Much Appreciated - Tumblr Posts
And so it is.
A Love Manifestation Message
I love Me, I am enough, and I’m deserving of good Love. I will not force Love, for it is something that manifests naturally from the essence of who we are. Love will find ME, and I shall meet it halfway in the presence of another, and fuse my heart with his.
I will no longer chase towards dead ends. I will no longer knock on the doors of those unwilling to answer my call, for compatibility in Love is a factor of vibes ebb and flow, and flow I shall, effortlessly. I will make room for one that will allow my love to dwell and nourish them, and they will do the same for me. We will learn each other, flaws and all, good and bad, the grey areas. The imperfections that make us beautiful in each other’s eyes. We will appreciate who we are as individuals and who we are to each other, and though there may be varied weather, our Love together will do much more than we ever could alone.
This is my general manifest of Love, not directed at anyone person, but a vision of how Love will operate and proceed in my life. I believe it. And so it is. Asè ❤💯✌🏾
Why are you so hot, eita? 🥹 all I want is to squish your cheeks and turn you into a good guy 🥹🥹🥹 pls I can fix you
Cant fix something that aint broken 🤙🏻
Why are you so hot, eita? 🥹 all I want is to squish your cheeks and turn you into a good guy 🥹🥹🥹 pls I can fix you
Cant fix something that aint broken 🤙🏻

A Good Witch Guide to Smoking Herbs!
I’ve been getting a lot of questions about my “witch cigarettes” lately, so here it is, people! I am just a humble Good Witch and do not claim to have all the answers; this information has been collected by my personal experiences, friends who are herbalists and the internet. I am not a doctor and none of this information has been approved by the FDA. PLEASE do your own research and remember that herbs are serious, real deal stuff that can have both positive AND negative effects. Always consult whomever it is you consult and use your damn brain when making decisions for yourself. Enjoy and use responsibly. :)
How I got into smoking herbs:
I love to smoke. I feel very connected to the ancient carnal pleasure that is taking burning plants into my lungs. However I do NOT love smoking tobacco… anymore. I smoked tobacco for a very long time and all it did was drain my wallet, my energy, made me smell bad and give me bronchitis all the time. Quitting was very hard for me, and is still something I struggle with. When I’m stressed out I tend to substitute weed for a cigarette, and that is also problematic. I catch myself smoking weed just because I want to smoke SOMETHING and know I can’t do the tobacco anymore. This is also not cost effective, and I just get too damn doped out; I’m not smoking because I want to get high or settle my stomach, it’s because I want to burn something in my lungs.
An herbalist friend of mine turned me on to the joys of smoking OTHER herbs, and I proudly present you with a variation on their “recipe”. These herbs are cheap, organic, and have many benefits I can obtain by smoking them. I get to feel in touch with my witchy smoke roots and not completely tear myself up with harsh chemical soaked tobacco or waste all my kind bud on compulsive habits. They are extremely affordable, and for about $40 you can get more herbs then you’ll know what to do with delivered right to your door. Win win!! I find that it’s a lot easier to not smoke a cigarette when I know I have a healthier option available.
Okay! On to the nitty gritty!
I order my herbs from Mountain Rose Herbs in Oregon, but I’m sure there are other reputable sources for such things. I buy organic filters and papers, and I use a little rolling machine to pre-roll them for on the road.
The herbs will need to be ground up with a mortar and pestle to be the right size for rolling/smoking and there will be some sticks to pick out. (The sticks burn too hot and also poke holes in yer papers.. d'oh!) It’s best practice to grind your herbs together in small batches, this way they masticate together in the batch and all the good stuff stays in your stash. I usually just grind up enough to roll a dozen or so “witch sticks” to keep with me throughout the week, and I just repeat the process when necessary.
Here’s what goes inside:
Hawthorn Leaf and Flower Very commonly used as a tobacco substitute! Has antioxidant properties and promotes a sense of well being and a boost of energy!
Lavender Smells and tastes AMAZING! I used to mix it into my tobacco in the old days just because I liked the taste and smell so much! Lavender is great for anxiety, relaxation, depression and relaxing your body when tense.
Damiana Enhances dreams, produces a mild high that can last an hour or so, and is an aphrodisiac (hey HEY!) Damiana also improves digestion, promotes wellness and helps increase energy levels. Can also be burned as in an incense.
Mullein Another tobacco alternative, mullein is said to actually clear your lungs out when you smoke it, it has anti-asthmatic properties! It’s a slight sedative and has been used to treat spasmodic coughs and asthma for a looooong ass time. This is a great one!
Red Raspberry Leaf RRL is a sedative and muscle relaxant, so it’s great for menstrual cramps and body aches and pains! It also helps to neutralize the toxins in tobacco, so it’s helpful if you’re using this blend to quit the ‘baccy. This is a great one to make tea out of as well.
Wood Betony Awesome for headaches and pain relief, helps with migraines and nerve pain. Good for keeping a clear mind and also good for making wands. Was once thought to be endowed with powers against evil spirits! Take THAT energy vampires!!
Pipsessewa Helps with water retention, slugishness and weight gain. Reduces and balances Kapha in the body. Heals stomach problems. Warms and activates lymphatic systems. Extracts are also used to flavor rootbeer!
Mugwort Improves dream recall, promotes lucid dreaming and helps those who have trouble falling asleep. Calms and relaxes. Encourages altered states of consciousness. Rad.
links/quick about
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‘97, ⚣, USA, digital painter and writer just looking for a place besides instagram + tiktok to share my art with fellow tkkrs (adult army only)
Resources ♥
Skins and skin overlays: @northernsiberiawinds @obscurus-sims @sims3melancholic (I'm tagging them and not linking to the specific files because it's ALWAYS something by them, all my skins and overlays are by them.)
EYES: @pralinesims Irene Eyes (sometimes with this slider by @obscurus-sims (the pupil scale one)) // @northernsiberiawinds Eyes #27 // @goppolsme Eyes G16 // @pralinesims DI(eYe) Kit and Add-ons
Other things I use are usually mine, so you can check my DL page here :)
Honestly I think a lot of people who have never made a gif for tumblr don't get that it does actually take time and effort, its not just rip it from a video and post it- you have to download the video, in my case I have a video player installed that grabs continuous caps, figure out what parts you need, you have to open those in photoshop or gimp, depending on where you got photoshop you might be paying for it every month and then on top of that is actually sizing, cropping, colouring, sharpening, adding text, etc. etc. like it is something that takes time and effort for which the only real reward is creating something that makes you happy and hopefully people reblog it with a nice or funny tag, so maybe keep that in mind the next time you think gif makers are being mean or unfair for being upset about reposts. It is its own little artform that is fairly unique to this website, and that's a big aspect of why I have always loved tumblr, if all the gifmakers stopped posting things would be a lot more boring around here.