pull away and lean your forehead against hers and smile. “God, I never even imagined that this could happen. I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” You confess, feeling the weight lift off of your chest. “Me too, sugar.” She starts, pulling away further to look in your eyes. “Ever since that cookout we had months ago.” Your eyes widen and your jaw drops. “Really? That was only, like, the third time we’d seen each other.” She shrugged in her nonchalant way, saying, “It was enough for me. Part of me knew as soon as I met you. Another one of my traits, I guess. I felt a little pang of something when we first introduced ourselves... I just couldn’t tell what it meant at the time. But it’s clear now.” She says, running her fingers through some of your hair. “I love you so much. Almost as much as Stevie.” She whispers the last part in your ear, rolling forward and climbing beside you on the sofa. You gasp, shocked by her words. “I’m honored.” Your lips find hers, already accustomed to them. “I love you, too. I think we’ve established that, though.” She laughs loudly, and your heart soars. With your ankle forgotten about, the two of you spend the rest of the night together, tangled in each others arms, dizzy with excitement for the future.

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4 years ago

Somewhere Only We Know (As We Are Now)

Pairing: Cordelia Goode x Reader

Word Count: ~ 1,047

Summary: After a fight with Cordelia, you're left to pick up the pieces. While doing some reflecting, Misty (and the girls) help you decide what comes next.

Warnings / Misc. -- Angst (not entirely soul crushing tho), Potentially Hopeful Ending, Like 1 Curse Word

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoy. Feedback is always appreciated. Happy reading!


It wasn’t supposed to be like this. You’d think after everything you’ve been through together -- the ups and downs, constant tension and ever-changing circumstances, literal hell and back -- things would’ve found a way to work out. But right now, as you mindlessly twist the band around your finger, it all seems pretty hopeless. Memories of the night she gave you that ring come flooding into your mind:

“Darling, you look absolutely stunning.” At the sound of Cordelia’s voice, you turn your head towards her and smile. “Right back at you, sweetheart.” You quip, lowering the heat of the burner and wrapping an arm around her. She settles against your side, pulling you ever closer into her magical embrace. “Here, taste it.” You quickly gather some of the sauce onto the spoon and hold it to her lips, once it’s cooled down. Judging by the look that she gives you and the ethereal sound that she lets out after she tries it, it’s safe to say that she approves. “It’s delicious.” You blush lightly, still just as excited by her praise as ever. “It’s new, some type of Italian sauce for the pasta. Misty let me use some basil from her garden.” A wide grin spreads across your face and you raise your eyebrows at that last fact -- anytime Misty gives you fresh ingredients for a new dish, it usually turns out amazing. “She did, did she?” Delia asks, smirking lightly. You hum in response, and she kisses your temple. “Let’s eat.” You declare, before plating up the food.

Full and content, you look at Cordelia across the table. “Thank you for tonight, love.” You bow your head, smiling as you return her gaze. “My pleasure. I know you’ve had a lot going on recently with the girls, and I wanted to treat you to a nice meal.” At that, she sits unwavering for a moment, before a look of affirmation crosses her face. “And that is precisely the reason that I’m giving you this,” she states, pulling a small box from her pocket. “I’ve been realizing just how in love with you I am, Y/N. You’ve been by my side through it all, and I promise to do the same for you. I wanted to give you something to remind you of that, and I figured this would suffice.” She says, voice shaky with emotion, as she slips the ring onto your finger. “I don’t know what to say, Delia. Thank you... I love you so much.” You utter, tears in your eyes. She moves closer to you, enveloping you in her arms and keeping you close. 

The distant sound of a dog barking brings you back down to Earth. The bed had grown cold a long time ago, and the smell of her perfume was beginning to fade. Attempting to take your mind off of it, you slink down to the kitchen for some warm tea. Needless to say, that was a horrible idea. As you wait for it to steep, your eyes wander to the dining table; the same table that you had shared many meals, “I love you’s”, tearful reconciliations, and other defining moments in your relationship. As much as you try to fool yourself, the truth is blatantly obvious; everything reminds you of her. After all, when someone becomes your world, you tend to find them in everything. Whether it be the golden rays of sunlight shining on you to remind you of her angelic hair, or even the chill that goes up your spine at the memory of her hands all over you, you can’t escape your thoughts. It’s sweet torture, working to tear you down and build you back up all at once. As you taste the tea, her flavor comes to mind. Countless hours spent kissing and making love had made you accustomed and fine tuned to her. Knowing her body like the back of your hand was proving to be a blessing and a curse.  

As you sit alone with your thoughts, a sudden wave of anger washes through you. Without restraint, your cup flies across the room and shatters against the wall. Warm, salty tears spill from your eyes and flow relentlessly down your cheeks; you’re too drained to wipe them away. “Y/N? Are you alright?” It’s Misty. Sweet, loving, Misty. She takes a seat beside you, rubbing soothing circles on your back. “No, I’m not, Mist. I miss her so much, I just don’t see how I so royally fucked this up.” It was no secret to the Coven that the two of you were taking some time apart, to put things nicely. After all, it wasn’t hard for the girls to see when something was wrong with the power couple of the house. “I know it’s hard, but I can’t stand to see you upset like this. I’ve dealt with more than enough suffering in my life,” she pauses for a moment, “so take my advice: go after her. Sitting here, wallowing in your sadness, doesn’t give you any chance at making the situation better.” 

You let out a shaky breath, looking into her eyes. “I want to, but what if she doesn’t want me anymore?” At this, Misty lets out a small chuckle, shaking her head in disbelief. “Y/N, that woman will always want you. She’s hurt, of course, but she needs you now more than ever. This isn’t where your story ends… I just know it. Now go.” She says with conviction. The corners of your lips lift slightly, forming a soft smile. “Thank you, Misty. I love you.” You wrap her in a much needed hug, happy to have such an amazing person in your life. “I love ya, too. Now go get your girl.” She jests. Quickly grabbing your keys and wallet, you make a beeline for the door. Misty was right, as always: staying idle was doing you no good. “Good luck!” You take another look to find the source of the voice, and spot Zoe smiling at you from around the corner of the hall, giving you a thumbs up. The other girls are piled around her, and they quickly scurry off to try and hide the fact that they were eavesdropping. You laugh softly. “Thanks, girls.” 

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10 months ago

You’re the poet in my heart

Youre The Poet In My Heart

Misty Day x Reader

warnings- Suicide attempt ngl, kinda sad but then happy, copious amounts of yearning

Also guys sorry I’m not hyperfixated on the hunger games anymore so I’m having trouble finding the motivation to write for lucky 😭🙏


You were young when you met her, you remember the days running barefoot through through the woods and the excitement feeling in the pit of your stomach associated with her smile, she was like a breath of fresh air after being stuck inside all day. The days spent in bed with her singing softly to you, occasionally pressing a kiss to your knuckles or stroking your hair. A delightful change as you had always considered yourself rather plain. The smell of her lingering in the air when she wasn’t around, consuming your days.

You had always known she was special, although it never occurred to you to mind. Misty on her own meant so much to you that it wouldn’t bother you. Until members of the local church you both attended picked up on these abilities.

They had dragged her in the middle of the night, kicking and screaming from her bed. You had followed along, shouting and pleading with them not to hurt her, nobody listened. that’s when it hit you. You knew you were going to lose her. And as they strung her up to the wooden podium you screamed. You screamed and cried until all the air was gone from your lungs, you screamed until you couldn’t anymore and someone had to pull you away.

After that you felt empty, you couldn’t eat or sleep for weeks, like a part of you was missing. You sat at your desk, scribbling down letters, despite knowing she’d never read them you continued writing anything you felt. Mountains of paragraphs describing the details of how you missed her. You felt totally hopeless and like there was nothing you could do to feel normal again, not without Misty. You needed to clear your mind.

So you stepped out into the crisp night, feeling the cool breeze dancing along your skin as you walked to the creek bed through the woods. You stood on the bank and looked over. Noticing the water had risen due to the spring showers plaguing your town. Then an idea walked into your head.


You could jump.

So as you stripped off your cardigan, and peeled off your shoes and stepped off the bank, plunging into the cool heap beneath, the last thing running through your mind was Misty.


However you awoke, smelling the Louisiana mud in the air, and feeling it deep through your fingers. You moved yourself, attempting to fill your lungs. Peering around, you had noticed you were in a garden of some sort. You didn’t recognize it but there was a tiny cabin near where you were. You attempted to get up however you stumbled a bit before eventually catching your balance. You made your way towards the cabin hearing the familiar sounds of Fleetwood Mac playing from the inside. You felt a sense of nostalgia connected to it, however in your state you found it unable to reach into the depths of your memory and pull out any memory you had associated with the music. You raised your hand and knocked at the door.

You were immediately greeted with a warm presence, wrapping you in her arms, and with the sight of her smile and the smell of her hair in the crook of your neck, the memories came flooding back to you.

Tears began to spill from your eyes onto her. She Leaned away from the embrace and began stroking your face with her cool, ringed fingers.

And you knew, that you had found what you had searched for.

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