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Details about Henry Emily

As previously mentioned, Henry Emily is a Vietnam veteran who served as a combat engineer. However I figured I should clarify a bit more about when he served and what role he played in the overall series of my head-canon or randomized thoughts. Henry Emily actually enlisted with the United States Marine Corps at the age of 18 in mid-1967 in order to see what his father experienced in WW2 and Korea. By the mid-1967, most Americans were under the belief the war was winnable and that would be ending soon which is why he volunteered, thinking the war would end sometime after he enlisted and did a tour of duty in Vietnam. He finished training and would be sent over to Vietnam as a combat engineer with other Marines to nearby bases near Hue. Everyone was just counting their days and waiting for the war to end while the Vietnamese Lunar New Year approached in January of 1968. The Tet Offensive changed all thoughts as Hue was under siege by Viet Cong and units of the North Vietnamese Army. Henry and many Marines would be tasked with deadly street to street fighting along with even deadlier room to room clearing which was intense in an urban setting such as Hue. Henry Emily experienced the harshest of combat and was tasked with burning out enemy positions a few times with flamethrowers. It was a horrible ordeal and after the battle ended months later, Henry was a changed man. He would go on to finish his tour of duty and returned home to witness the changes of the American opinion of the war along with treatment to returning soldiers.

Henry spent the rest of 1968 struggling to figure out what to do as well as deal with the nightmares and memories of the war that left psychological scars on him. However, his father, a Marine who served in World War Two and Korea, was there to help him and encouraged his son to go to college along with being there to support him as he understood what he was going through. With this encouragement, Henry would go to college at the local university, studying to be an engineer and toying with robotics. He wanted to stay far away from violence and conflict, wanting to make happiness instead of pain and suffering. Hence his focus on animatronics as Disney was getting quite popular in the field and he could make a lot of money with such skills. During his first semester, he had an encounter with one Alison Reed, a hippy college girl. They initially disliked each other due to backgrounds until they just started talking to each other during an argument at a cafe which made them realize they weren’t who they thought they were. After this argument, the two began to socialize more and eventually started dating.   Of course, the biggest event to happen in Henry’s life is his fateful encounter with his future friend-turned-enemy William Afton in 1969.

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4 months ago

⚠️Mentions of $u!c!d3 and dr#g$⚠️

Mentions Of $u!c!d3 And Dr#g$
Mentions Of $u!c!d3 And Dr#g$
Mentions Of $u!c!d3 And Dr#g$

It’s time for the wives! They’re not that important though but eh. I’m almost done with the refs *Cries*

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6 months ago
Emilia Emily

Emilia Emily

Henry’s loving wife, whom he adores. The best way to get on friendly terms with Henry is to get him to talk about her. But the only question employees have is…does she know?

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