My Oc Arrin - Tumblr Posts

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Sold Like Cattle

Yandere Bull Man x Gender Neutral Reader (CW: Non-con/Dub-con, unintentional drugging, musk kink, kidnapping, general yandere themes, chubby reader) Word Count: 5.6k This is only my second fic, and my first long one, but I hope people enjoy it! (Normally I would not describe the reader’s appearance at all, but I feel like few fics cater to chubby body types so I decided to in this one. The chubbiness is not fetishized.)   Finally! You were settled in your room. You were in a small resort on the planet Elrelda, You never imagined that you would actually be able to afford a trip off your home planet for a vacation, but here you were! You had received a coupon through your employer (technically a branch of the same company that booked trips to and owns the resorts on this planet). You got this trip for a whopping 80% off. Very generous of Synthis, the largest company in the entire galaxy.  Even with such a steep discount you could still only afford the most basic package including passage on a very crowded ship and a small room at one of the crappier resorts. It was still very nice though. Room service was included and musical entertainment provided by the Elreldians, some of the sports native to Elrelda and swimming were available on-site and activities like hiking, fishing, canoeing, and camping were available in the areas surrounding the resort.  You had no idea what you would go to do first, but right now you were happy just to be off that crowded ship, the seating was tight and you are a bit… pleasantly plump and kept getting bumped into the entire trip. The room was pretty small and relative unadorned, but the bed looked comfy enough. You finished unpacking your two suitcases and flopped on the bed. Yes. Comfiness confirmed. Holy shit, this was the cheapest resort, what bedding did the luxury resorts have?! This was way better than anything that existed on your home planet of SX-72. You could spend the whole 5 day trip right here on this bed and it would be money well spent!  But no! You had wanted to see Elrelda for Y E A R S, you could not waste it sleeping. You had to catch one night of the Elreldian’s musical performance, and go hiking, all the plants were varying shades of red! (Probably from the unique atmosphere and having a K-type star) You could not wait to actually see an Elreldian, they were like bovine/human hybrids (probably proof to the theory that some greater life form seeded the galaxy to create intelligent life).  They were well known around the galaxy for their friendliness but very few of them ever ventured out from their home planet. They did not even have very much technology, but they could get passage from other races to leave if they wanted to, and despite that they still had a huge reputation for being peaceful and friendly.  The afternoon music performance would be very soon, you could catch a later performance instead, but you were too excited to wait, so you headed down to the small lounge and took a seat in the far corner far away from anyone else. You were not a people person.  Your jaw dropped as an Elreldian male walked past you to sit in the far corner diagonally opposite from you. He was H U G E. Almost 7ft. tall! And bulky too, you can’t help but stare (rude) at his muscular frame, it looked like his clothing could barely contain it. He had large horns that curved forwards, a mostly human face, and the ears of a bull. As he walked to his seat you saw that he had a tail and hooved feet. You were staring in awe, but he caught you looking and stared back with a domineering gaze. You blushed in embarrassment and looked towards the stage like you were waiting for the performers to get on stage, but you could see he was still staring at you from the edge of your vision.  The length and intensity of his stare unnerved you. You did kind of deserve it though, being a tourist and staring at him so rudely. You felt really. Finally he averted his gaze to the drink he had in his hand and you breathed a sigh of relief. Though you could swear he kept glancing over at you intermittently… Finally the musicians took the stage, a group of 8 Elreldians with large instruments (2 string, 3 percussion, and 3 woodwind) got situated and played several decently long pieces that sounded somewhat reminiscent of an ancient Earth music you had once heard called “folk”. It was not really your thing, but it was cool to experience other cultures!  As soon as it was over you quickly left before anyone else, you had sat relatively close to the door and had no desire to get mixed in with the other people leaving. The music did not last as long as you had expected and there was a ton of time left until nightfall. You were more energized than before after sitting and listening to the music and were ready to explore.  Despite the siren song of the universe’s comfiest bed you decided that you were far too excited and restless to just sleep, the activity that appealed to you the most was hiking, you were pretty chubby, but you actually walked around your town a lot in your free time. So you packed up the essentials into your backpack and set out.  You had been in walking for a good bit, enjoying the sounds of nature with the resort a few miles behind you. You were in a more wooded area and you were amazed by the freshness of the air and the beauty of the crimson red trees. You wish your planet had such beauty, you almost wished that you could just live out here forever. Your serene thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of being watched.  You didn’t see anything though so it was probably just your imagination. You continued for another minute or two but couldn’t shake that feeling. Then you definitely heard a twig snap!  You whipped your head around and saw a red camo painted Elreldian hiding among the trees. Oh. That’s scary. Maybe he doesn’t realize you’ve seen him. Like in a horror movie or game when sometimes the monster doesn’t attack until it is sure it’s cover is blown. You turn back around and walk slightly faster.  Your pace is being matched, easily. You bolt. You run right off the trail as fast as your legs can take you, you are by no means skinny but you can still weave through the thick trees much easier than your pursuer. But speed and stamina are on his side and suddenly you are grabbed by your hips and yanked backwards.  “Let go! Let go! LET GO OF ME!! What do you want!?!”  He turned you to face him, easily lifting you up closer to his face, wait, this was the same Elreldian from the lounge, the one you got caught staring at earlier, had he been this offended about? Had you violated some unknown and important social rule that was not covered in the pamphlets?  “P-please let me go! I am so so s-sorry for staring earlier. I didn’t m-mean to offend you or your customs!!” You stammered as you tried to move your head away to avoid his way too close and way too intense stare. He simply held you with one muscular arm and used his now free hand to gently but easily grip your chin and make you face him. You bit your lip and looked down, unable to meet his eyes.  “Can’t let you go. Need heifer. You are soft and smell nice (Y/N). You need protecting. I am Arrin. You’ll be my mate, I will protect you.” He stroked your cheek gently with his thumb.  “N-no uh, no, no, no n-no no. I am a human! Not a bovine!! I can’t be your h-heifer! A-and I have a home and everything!” As you started kicking and thrashing you realize that the red painted bull-man is completely naked (though he carried a small pack of supplies), he had shaggy fur covering his legs up to his waist, his chest and abs were bare, but his arms were covered in the same shaggy red painted fur as his legs. He was exceptionally muscular and had huge furry nuts as well as a large human looking cock, thought it was considerably thicker and a bit longer and you knew you most certainly did not want to be “mated” with that.  “Th-this is illegal! This is kidnapping!!” You kicked and hit as hard as you could but it was completely ineffective. Like a mouse smacking a cat.  “See? Weak. Need herd. Need mate. Need me. So soft (Y/N).” He squeezed your butt firmly as he held you to emphasize the fact that you were very much soft and squishy in stark contrast to his large and powerful form. You kept thrashing though and he just slowly licked up your neck with his tongue a few times in what you assumed was meant to be a calming gesture.  “H-how do you know my n-name??? You can’t keep me against my will! H-humans will come looking for m-me. PLEASE!” You felt hot tears well up in your eyes and start to roll down your cheeks as you began sobbing. “Don’t worry. No one will take you. I paid a lot of rare ore for you. Paid Synthis resort. They told me your name. We have to go home.” And with that he put you over his shoulder with ease, despite your heft. You were sobbing and blubbering and pleading, but you gave up thrashing and squirming. It was useless, he was simply too strong and you were a bit broken realizing that your employer sold you like cattle.  After a while of him carrying you “home” you could not even sob or plead anymore, your voice was too strained and you were too exhausted, instead you just went limp and cried silently as he tried comforting you by rubbing your back surprisingly gently for such a large creature. “Shhh, it’ll be okay. You’re just too weak to be left alone. You HAVE to be protected, okay? You’ll see, you’ll love being my mate.” He spoke gently as if he was speaking to a small naive child who just didn’t understand the basic fundamentals of how the world worked. His words were not exactly comforting to you and you barely heard him anyway as you cried silently.  He only put you down once the entire trip to his home (and your new home) to force you to drink some water since you were so dehydrated from crying. You did as you were told, too tired, dehydrated, and emotionally broken to put up any sort of resistance, besides he was only trying to give you water, he held one hand behind your head as he tilted his canteen towards your lips. You realized that this position prevented you from being able to escape easily had you been so inclined to make an attempt.  After that he gently put you back over his shoulder and continued on the way to his herd’s home. He mentioned all the activities you would be able to do, how you would enjoy being his mate, how you would not have to work for an awful corporation who sold you, how you would love being in the fresh air as opposed to the smoggy industrial planet you had come from.  You mostly tuned him out, too preoccupied with what you were being ripped away from. No more computer or online gaming, no more playing your copy of Skyrim Superior 500th Anniversary Edition while you wait for TES6 to leave pre-development, no more of the food you were accustomed to, no more any of your old life…   Eventually, after what seemed like several hours of being uncomfortably hauled over his shoulder, you arrived at his “herd”. He walked up to the city gate and entered. And, despite your unwilling presence there, you could not help but looking in awe at the place. It was like straight out of a high fantasy RPG! A town full of Elreldians going about their lives and half-timbered brick and wattle and daub buildings, much larger than human buildings of the equivalent architectural time period to accommodate the much larger inhabitants.  Many of the towns folk stared at you, apparently never having seen a human before. That was not surprising, the settlement was just a several hours hike away but humans were not allowed to just visit most of their settlements. You heard some of them shout greetings to Arrin, calling him chief, so apparently he was the leader here. That certainly would not make any potential escape attempts any easier on you. And apparently his nude body did not phase them either, actually now that you thought about it almost none of them had very much clothing. It must be something they save for cooler weather or just when they went around humans. It made sense given all of their fur.  Arrin walked down the cobbled road (his hooves making an amazing clack that you would have really enjoyed were it not for you being kidnapped) and went to one of the larger buildings and entered it. The first thing your brain registered was the smell. It was incredibly musky. Not bad. Just musky.  He F I N A L L Y put you down gently on a couch that was much larger than what a human would ever need. Practically a bed, it was extremely soft and you sank a bit into it. You were extremely sore from being hauled like a sack of potatoes for hours.  Apparently he noticed how stiff you were because he said, “Sorry little doll, I did not intend for you to get so sore. Couldn’t be helped.”    “I am sure it was soooooo hard to not purchase a living being.” Your voice was still hoarse from screaming and crying and pleading earlier, and talking hurt a bit, but a sarcastic quip was always worth it. “Humans are small and soft, good heifers, good cows. Good status symbol for chief to show power.” He explained as if this were common knowledge that everyone knew.  “I am NOT a cow!!”  He smirked very slightly before commenting, “Not yet. Not cow until after breeding. Heifer until then. Don’t worry, will be the best cow.”  “I am a human!” At this he gently squeezed various pudgy parts of your body. “Yeah, but you are soft and close enough. Better than any other mate. That’s why you were hired in the first place. So you could be vetted as a potential mate. I picked you out!”  Anxiety filled your stomach and you suddenly felt extremely dizzy. You knew you had been sold… but this was all planned from the start?? Even a couple years ago when you had started working at Synthis? It was your fate from being hired on to go to be nothing more than cattle for this bull-man? You went silent and started crying again. He took his large thumb and rubbed the tears away gently.  “Don’t worry. I will keep you safe and happy. But right now I have to go shower to get all of this paint off. Starting to itch. Do you want to shower together yet?”  “What?! No!” The indignity and anger dripping from your voice, why would he possibly think you wanted to do that with him?    “Okay. Just offering.” He kissed your forehead before going into another room.  Apparently despite the medieval style cottage like buildings they had more modern showers and electricity as you heard running water come from the other room and noticed the lights in the room you were in. You appeared to be in the living room. It contained a nice rug, the dark red couch upon which you had been placed, a table, some lamps in the corners, and a device with a screen on it. Oh, it looked like one of those ancient television devices that they used to have on Earth! You’d read about those before.  You wanted to take note of your surroundings so that you could later escape. You did not know how you would make it all the way back so far from any trails or indicators of where the resort would be, but one step at a time. You could not just leave right now though. Your self-proclaimed “mate” may be busy, but in the waning hours of daylight there were still several Elreldians around town.  No, your best bet was to just bide your time and take the first good oppurtunity that presented itself to get out, the resort owners had sold you, but that did not mean you couldn’t flag down assistance from some other tourist. The sound of the water stopping suddenly snapped you out of your thoughts of escape and Arrin came back into the living room.  “Sorry for having to leave you alone. I know you aren’t happy here yet.” He was drying himself off with a huge towel before sitting by you and putting his arm around your waist to pull you close. He pretty much made you lean into his hold, he was very warm, it would have been such a cozy and intimate moment had it not come from someone who was holding you against your will, instead it was a sick mockery of comfort, instead making you even more anxious.     “Please. Pretty please. Just let me go. I don’t belong here…” You said it in a small and pleading voice, too tired and voice to strained to shout anymore. And you knew begging was an exercise in futility.  “Can’t. Paid a lot for you. And your people betrayed you. You belong with your mate. You smell too nice and feel too soft for you to be meant to be anywhere else than here with me! I can’t risk you being anywhere else. I knew from the moment I saw you in the list of potentials mates that you were simply made for me.” He said this with sincerity and with what almost sounded like reverence for you.  He then lifted you up easily and put you back down so that you were sitting on his lap, he held you close to him and you could not help but to blush when you realized you could feel the warmth and general shape of his cock through the seat of your pants. You could even feel it stirring. Without warning he tore off your pants and underwear and yanked off your shirt. You feared the worst and were prepared to scream as loud as your tired voice would allow you to but he only slid it between your thighs so that it popped up in front of you as he started grinding and humping slowly.  “I-I really d-don’t want this.” You blushed and stammered, obviously uncomfortable. Why wouldn’t you be?  He starts rubbing your crotch gently as he continues to slowly fuck your chubby thighs. “Sorry baby doll. I can’t really help it. I need this.” He licked the side of your neck from his position behind you and continued his grinding in between your legs as well as his gentle rubbing of you. You could not help letting out a small pleasure gasp at having your neck licked as it was the most sensitive area on your body.  He definitely picked up on that little gasp.  He licked your neck thoroughly, releasing you from the hold of one of his arms he gripped your hair and pulled your head back. This gave him easy access to assault your neck with licks, sucks, and bites. “Mmm~ Uh~ G-g-get off of me~” Your voice was not cooperating in conveying what you wanted, or what you didn’t want in this instance. You bit your lip in a vain attempt at muffling your constant stream of little gasps and moans.  “Doesn’t sound like you really want me to stop.” Arrin redoubled his efforts to hear what he could only describe as the single most beautiful sound on Elrelda. Pure ear candy. It was like it nourished his soul and gave his life meaning. He switched the side he had been working on as he well and truly fucked your thighs.  He moaned your name into your neck as he shot his hot musky cum all over your stomach, crotch, and thighs. He tenderly kissed the neck he had marked with a collar of love bites. They showed prominently on your skin and you could feel them like a brand marking you as his. “G-gross! I definitely need a shower now.” The musky smell given off by him in his arousal and by his potent seed were starting to make you a bit light headed. To be honest it kind of relaxed you. Maybe it was pheromones but you were a bit too out of it between the neck stimulation and scent to put it all together. The cum also made your skin feel a bit tingling and it was much warmer than human semen.  “Sorry. I guess it is good that you waited to take one. To be honest though, you do look even lovelier with my cum all over you…” You blushed and looked down silently, trying to avoid his gaze as you covered your cum coated crotch. He went to the bathroom and you heard the water running for a few minutes before he came back and picked you up gently, licking your sore neck to comfort you.  “Sorry if I overdid it. Had to mark you though. Keeps others away. Reminds you you’re mine.” You don’t bother responding, too tired and still too overstimulated by everything, and if you are being totally honest with yourself, despite his earlier shower his natural scent was kind of comforting, you just leaned your head against his muscular chest and let him carry you. He took you both into the bathroom where he had ran a bath, a bubble bath! A really big bubble bath if you went by a human perspective. You had not had one of those since you were a child. Arrin was kinda sweet… for someone who has kidnapped you…  “I hope the water isn’t too hot. Human skin is much more sensitive than ours. Is it okay” He bent down so you could put your hand in and check, it was a little warmer than what you would have preferred but it was okay.  “I-it’s good. Um… thanks.” He got into the bath with you pretty much in his lap. The water felt nice on your sore and tired muscles, but you were still really shy and nervous about Arrin being in contact with your naked body, not that he had not touched you and seen you already.  “I’ll take care of you, okay? You don’t need to be so tense. You’re part of my herd.” You don’t know why but that was the moment your resistance was really officially broken, something had to be in his musk and his cum because you relaxed and leaned against him, your fears and reluctance were still there but fading quickly into the background.  So what if his cum on your skin or inhalation of his were the culprits in your cooperation? Wasn’t it so much easier to give in? Wasn’t it better too? Your employer SOLD you, even if you got back to the resort your employer owns it, even if you somehow get back on a space shuttle back to SX-72 your employer is who you rent from, and where would you go to work when they have almost a monopoly on everything? They probably wouldn’t just let you live freely…  But Arrin was so sweet, he’d take care of you and keep you safe. You never had to worry about all that stuff if you just gave in… It would be easier on you. And despite your criticisms of your physical appearance he thought you were beautiful…  Arrin gently washed your hair and then scrubbed the rest of your body in what was almost describable as an act of worship, he was thorough, every inch was washed, but he was so careful to not be the least bit rough. When he was finished washing you he gently picked you up and got out of the tub, he sat you on the edge of the tub and dried you off slowly, seemingly to draw out every touch and stroke of you. You still tried to cover up your crotch when you could, you did not know why you bothered at this point though. You looked down quietly as he started to dry himself off and let the water out of the tub. “You’re being so good for me. My good little (Y/N). You’re probably getting cold, I have a present for you. I’ll be right back.” He left and you could hear the sound of his hooves pound the floor as he hurriedly rushed up the stairs and back down before coming back into the bathroom where he presented you with a bundle of clothes. “Here, I had these made specifically for you. They’re made from the softest materially we have, the resorts even get it from us.”  Well, that explained the bed you never got to experience…  You took the clothes he handed you and mumbled a thanks. You put them on quickly, they were absolutely amazing feeling, and they fit perfectly and were even in your favorite color, You assumed your previous employer/human trafficker had given the specifications. You realized the clothes smelled a lot like Arrin and the scent made you a bit spacey.  “You look so nice in them, I scented them so you’d feel safe.” You realized that the scent did make you feel warm, and tingly and safe, his smell should be classified as a drug, fuck it probably WAS a drug, you had never read about this effect prior to coming here though. You should probably be more scared about the change in your demeanor that his cum and musk had on you, but you just could not get yourself to really care at this point, you just felt so calm and submissive~  “Th-thank you for the compliment.” He stroked your cheek with his thumb, utterly enraptured with how amazing you were wrapped up in his gifts and his scent. You  flushed a bit at his touch and the consuming stare of his brown eyes which seemed to take you in hungrily. Earlier it would have only served to terrify you and make you anxious.  “Hey. You haven’t eaten since much earlier in the day right? You have to eat.” It was less a random observation and more of a command. He took you by the hand and lead you upstairs to the bedroom, he put you in the middle of his g i a n t bed. You sank a bit into the fabric and all the soft blankets and were once more assaulted by the warm aroma that could only be described by you as unmistakably “Arrin~”  “I am going to be back soon with some food okay? Just rest. You need it.” “U-um o-okay…” You were feeling even warmer and were having a bit of a hard time concentrating. He left to go get your meal but after just a few minutes you were feeling extremely uncomfortable in your clothing, it was far too hot to be wearing anything and you stripped down to nothing. You rolled in Arrin’s blankets and could not get enough of his completely intoxicating smell.  You took one of the large pillows and started grinding into it with such need and yearning for your mate that you started crying desperately, letting out little sobs and wails. Before you knew it Arrin was charging up the steps and rushing into the room, apparently having heard the distressed sounds of his little (Y/N). He was about to ask what was wrong but was instead reduced to open mouth staring at the sight before him. His cute darling crying out for him as they were naked on his bed straddling his pillow between their thighs while sniffing his blankets and clothing he had scented for them. “A-arrin… pleeeease!” Tears streamed down your face the need was almost palpable, it made your chest physically ache. Arrin was instantly at full mast. He really had no idea his smell would affect you in this way. But now that he knew how beautifully submissive and needy it was making you you could rest assured that you would never go without his smell on you ever again.  He got out some lube from his nightstand and applied it liberally to your little needy hole, sliding in one large finger slowly until you were comfortable and then adding in another. When he felt that you were well and truly adjusted, and you were begging for him to mate with you even more desperately, he got in bed beside you and slowly slid his entire length into you, trying to let you adapt to his size before pounding you, but despite his careful ministrations you still let out a whimper of both pain and pleasure. He rocked into you gently giving you plenty of time to get used to him inside of you.  He did that for a while until you started rocking back against him and making little sounds of pleasure, he took that as a signal that you were ready to be properly mated. He groped your ass a bit roughly as he started thrusting back and forth into you, and although he was still being careful not to harm his precious (Y/N) he still penetrated you deeply.   The feeling of being inside his perfect, soft, warm, and willing (well… willing enough) darling was by far the best thing he had ever experienced in his life, if their was any possible guilt or regret in taking you it were certainly gone now.  He grunted almost ferally as he picked up the pace and filled you with hot white cum, you felt a wonderful fullness, but neither of you were done yet. He flipped you over and pinned you down into a mating press and proceeded to breed you significantly harder and faster than before. All the while kissing, sucking, and nibbling on your neck to coax those lovely little gasps and moans from your pretty little mouth, and to make sure you were so stimulated with pleasure that it would override any possible pain.  His large nuts made a resounding slapping noise as they smacked into you, between all the moans, grunts, and sounds of pounding it was like the lewd act itself wanted everyone to know you were being fucked and dominated by your bull. It was so nice~ Why did you need this so badly? Why did he smell so nice and feel so good? Why did you want to submit so badly to him? These questions were pushed further and further away with every thrust, as if his dick were physically shoving them into the abyss. He picked up the pace as you clenched around his shaft.  He caressed your hips as he pounded into you with less and less conscious control to impede him, relying more on instinct, he kissed you roughly and bit your lip a bit. His tongue invaded your mouth and rubbed against yours as if it were trying to dominate it, you moaned into the kiss as he growled as you both came together.  You were completely and utterly his now, his cum flooding you deeply and causing your insides to tingle, if you were perhaps a bit skinnier the copious amount of his seed would bulge out your tummy. You had never felt so content. You went limp under him after cumming, the full brunt of your exhaustion hitting you, he kissed you softly on the lips, the lingering ghost of his kiss was the last thing you felt before falling asleep.  When you awoke from what was probably the deepest and most fulfilling sleep of your life you realized that Arrin was nowhere to be seen and that you had been cleaned again with fresh clothes. You felt nice and refreshed and your head had cleared quite a bit, but you were pretty sore from all the excitement of yesterday.  You were about to hoist yourself out of bed when Arrin came in. “No, don’t try to move too much! Just rest.” He was carrying a large tray with many different plates, a few bowls and bottles, and a cup of something on it. When the smell hit your nose your belly growled quite loudly.  You wiggled back on to the bed and Arrin sat down beside you and slid the large tray of food over both of you. It did not just smell amazing, it looked really good too, you did not really recognize any of the dishes, they were clearly all Elreldian cuisine.  “You fell asleep without having eaten much. I thought it was better for you to rest than to wake you up. But I knew you would need food so I made you all the best dishes.” He held a bite of food up to you to eat.  “I can feed myself!” You reached for the fork in his hand and he pushed your hand into your lap with his free hand and gave you a stern look. “No, mate needs to rest. Won’t have you getting sick from exhaustion. I’m feeding you.” He put the food up to your lips again and glared. “EAT.”  You sighed and opened your mouth and let the stubborn bull feed you. This was your life now. And there was really nothing you could do about it…

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