My Photographs - Tumblr Posts

One of my two dogs, Shadow! He turned 4 years old today, horay! He is a Shetland Sheepdog, and he is a rescue. He has been staying with us for two years now, and hopefully he will stay for many, many years! Thank you for being such a cuddling, funny and clumsy dog, you will always be the flying furball of our family! Photo is mine, do not use or repost! Thank you!

Flock of goats walking in a long line in the Norwegian mountains.

We had a sudden arrival of snow (we got like 15-20cm+ on one day?), for the weekend we had something looking like winter wonderland outside! Sadly the weather turned back to a warmer degree, so it’s all pretty melted now.

Earlier this month the temperature dropped to -9 celsius, and suddenly we found ourselves in a house with ice roses on the windows. This was taken in the morning from my bedroom window.

We suddenly got a bit of snow (again)! I thought I had gotten a dog, I guess I got a mole?

When you go out into your backyard and the sky explodes with aurora!

Two souls and ten thousand stories.