Morning Spells - Tumblr Posts
Morning Sun Spell (Pokemon Inspired)
An easy spell to lift your spirits; best performed in the morning.

You Will Need:
☀ A Sunrise or morning sunlight ☀ Open space
☀ Go outside into the morning sunlight and if you can face the rising sun.
☀ Feel the warmth of it on your skin and like golden waves of energy running across the land feel it pass through you. Close you eyes and stretch you arms upwards towards the sky, stand on your toes if you can. Feel your own energy grow and stretch out, absorbing all of the fresh crisp energy of the sun.
☀ Focus on your intent to absorb the golden yellow energy to bring you happiness and a good start to your day. Take deep breaths and relax your arms for a few beats before stretching them upwards again.
☀ Repeat this process focusing on your intent and feeling the sun’s bright energy entering you until you feel refreshed and ready to start your day.
☀ End spell by bowing in the direction of the sun to thank it for offering you its energy and giving you a well needed boost.