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2 years ago

10 Questions with Annella Perlman

1)What’s your morning routine?

I wake up early to make a cup of coffee and having a light reading of tranquility as the sunset.

2)If Elio were a girl, what would you named her?

Perhaps, Circe, My husband and I share a mutual obsession in Greek mythology. Therefore, I think our daughter’s name will still be within the boundary. Personally, I think she is an empowering demigod whose mind possesses of such intelligence and resourcefulness. I made a hypothetical presumption that our daughter might be crafty and witty in character.

3)Where did you meet your husband?

At the historical museum in Britain, during that time he was working there as an archeological professor and I was visiting the place to research for my PhD final paper. 

4)Who flirt first?

I don’t think our relationship starts off from infatuation towards one another. It’s more of the interest we have in common that drawn us together. I remember that very day we met, we decided to have a pleasant wander together around the museum; talking about certain artifacts that display in the building. 

5)Who ask the other to go on a date?

Upon my last day in Britain, he finally asked me to go on a date. I almost didn’t become Mrs.Perlman because I gave him my personal number the second time we met and since then he never called, until the last day of my staying.  

6)What’s the favorite activity of you and your husband?

Walking around the city aimlessly and discussing about anything that come into our minds.

Reading books as his head is on my lap. Although, I must admit some truth that he has such soothing voice that I secretly wish he read to me more often than I read to him.

And of course, making love. (Winked) 

7)Who get jealous more easily?

In all honesty, I do. Ask Sammy about the scenario. It was quite embarrassing.

8)Do you fight with your husband frequently?

-It is a habit of spouses to exercise their debate skill with each other, methinks. Though, Sam vexed me most of the time by his sudden mused. He simply doesn’t talk at all when I wanted to fight most and that is just infuriating.

9)Have you had any lover before Mr.Perlman?

-Yes, she is my college friend. She was also my first love who taught me that to truly love someone with all our hearts, we must be able accept the betrayal or the loss that one’s might provide you. It shaped me in becoming who I am today. I dare say she may be the embodiment of the word “affection” herself; however, tragically, she died because of an incurable infectious disease. But I will never run out of my tenderness for her, never. Not in this life.

10)Do you have pet names for each other? You and your husband.

In a way, we invented a new whole language to speak to each other in secrecy. I mean lovers always feel like they are inventing something together whether it be the intimacy they built or the miracle life which is a production of a holy consummation. I cannot tell you of the language because I wish it to be just between us two but I can tell you the meaning of it: Confidant.

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