Momo Neko - Tumblr Posts

Despite her anxieties Momo likes to remember the birthdays of basically anyone around her! She just knows it can brighten someone’s day to remember their birthday! Even if you are late to the party.. And yes. She often uses the notepad app on her phone to “talk” to people, she’s quite the fast typer! And that ladies and gentlemen is my lore reason to draw for everyone’s b-days! Right now two have been missed by less than a week so I’m drawing them dammit!! So.. @kamiart noticed your gal’s was only almost a week ago so drew up a lil gift giving! Thought a blanket would be a nice gift seeing how sleepy she gets, hope you like this lil comic! I.. I was too big of a coward to give her dialogue..

Her classmate’s kindness gave some confidence for a simple yet important question!
I.. I could not figure out how to draw the classroom so voids of color and emotion it is!!

Momo is a sucker for sweets, she would’ve loved to thank Michiko but alas she was in and out so fast there wasn’t even a chance to try to catch her attention.. Maybe she’ll find another time to thank her for the sweet treat..
Cupcakes for Sato-sensei!
“YAMADA-SAN!” They immediately flinch as they hear the back door of the Ambrosia Cafe slam open.
“W-Watanabe-chan, do be careful with the door!” Hikari Yamada yelps as Michiko stumbles in, barely adjusting the ribbons on her uniform,”Why are you shouting all of a sudden?!”
“I need something sweet.” was the response,”I know we have those cute cupcakes with the faces! Can I take some, please? You can even take out a bit from my paycheck!”
“Slow down, slow down!” Hikari grabs a hold of her hands,”First off, take a deep breath and calm down.”
A beat of silence, but she complies, taking a deep breath and exhaling, feeling her shoulders relax.
“Good.” They sigh,”Second, kindly explain why you suddenly took an interest in the cupcakes?”
“...” they see her face flush and mumble,”...Its my teacher’s birthday... I wanted to bring cupcakes for my class... p...please don’t be mad...”
Hikari couldn’t help but burst out into laughter at that, to Michiko’s confusion and fluster. The older man slapped their knee and kept on laughing for a solid minute until he was wheezing and on his knees. The woman was less than amused.
“Yamada-san, this is serious!”
“I know!” They straighten up, laughing still,”Its just... oh Michichi... do you really think I’d be mad?”
He laughed even more for a bit before finally relaxing,”Michichi... oh sweetheart... I’d never be mad at something so sweet...! Of course you can make cupcakes for your class!”
Michiko’s face lit up,”Really?!”
“Of course!” Hikari grins,”Free of charge! Just ah... don’t tell Yuna and Riku...”
She races over, hugging the larger man in glee,”YES! Thank you thank you SO MUCH!”
“Okay okay! Don’t thank me like this.” They grin, giving her head a pat,”Thank me with how you’re making these cupcakes!”
“Alright! By the way, do you have any motor oil at the moment?”
“...excuse me?”
Four boxes of six and three individuals. Michiko hummed cheerily as she carried them to the class, setting them on her desk and waited for their teacher to come in. It’s admittedly kind of nerve-wrecking. What if someone didn’t like their cupcake? What if she got the flavors wrong? She really hoped she didn’t flub some perfectly good cupcakes, especially the one for Manami (the trial and error on that one!).
“Mm! Yes, Sensei?”
“Mind...” Sato looked at the boxes with a raised eyebrow,”What’s all this?”
“Oh! Well...” Michiko stood up, before setting the boxes all up and opening to revealed the contents. Each cupcake was tailored in flavor from base to topping to fit the recipient and they have little details that indicated who got what.
“Since I heard it’s your birthday...” She holds out the box containing the cupcake meant for her teacher,”I thought I’d make some cupcakes for you and for everyone, courtesy of Ambrosia Cafe!” She grins,”Happy Birthday, Osamu-sensei!”
-Manami’s is oil and orange flavored!
-Jetsam’s is all cute and pastel because she remembered how cute his shoes were when she first saw him.
-The 26th cupcake isn’t for her, it’s actually for Toshinori! She didn’t make a cupcake for herself...
-has bags under her eyes, yea she literally spent all night making these cupcakes (ofc she had help but still)
-There is at least one gumball in Jiro’s for the joke
(Be sure to add some other details she may have added to the cupcakes!)
NOW FOR THE LONG AF TAG LIST (any new arrivals will be tagged in a reblog because i dunno who else got accepted!)

And with this I should, for now, be done with drawing for a bit, well at least the b-day related stuff.. Let’s hope I get some more ideas to create cause this is hella fun!
Momo fact! Whenever she isn’t sure what to buy for someone she gets them a small book of poetry since she likes poetry and hopes others might too!
Incase the cursive is unclear: Hello Sato sensei.
I overheard your birthday was recently so I wanted to give you a small gift.
I may not be your student but I will be seeing you a lot so I wanted to do something nice!
Happy birthday Sato Sensei
(I hope you like poetry)

The cats are chatting well chatting and typing
Kinda funny how there happens to be 2 cats with different cat quirks in the same class!
And guess Momo’s good-ish social skills around cats also counts for more.. Human like cats, good to know~


The cats are chatting well chatting and typing
Kinda funny how there happens to be 2 cats with different cat quirks in the same class!
And guess Momo’s good-ish social skills around cats also counts for more.. Human like cats, good to know~

Looks like the laser pointer prank wasn’t that well received..

SO! Momo time. I didn’t have the chance to write much about her in her small bio in the refs cause ya know, I wanted to be speedy to make it in with how fast the seats were filling up but now I’ve been working on her!! So as a small summary of what’s below.. Momo has 2 support groups of sorts, her moms and some stray cats! The black haired woman aka Kyoko isn’t her bio mom though, sadly she and her father died in an accident when she was young which is where her muteness began and only got worse after getting bullied when she was still young..
SO! I won’t throw everything here cause there is a lot, and I wanna draw some stuff for some of them too! But time for some basics!
Black haired woman is Kyoko Neko, she is actually Momo’s aunt but took her in when she was around 5 due to her parents passing away in an accident which basically started Momo’s muteness, she used to talk here and there as a kid but not anymore... Momo with time began seeing her as her new mom which she didn’t mind. Kyoko is a doctor btw. The blondie is Kyoko’s lovely wife.. Emily Neko! She’s from England and is a semi known fashion designer! She and Kyoko were dating when Kyoko got Momo in her care but over time Momo warmed up to Emily so now she’s also seen as a mom by her. Kyoko and Emily are actually both quirkless but love their daughter nonetheless.
This no quirk thing was a problem at first.. Since they lived in a very small town that happened to be not that quirk filled, and the ones with quirks tended to have ones that didn’t really show.. So Momo was bullied for a few years before they moved a bigger city which was a LOT more quirk filled but alas the damage was done and Momo didn’t talk at all anymore to anymore, not even her moms..
But.. That’s where those stray cats come in! Not long after moving in their apartment Momo found an injured cat while taking the trash out and wanted to help but it was scared of her so seeing as no one was around she turned into a cat and offered help. And quite quickly pretty much every stray cat in the area knew her as “the cool human cat who gave food and came for chats” and now years later she sees the ones that appear most often as a second family! And often goes to them for advice! Since she does still talk with cats, since they can’t exactly read what she’d type so she slowly began talking with them since she felt more like she belonged! She wasn’t seen as an outcast any moment, they saw her as a fellow cat the second they met her! Those cats know a LOT about Momo, in some parts with some topics they might even know more than her moms..
So yeah! There’s some stuff about Momo’s past! There’s a lot more to be told but that’s the start of it for now! Here’s some bonus cat Momo doodles from my cat anatomy practicing~

Legends say as the school days pass Momo grows more concerned for some of her classmates health...
I drew an incorrect quote thing for some of the class 1-Y characters.

Oc Credits:
Jaye Rokuto:@zer0-10 Momo Neko@lintulady Doku Heiwa@dokuheiwa Hikari Kamino@dantelionwishes Tokiya Iori@skiduffle (me)
Bonus Meme and Script Under Cut:
Script Because the text might be hard to read:
Doku: We've been conducting an ongoing study to see what Tokiya will and will not eat.
Jaye: Grass?
Doku: Yes!
Doku: Moss?
Jaye: Yes!!
Jaye: Leaves?
Doku: Ohh yes!
Doku: Shoelaces?
Jaye: Strange but true!
Jaye: Worms?
Doku: Sometimes!
Doku: Rocks?
Jaye: Usually nah.
Jaye: Twigs?
Doku: Usually!
Doku: Hikari's Cooking?
Jaye: Inconclusive!
Hikari: Hey...
Momo: How did you test this?
Jaye: You just hand them stuff and say 'eat this' and if they eat it, they eat it.
Momo: … I don't know how to feel about this.
Hikari: Wait...
Hikari: Is this where my spare shoelaces went?!

Seriously I used the color picker tool to make sure I got the color palettes just right with each character, and I do not regret it. Other than the pen and eraser tools, this is probably the most used tool I use.

Wonder where she’s running to...
Felt like animating so made a little loop for my baby~ Surprised how animation friendly her costume is, when I made it I was not thinking about animation
Under the cut are some progress bits for fun and a transparent run loop~

We’ve got a birthday girl~
Fun fact! Momo’s birthday is August 3rd cause on August 3rd 2018 I began watching MHA! I found an old text from my bro linking the first episode while looking for info about Momo so thought to make that her birthday!

I noticed just a tiiiiny bit of a height difference between Momo and Tsuki.. Just a small one..

This started out as a silly side note when talking about quirks but I drew it and now it’s one of my faves
I think this thing happened cause Makoto saw Momo’s similarities to some MHA version of Tokyo Mew Mew and honestly it wasn’t hard asking Momo to do it, she is so very bad at saying No. Someone please help her learn that

Momo doesn’t know malls or such well so she’s just following Sumiye’s lead! They’re having fun!

This started out as a silly side note when talking about quirks but I drew it and now it’s one of my faves
I think this thing happened cause Makoto saw Momo’s similarities to some MHA version of Tokyo Mew Mew and honestly it wasn’t hard asking Momo to do it, she is so very bad at saying No. Someone please help her learn that

Momo’s question stands how the heck did he guess her favorite flavors?? Like strawberry I get I once drew her munching on some strawberry shortcake but butterscotch??? Ya sure his quirk isn’t mind reading??

Their friendship/dynamic reminded me of this so I just had to draw it!

Happy birthday to Murasaki Nendo!

Here is a VERY quick sketch comic to mirror my current situations, though I realized this a few days ago..
But hey even a silly doodle comic like this has lore! Momo does speak when she’s alone! She does so because just sitting with her thoughts all day for days on end can get a little suffocating if that makes sense... So when she’s alone at home, a very common thing since her moms very busy, she talks to herself! I definitely will make some Momo centric stuff later but rn as you can see there are 3 b-days on the same day so I gotta get to that so I can throw them here in rapid fire on the 13th! I gotta get better at planning ahead of time...

I remember seeing a thing of Burai wearing the vest thing more so I just drew that, let’s hope my memory didn’t prank me on that one..