Mlb Makes Me Ramble On Everything I Could Do To Fix It - Tumblr Posts
As a writer, I don't like the idea of placing abuse just to make a character more relatable or more pathetic just so people could sympathize with them. Arguably, Felix's abuse story could've been used to expand on his ideologies and his behaviors, and to explain them—but I would never use the "oh he's an abused child so you can't blame him" bs. The abuse is a reason, never an excuse.
Felix's abuse narrative could've explained why he was such a little shit, because some reactions to abuse is to lash out and take it out on the world. But then comes the "down with the oppressors" vigilante shit that DOESN'T IN ANY WAY RELATE TO HIS PREVIOUS BEHAVIOR and after that, "oh poor widdle me I was so horribly abused I get a get out of jail-free card"... smh
And as for Emilie and Amelie..... where do I even start? Amelie's background plays some significance regarding the abuse narrative, but there's too many holes and contradictions and she doesn't show up enough to justify giving a damn about her. Just to play the "my poor baby" role.
Emilie, also, is arguably the most worthless goalpoint ever. She is literally just a plot device. We never learned anything about her, just that she's apparently "nice" and "a good mother". Gabriel and Adrien bemoaning her loss isn't enough to explain why she's in such a high regard for both of them, and their grief over her loss isn't used unless (in Gabriel's case) it's to justify terrorism or (in Adrien's case) to play the sympathy card. In both cases, she's a means to an end, and we learn nothing about her as a person that could make us care so damn bad.
The whole thing is just bs, and frankly, using a play instead of having Felix summarize it is so useless. I don't even understand why TA wasted more time trying to animate that, like all that hard work only for it to turn out utterly ridiculous in the end.
Some people think the reason they had Felix tell his story through that weird play was because the details were too graphic for younger kids, do you think that's a good excuse?
No because the details of Felix's abuse weren't narratively necessary. Felix suffering any abuse wasn't narratively necessary. I'd even say it was a bad thing to add because I doubt that the show is planning to deal with that issue by putting Felix into therapy or the like. It's going to be resolved by Kagami's love and was arguably only added to make Felix a sad little uwu who we can't blame for his actions.
All the play actually needed to do was:
Establish who the sentimonsters are (which it arguably failed at)
Establish that Gabriel is the butterfly holder (which the next episode does anyway)
Even outside of the abuse issue, most of what we see in the play was pointless. Giving us Emilie and Amelie's backstory would have only mattered if Emilie was brought back to life, which seems to not be the case? Even if she was brought back to life, what did we really learn about her? If we removed this play from the story, what would the narrative lose? Maybe season six will surprise me, but my guess is nothing.
You want to know why the play was really added? It's there so that Marinette wasn't able to defeat the akuma and free Chat Noir from his nightmare dust, making sure that there was no identity reveal and that he didn't show up for the final. That's it. That's the whole point.
Interestingly, I thought about Ladybug's power too! My idea is actually kind of similar to yours, with the whole "pure creation" idea.
For me, I thought it would be a good idea to condense "Lucky Charm", "Purification", and "Miraculous Ladybug" into one ability. Ladybug can create anything she wants, which seems OP at first glance, but in reality, the special power is limited by the user's own mind and its biases. Also thought it would be good that the 5-minute time limit also doubles as the timeframe in which she has full freedom to use her power.
Now let me break down each aspect and how it works:
"Lucky Charm" is essentially creating what you want. However, you need to have a clear, definite image of the thing you want to create (such as Mister Bug's ask for a mirror), Marinette's ideas are usually vague (think like "I need something to solve this") which is why she gets random stuff. It's TECHNICALLY something she needs, but it wasn't defined enough to make something specific.
"Purification" is basically equal to overwriting the akuma. Marinette thinks she's de-evilizing, but what she's actually doing is re-creating the akuma into what she presumed it to be initially (subconsciously), which is a butterfly.
"Miraculous Ladybug" is basically like the purification part. Marinette doesn't reverse the damage, her power responds to the idea she had, which is basically "Bring Paris back to what it used to be before" and re-creates everything back to how it used to look. Kind of like overwriting a previous document.
So basically, Marinette thinks she has 3 separate powers, but in actuality, she's just using 1 power in 3 different ways. Also, she has a limited number of uses for hers.
Now for Cat Noir... no arguments. I actually think his Cataclysm is fine as is. No need for more than a one-time use. The only thing I would change is the function.
Rather than a one-time use, Adrien has a limited amount of power. Think of it like a reservoir, and when he uses Cataclysm, he essentially just condenses all that power into a single, devastating blow. Maybe at some point, he could learn to portion out the power into smaller, not-as-big but also powerful attacks.
Sorry if this is a little on the longer side, but I put a lot of thought into the powers, mainly for my own AU. It's a thing I like to do. I will retcon, but if I can find a way to alter certain aspects that wouldn't contradict the original formula, I'll do that.
You’ve talked at length about Tikki and Plagg as characters in their own right as well as avatars for Creation and Desruction over multiple posts, so I’m gonna ask about your full thoughts on their weapons (yo-yo; staff) and powers (Lucky Charm, Miraculous Ladybug, De-evilization, and Magical Charms; Catyclysm).
I don't have strong thoughts on the weapons. I don't think they're really themed around Creation and Destruction, but that doesn't bother me because it makes sense for the weapon to just be a weapon and the magic powers to be what gets tied to the Kwami's Force. I will say that I think that the more powerful the magic power is, the less lethal the weapon should be. It makes sense that Destruction wouldn't have a sword when Destruction can kill you with a touch of their hand. It also make sense that Creation wouldn't give you the ability to easily destroy a life. Minor thematic elements to be sure, but good ones that I wouldn't change even if the show was allowed to have on-screen death.
Quick power rundown since I've talked about most of these before:
Lucky Charm: like the general concept, hate that it's tied to Luck and not just pure Creation. I'd change it so that Marinette has to actually come up with items, but leave the wackiness of what she comes up with as on-the-spot problem solving is just like that sometimes and it's a nice character beat
Miraculous Ladybug: Generally like this power, but I feel it's a little too OP. It doesn't just create things, it destroys them like when it removes messes. I'd personally change the power to pure creation and give Chat Noir a sister power that does the destruction half, making the miraculous reset a dual wielded ability. Maintains Ladybug being the vital "must have" power while making the two miraculous feel more balanced
De-evilization: Like the power, hate that it's Ladybug's. Cleansing is an act of Destruction, a removal of taint. This should be Chat Noir's power. Probably just an aspect of his Cataclysm
Magical Charms: I think these are weird, but Creation should be able to create anything so I guess they're fine? I personally wouldn't introduce a complication like this because it raises a lot of questions, but I think it may have been forced on the writers to sell toys so I won't nitpick too much.
Cataclysm: the one power I have no notes on. I think it's fine as-is. Destruction gets an act of pure destruction. Makes sense to me.