Moon Correspondences - Tumblr Posts
Full moons correspondences
Wolf moon (January) also known as cold moon, air
Inner power, insight, assess your journey, protection, personal developement
Ianna, Freyja, Skadi, the Morrigan, Hecate
Wolves, foxes, coyotes, blue jay, pheasants
Hematite, ruby, selenite, moonstone, opal, garnet, jet, onyx, obsidian
Black, white, silver, violet
Snow moon (February) also known as storm moon or hunger moon, air and water
New starts, ambition, change, creativity, reflection
Brighid, Diana, Juno
Otter, eagle, chickadee, unicorn
Amethyst, jasper, moonstone
Purple, light blue, yellow
Worm moon (March) also known as seed moon, water and fire
New growth, set intentions, renewal, balance, prospering
Mars, Tyr, Athena, Isis
Cougar, bear, hedgehog, sea crow, sea eagle
Aquamarine, bloodstone, jade
Pale green, red, violet
Pink moon (April) also known as hare moon, fire and earth
Rebirth, discovery, fertility, goals, openings, opportunities
Aphrodite, Venus, Hathor, Kali, Rhiannon
Bear, wolf, hawk, magpie
Diamond, quartz, emerald
Pale yellow, pink, gold
Flower moon (May) also known as fairy moon, earth and air
Abundance, gratitude, romance, maturity, intuition
Bast, Artemins, Pan, Cernunnos
Cats, lynx, leopard, swallow, dove, swan
Emerald, sapphire, agate
Pink, green, brown
Strawberry moon (June) also known as rose moon, air and water
Harvest, manifesting, dreams, love, good health, clarity, communication
Juno, Hera, Isis, Neith, Cerridwen
Monkey, butterfly, frog, toad, wren, peacock
Pearl, moonstone, citrine, blue lace agate
Yellow/green and orange
Buck moon (July) also known as hay moon, water and fire
Inner fire, long term goals, leadership, divination
Hel, Athena, Lugh, Khepri
Crab, turtle, dolphin, whale, starling, swallow
Ruby, carnelian, green calcite, peacock ore
Blue, gray, silver
Sturgeon moon (August) also known as barley moon, earth and air
Freedom, perseverance, cleansing, reaping, gratitude, peace, harmony
Demeter, Ceres, Hathor, Nemesis, Ganesha, Vulcan, Vesta
Lion, phoenix, sphinx, dragon, crane, falcon, eagle
Periodot, onyx, bronzite, green sapphire
Gold, yellow, green
Harvest moon (September) also known as corn moon, earth and air
Harvest, gratitude, balance, reflection, psychic work, home and hearth
Demeter, Ceres, Thor, Thoth, Persephone, Freyja, Isis
Snake, jackal, ibis, sparrow
Peridot, sapphire, bloodstone, chrysolite
Brown, yellow, amber
Hunters moon (October) also known as blood moon, air and water
Strength, protection, endurance, rebirth, ambition, ancestral work
Cernunnos, Hecate, the Morrigan, Osiris, Astarte, Ishtar, Lakshmi
Stag, jackal, elephant, ram, scorpion, wolf, heron, crow, robin, owl, raven
Opal, tourmaline, citrine, rose sapphire
Red, orange, deep blue, black, dark green, brown, gold
Beaver moon (November) also known as snow moon, water and fire
Preparation, security, grounding, fidelity, new beginnings, release
Cailleach, Circe, Sybele, Hel, Holda, Kali, Bast, Osiris
Unicorn, scorpion, crocodile, jackal, owl, goose, sparrow
Topaz, obsidian, onyx, apache tear
White, purple, gray, sage green, black
Cold moon (December) also known as oak moon, fire and water
Completion, renewal, reflection, shadow work, transitions, peace
Dionysus, Athena, Attis, Ixchel, Neith, Wodan, Osiris, Frey
Deer, mouse, horse, bear, snowy owl, robin, rook
Blue zircon, turquoise, serpentine, lazulite, smoky quartz
Blood red, green, white, black