Music Inspired By The Dag - Tumblr Posts

“Dag” is an Australian and New Zealand slang term. It is often used as an affectionate insult for someone who is, or is perceived to be, unfashionable, lacking self-consciousness about their appearance and/or with poor social skills yet affable and amusing; it is also used to describe an amusing, quirky and likeable person and is non-pejorative.
A dag may, for example, choose to wear textures that feel nice regardless of how they look or wear something they have become attached to even if it’s old and worn out. Similarly, dags may wear hair and clothing styles they enjoy even where these are considered unfashionable or ridiculous.
Dags are considered amusing just by being themselves and attract feelings of either embarrassment or endearment from others. The tendency of dags to stick with what they like regardless of the opinions or pressures from others wins respect from some but pity, scorn, or bullying from others for the same reasons.
Here’s another one of my Mad Max: Fury Road series of mixtapes that I curated and is inspired by my absolute favorite of the Five Wives, namely, The Dag.
To listen to this mixtape, click here.