My Favorite Thing About Media Like Deltarune Thats Based Around Teenagers - Tumblr Posts
I think my favorite thing about Kris and Susie both individually and as a duo is that they're fucking TERRIFYING in like different archetypal ways while also being your average idiot teens
Like where else are you going to get a quiet kid with knife iconography who tears out their own soul and whose canon expressions are either deadpan or unhinged with glowing red eyes
Paired with an enormous fucking monster with fangs that can probably be measured in inches and burning eyes and a snout wrinkled in animal rage who can and will destroy anything in her path and at one point threatens to rip our face off with her massive bestial jaws
Both of whom canonically eat moss. And attempt to eat the clothes off a mannequin. And try to fit their entire heads into those dumbass talky tubes. And are just a couple of idiot teenagers who dick around town and accidentally run into your divorced parents in a Walmart and have to just hide in the corner together and try not to hear the absolute trainwreck that's happening like three aisles over
Like. I don't know if I can call it juxtaposition per se, but the fact that they could both easily be villains with their aesthetics and abilities but are also both just head-empty morons.. it's good.