Monk And Robot - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Finished this book about ten minutes ago, and it packs so many conversations into so few pages. It imagines such a bright future in such a specific way. Like much of Chambers’ other works, it employs characters who are kind and good to begin with, but who must make sense of their place in something bigger. This, Chambers seems to suggest, is the great work of our lives, even when we do not feel that we are “doing” anything.


- A Psalm for the Wild-Built, Becky Chambers 

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1 year ago

Anything by Becky Chambers, but since I’ve already seen her Wayfarers series recommended, I’m going to toss one for her Monk and Robot series. It’s the best kind of utopian fiction: One where the central conflict - man vs. self, finding a purpose - fits naturally instead of being shoehorned in or running counter to the themes. And, of course, it’s beautiful.

As a person who is dying for book recommendations: What is a book you picked up randomly that you heard nothing about previously that blew you away?

I feel like we all have at least one hidden gem we stumbled upon.

Please reblog with your books in the tags :)

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