Mushroom Oasis - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
Quick Update
Hello hello, fireflies! Dropping in for a quick update on the progress for Day 2. I took a big hiatus from the game to handle some irl stuff for the past few months but I'm happy to say I've started drawing for the game again! (Can I make it for Halloween? I'll definitely try ;v;)

All the backgrounds for Day 2 have been completed after much delay! And I'm already working on the first of 10 (6 if you don't count variations) CGs:

As of now, the blog will most likely be silent for another week or two while I focus on the art needed. But I'm definitely planning to open the askbox and manage the fanart queue once the release date draws near.
It still surprises me the #mushroom oasis tag still has people interested in this game after so much silence but thank you so much for those who continue to look forward to the game <3!!
Thanks for reading! 🍄❤️

I'm not sure if this dress is suitable for gardening.👯♀️. 🐬
I imagine a situation where we start playing with the chickens and it ends up with us making a video like this with Mychael. I find the idea funny.
Pd: I used a translator because I can't put together a text in English.(No sé cómo no me la lleve la materia, mucha trampa de mi parte)😣😣😣
Me imaginé una situacion en la cual estamos jugando con las gallinas con Mychael y terminamos grabando un vídeo re random. Me hace gracia
¡¡Uno más!!
Seguimos jugando con las gallinas.
We continue playing with the chickens.

•Mycheal feli ^ ^ / Mycheal happy•

Un dibujo que tengo ahí desde hace un mes de él. Es muy tierno aaa, lo quiero mucho.
A drawing I've had of him for a month. He's so cute, I love him so much.

I love this game and I love Mychael so much !!❤🍄💚
(And thanks for all your sweet comments dear people, it makes me so happy ♡)

My first time doing a fanart of this lil boi
I like to think he has fluffy hair (。˃ ᵕ ˂ )
A compilation of doodles of Mychael that i did in the past few days... i keep forgetting how flippin tall he actually is
First doodles, he looks so soft <3

POV: You gave him some sparkles!

Some colored pieces! Only the best for the boy! (Cant wait for day 2 ^u^)

I just wanna give him a hug djwbksbwkd

~ Mychael ~ Mushroom Oasis Oneshot ~
Reader who’s legally blind / has really poor eyesight
fluff, comfort - NB reader - No TW’s
Reader Insert Masterlist ⭐️

(For those of you who don’t know, you can still have sight while being legally blind, for this MC is going to have glasses. I’m legally blind without my glasses, and I’ve had this idea in my head for a good long while, enjoy!)
“Mychael… is that yours…?” You asked, staring at the tail now tightly gripping your cup. Your eyes slowly gazed up to look at Mychael, head now hanging low in his hands. It hurt to seem him like this, he was so cheery just a few moments ago.
“I… I’m sorry (y/n)” he spoke softly, “I-“ he paused, debating his next words, “I should be honest…” he slowly tilted his head up, pulling his hair back to reveal his two sets of eyes.
You stared in shook, looking from one set to the other, and taking in his expression. His brows were knit, and a small frown adorned his face… he was scared. He looked away from you, avoiding your gaze and looking around the room. His dark eyes were downcast, and his eyes were teary.
“Please…” his voice was low, almost a whisper, “I know… I…” he stopped and took a deep breath to steady himself, before closing his eyes and speaking again, “I know its a lot… but… this is what i really look like. Who I really am…”
“I know what I look like, just please,” he finally turned his gaze back up to you, eyes pleading, “Please don’t be scared…” he begged.
Finally gathering your senses, you turn your gaze to flick between his eyes, tail, ears, and horns. You weren’t scared, as much as fascinated. He was like the fae your grandmother would warn you about, like the fairies, elves, and dragons in your story books.
However, this did not reach Mychael. His perception clouded by fear, he took your silence as a bad sign. he dropped his head on the table, quietly muttering out a sentence that was barely audible, being muffled by the table. “I can hide my face, if that’s what you want, just… I…” he let out a staggered breath, not knowing what else he could say. Slowly he peaked up through his hair to see your face.
You were smiling
A soft reassuring smile, one that slightly eased his growing anxiety.
“There’s nothing wrong with how you look.” You said plainly, meeting his eyes as he picked his head off the table. He was preparing for the worst, and hopping for the best. But even so, your reaction was the farthest from what he expected. Not even in the “good ending” he had hoped for.
“R-Really!?” He asked, face lifting from disparate to a slight hopeful look, “even though I look like this?”
You reached up to grab your glasses, taking them off and setting them on the table.
“There,” you said, smiling fondly, “now I can’t see you, problem solved.”
“That’s not-“
“Mychael.” You interrupted, “You have treated me better than most of the people I know would have. And im a stranger. Your kindness means more to me than what you look like.”
You reached out to put your glasses back on, and laid your hand on his, “I’ve spent most of my life with eyesight so bad, im considered legally blind. Only recently did I finally get the right prescription. I know there are mean people, and there are nice people” You gave his hand a small reassuring squeeze, “I’d much rather spend my time with someone as thoughtful, kind, caring, and sweet as you over most.”
Mychael stared at you in disbelief as a few small tears streamed down his face. He couldn’t have hopped this would happen, not even in his dreams, yet here he is.
“And besides,” you continued, “you’re pretty in your own way. Like the mystic, natural beauty of nature infused into a person. Unnatural yes, but ugly…?” you paused, staring deeply into his eyes,
“That’s the farthest thing from what you are.”
And that was it, he decided then and there, that you had to stay. Those words, he could feel the meaning behind them. He could see the warmth in your eyes, and the honesty in your voice.
You were perfect.
And hopefully, you’d forgive him for being selfish, just this once.
Damn…. I kinda got carried away 😅. Started to feel more like I was talking to my past self rather than writing a fanfic, but I hope that emotion just made it better 🥰
Mychael ~ Mushroom Oasis Oneshot
Chronically online reader pt.1
Who also has a worryingly short attention span
Fluff ~ GN Reader ~ No TWs
Reader Insert Master list ⭐️

!!NOTE!! This is not entirely accurate to the VN, usually i refer back to it making sure that i got everything correct, i did not do that for this one. I pulled the details from memory. If something’s wrong please leave a comment.
“Ok, I’ve got my phone, portable charger, and just in case i get lost, a solar charger…” you list off, looking at the many items spread across your bed. “My laptop and a charger, the forest might be a nice place to get work done. Peaceful too. Headphones, earbuds, extra charger…” you pause, thinking for a moment. you shouldn’t be out for too long, at most, you should be back by sunset. But you were hoping that once you found your precious furry little mischievous cat you could sit and get some work done, or maybe watch some anime. It was a rarity that you went outside anymore let alone adventuring through the woods. Why not take advantage of it?
“Oh yeah! Water and stacks, i should grab those too. And maybe some cat treats~” humming to yourself you walked to the kitchen, searching through your cabinets. “Maybe I should bring some soda too…” you muttered, reaching for your drinks. Walking back to your bedroom you start stuffing your backpack, ready for this journey. Stepping outside, the sun hit your face, blinding you. Squinting while your eyes adjusted you looked around. “Curse you evil day star, why do you gotta be so damn bright?” You muttered under your breath as you started walking into the forest. The shade of the trees eased the suns assault on your eyes, but it was still to bright for your liking.
after a while of walking, you came across a small patch of mushrooms. You stopped for a moment to look around. (And to rest a bit, all that stuff you packed is really heavy) there was something laying near the mushroom patch. Gasping as you reached down to pick up a collar “you must be close… just wait a little longer…” you muttered to the collar. As you stood back up, but your foot slipped causing you to crash back down and into the mushrooms. They sprayed you with what you assumed to be a foul smelling pollen. “Nooooo!” You wined, looking at your clothes. “I really liked this hoodie, it’s going to take forever to get all the allergens out. Eugh! And the smell…”
As you sat there, a sense of calm started to seep in. Along with the need to take a nap. Your eyes grew heavy, and your limbs relaxed. Closing your eyes, you decided to go ahead and take a nap. Laying down, you rested your head on your backpack. As you started to drift off, you thought that maybe your cat will back track and find you here. it would be a nice surprise to wake up with them back in your arms, snuggled up all cozy. Yeah, that would be nice.
“Ughhhh” you mentally groaned as you slowly woke up, begrudgingly you opening your eyes and noted that you were in an unfamiliar cabin. You couldn’t move your body causing you to spur into a panic. Where am I? Why can’t I move? Wait what happened? Was I drugged?! I think i was taking a nap, yeah, how long was I out?
“Oh, You’re awake.” A voice called from a corner of the room I couldn’t see.
“Here, medicine.” He said, moving me to sit up as he pressed a cup to my lips. Drinking it helped feeling slowly return to my body. As I wiggles my fingers and toes I watched him whip a stray stream from my chin. He had this weird mossy skin color… Was he a cosplayer? He looked kinda cute. His blonde hair hung over his eyes, and he had a cute mushroom hat on.
“Felling better? Anymore numbness?”
“No, my fingertips are a bit tingly, but that’s it.”
He signed and gave me a warm smile, “Good, I was worried.”
“By the wayyyyy” you dragged out, as you sat up “Where’s my bag?”
“Oh, right over there.” He gestured over to the fireplace where your bag sat next to the wall. “Here.” He said, standing up to hand you the bag.
Struggling, still loopy from whatever the hell paralyzed you, you scramble checking your bag. “Laptop, phone, charger, yep, yes, andddd everything’s still here!” You mumble to yourself. All the expensive electronics are not stolen, but also still in working conditions. Or at least you assume, both your phone and iPad are dead, the laptop is at 1%.
“Did you drop something?” The man asks,
“Thankfully not. A lotta expinsive stuff in here.” You look around, taking in the wooden walls and floors, “where am I anyway?”
“My cabin, I found you passed out while forgoing. Sorry, there was nowhere else nearby” he trails off, looking out the window.
“how far is the nearest town?”
He looks off to the side, a guilty look on his face, “I don’t know for certain, but it takes about a day and a half to safely get to the nearest-“
“A DAY AND A HALF!?” You almost shriek, he covers his ear, slightly flinching at the volume. “If you want to avoid the dangerous plants and animals, yes.” He responds, stepping closer and sitting next to you on the edge of the bed. He reached a hand out, wanting to comfort you, but decided against it.
You sat back, closing your eyes and thinking. ‘maybe I could stay here for a day or two? Then I could head back. Yeah, that should be enough time to mentally prepare myself. Then-‘
“Wait why was I even out here?” Instinctively you reached for your phone, wanting to check your notes. But remembering its dead, you pivoted to pretend you were going to clean the nonexistent dirt off the screen.
“WAIT!” Halfway through the action you remember, “My cat!” You wine.
“Have you seen them, they’re this big, and- and- ughhh I need to charge my phone i have pictures.” You rush to grab your charger. “I never thought I’d need this” you say pulling out the solar charger. “I’m glad it wasn’t just wasted money.”
Stumbling past him you set the charger on the nearby window and wait.
A few awkward moments pass by before your phone lights up. You hurriedly type in your passcode and go to your photos, the boy watching curiously over your shoulder.
“See! Aren’t they just the just the cutest! Look here are some kitten pictures!”
Watching you talk so passionately about your cat pulled at Mychael’s heart. He wasn’t going to tell you before, but now he definitely doesn’t want to tell you. You looked so happy, he enjoyed watching the way your eyes light up, and the way you smiled at the memories.
“Oh, I really got off track… but have you seen them?”
“No, I’m sorry, I haven’t.” He frowned.
“Oh…” your face fell, and he really didn’t like seeing you sad.
“Wait, I haven’t even told you my name! Sorry I get distracted a lot.” You said turning to look at him.
“I’m y/n”
“I’m Mychael”
This is a lot longer than I expected it to be TvT. Originally I was gonna post tkatb or 14 days with you. However there’s like, barely any Mychael content out there (I read through it all in one sitting…) so I wanted to add a bit more there.

I can't decide what I like more, so I choose everything. I found this mushroom boy by chance in pinterest, I really liked the character design, it looks extremely unusual, likes likes)))