Mmm The Way I Walk Shakily Back To The Car After Pilates - Tumblr Posts
I usually hate exercising but I’ve found I can do Pilates so I’ve been doing that
I off-handedly mentioned that a sadist would thrive as a Pilates/ gym/ workout instructor to today’s instructor and she laughed and said I’m the second person to say that to her (she then assured me she’s not a sadist, which I believe as she and other instructors usually offer a lighter weight version and other accommodations for me and other people in the class but anyways)
Which leads me to…
Exercise whump!
Make Whumpee run on a treadmill, there’s spikes on the ground around them as a punishment for when they get too tired to continue
Make Whumpee remain in a squat by chaining their hands to a pole. To low to stand properly, to high to even try to sit down.
In Pilates we have this circle we have to hold between our legs while we lie down with our legs in tabletop position (absolutely KILLS your inner thighs). Make whumpee do this, but if their legs hurt too much and they drop the circle, they get shocked.
Make whumpee hold increasingly heavier weights in order to access basic needs like using the bathroom, eating, and drinking water.
My mom told me hot yoga and hot Pilates is like torture… enroll your Whumpee in a hot class today! (but they don’t get to drink any water but the water whumper provides, what whumper puts in whumpee’s canteen is up to you)
The only caveat is that all the exercise will make whumpee a lot stronger, so make sure to only work out one of whumpee’s body parts for weeks on end, leaving the others restrained to suffer muscular atrophy so escape remains impossible. Be sure to switch which body part is worked out and which is tied so you can have variety in your torture methods!