Murder Drones Cyn Art - Tumblr Posts

4 months ago
For Yesterdays Prompt, Crossover! The Whole Idea Of Springtrap VS Cyn Captivated Me Cuz I Love Both Characters,

For yesterday’s prompt, Crossover! The whole idea of Springtrap VS Cyn captivated me cuz I love both characters, and then it just made me go down a whole bunch of rabbit holes with ideas, and I had an idea…FNAF/Murder Drones crossover fic, where JCJenson was making Worker Drones in the 1980s, and William Afton adopted one discarded drone named Cyn and raised her to fill the void left behind when he got his actual daughter Elizabeth killed. Sorta like “Springtrap and Deliah” but they’re both horrible people so I’m not trying to make you feel bad for a serial killer, and also I’m not shipping them XD

Also yea full drawing of how I draw Afton, I’m not ashamed of it

For Yesterdays Prompt, Crossover! The Whole Idea Of Springtrap VS Cyn Captivated Me Cuz I Love Both Characters,

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