Mr Speaker - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

To Mr. Speaker, where are you at currently? And do you work for the radio?

To Mr. Speaker, Where Are You At Currently? And Do You Work For The Radio?

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9 months ago

Hey Speaker! Is your head a radio or a TV? There's like, a lot of TV head characters so I had to ask.

Hi! Trygamer45 here to answer because Mr Speaker is doing something. Mr Speaker is a radio and one of his eyes is replaced with the speaker found on an old timey radio's. The dials on his mouth also spin in different directions and the buttons in the center at the bottom of his face are for different radio channels.

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8 months ago

How old is mr speaker? When did he start his job? Also, do you think he ever lived the hell of working at retail?

That's a great question! Mr Speaker was inspired by the 1920s/30s so he's 32 years old and started when he was 29. No, he has never worked in retail but he did work on a farm with his family; that's why he's so hard working.

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8 months ago

Who are ur inspiration for Mr speaker?

My character was made around 2017/18 so I took inspiration from a few references at that time period. His old design almost looked like a mix of Vox and another character from a different franchise that I don't remember. However, I did change the way he looks now in 2024 since his old design sucked in my opinion but I remember being so proud of it.

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8 months ago

Question, does Mr Speaker have any children?

He does actually! He adopted a daughter who enjoys coloring and making fun little scripts for his station, the scripts usually include jokes.

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7 months ago

Do you think Mr speaker is interested in having a relationship? One that's romantic or queer platonic? Honestly, I just want to know more about him, how's his daughter, by the way?

To answer your first question, he doesn't really want a relationship at the moment. He'd rather have his daughter to hang out with than someone else. Secondly, his daughter is fine and is playing on her phone.

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6 months ago

is mr speaker doing alright?

Mr Speaker: "Thank you for your Question Anon, and yes, I'm doing quite alright."

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6 months ago

Can I hug the Mr speaker

Mr Speaker: "I'm not one for hugs; however, I will give you a 'headpat' as my daughter calls it."

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