My Poor Thumbs Fjfjdjd - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago


Had this idea for a long while but unsure how to go about it, but i legit wrote a whole prologue about it in my notebook that perhaps I'll type out eventually once I figure out *where* to go plotwise

Klaus centric, an AU where Klaus died on the day of his birth alongside his mother. His skin tinged blue, body cold and pallid.

Its only within the next hour after his birth does his heart beat again. The wails of the infant filling the small cabin, hands - still cold, freezjng - flailing against the white sheets covering him.

His aunt only could only slowly peel away the fabric, heart stuttering to reveal the same infant she saw before - blue, sickly, and corpse-like - yet wriggling, crying - alive, *alive*

The father rushes in to stare at the baby, watching at its eyes peel open to reveal white, milky irises.

The eyes of death.

Eyes of a curse.

Or an AU where Klaus looks more like the ghosts that haunt him rather. It changes a few things

Spoilers if I were to ever write this

Likely an explorative piece - I deal with p bad Body Dysmorphia and have from a young age so this likely will be a vent piece

Will be pre-season 1 - might go into apocolypse week but there'd be changes and if I do, this might turn into a multi-part series

Things I wanted to explore

His appearance:

Klaus essentially has pale white skin and is almost like a thin translucent layer that showcases the vivid blue and purple veins underneath

Rarely has a flush - often jealous at the others who go red even at the slightest compliment. He tries to slap and pinch his skin for it to do the same, nd despitr the heart beating under his skin, no blood comes to paint his cheeks pink underneath

Dry skin, always cold (he always carries a chill around him. Fun side note; its something his siblings appreciate during the hot summer months. Not so much during the winter)

Pallid - skin almost like rubber. Unnaturally so

Small detail that even the lids of his eyes have a spider web of little veins that he hates. Dark bags under his eyes

Irises are pale and white - like a film on top of them. Only a pale green hidden in his irises if he were to look hard enough. He wishes the green would break past the white film they hide behind, but they never do.

His pupils are more often then not dilated - when high, he likes stare at how they get smaller to reveal more of the pale green he wishes to see

Hes fairly thin, gaunt and struggles to gain muscle mass. Hr doesn't know however, if its from his condition or the lack of appetite

His lips are often chapped, dry and also always tinged purple

More on this AU

Klaus realizing he looks different amongst the others. Or rather, his siblings look different most of the people Klaus knows, all of whom, with the exception of his father and his robot mother, are dead. At first it wasnt that big of an issue, but Klaus couldnt help but notice people on the magazine covers that Allison liked to sneak in or on the pictures of people in their textbooks

It becomes more apparent when the kids start sneaking out and people take notice of Klaus, either recoiling in disgust, or fear - most people try to stay polite, but it's not hard to notice their flinching and stares when they see him

>>>Agnes is there and is the nicest to him, he sees her like a (human) mom he never had

As much as I love the sibbies, kids are cruel and do start commenting on Klaus being different. Reginald has little care for appearances but does not disuade the others from making comments

Comments turn to teasing, eventually become mean

Becomes more apparent at their debut, where magazine covers and media comment on Klaus's appearance - calling him creepy, strange, odd

>>>> one scene where they have a photoshoot and the photographers embrace his look. klaus is made to feel pretty for the first time

Klaus experiments with make up - does a horrible job (cuz hes a kid) and is made fun of for looking like a clown. Lots and lots of shame and klaus failing down a self hate spiral

More tough words - some isolation due to the strange aura he brings along with his appearance. Told by one of them that no one would love a corpse (during a fight - again, kids are mean)

Gets older and believes he's revolting to look at, the ghost calling him one of them. But he's not dead, he's not like them. He's alive. He's alive. (But is he?)

Five leaves - might do something of Five caring the least about his appearance. Hit him hard.

Klaus is now an unconfident teen, hides in clothes that are too big but still colourful to try and bring some sort of life. He still plays a little with make up - small bits to make him look less like a corpse and more (alive) like the others

Media and now others consider him like a bad omen, bringing in the haunted and could only lead to bad luck. His siblings start noticing this as well and begin to believe it to a degree. Klaus does as well

Still flighty and what not cuz ghosts are loud and hes trying to figure out a way to silence them - likely keeping the scene with the heels and discovering drugs

Fic would be dealing with self harm, intrusive thoughts and dissociation - klaus would be in his head a lot

in an alley, klaus desperate for some sort of numbing relief that he can no longer depend on stealing at the academy (Reginald had Grace hide all the opiods). Difficult for Klaus to get the drugs on the streets due to his appearance and death aura - his reputation still prevailing, along with his high status - people rather not deal with him

[[[TW: underage, drugging, sexual assualt, and non con; >>>>>>>>>>>>> at a party and klaus getting drugged and wakes up in someone elses home and in pain. He doesnt remember any of the night, but he can guesd from the aches and bruises what happened. He thinks, bitterly, that at least there was someone willing to fuck a corpse]]]

[[[[TW: Physical assualt; often beaten for his appearance (some even calling him of the devil or satanic - which would reference prologue i wrote in my book)]]]]]]

Ben's death still occurs (some part of klaus is jealous that ben looks more human than Klaus even as a ghost) and Ben follows him around after that and bears witness to Klaus's descent into depression and self hatred

Klaus becoming too afraid to leave the house but also needing the drugs - at a limbo

TW SUICIDE ATTEMPT: klaus offing himself, finding himself in the void with God. Notices his reflection (maybe thru the water or a mirror), for the first time, that despite his pale and colourless skin, he looks more alive than he ever did when he was actually alive (was he ever actually alive). His eyes, he notices, are green. Vibrant green. His fingers trace along his skin and he thinks, for the first time in his life, that he is pretty.

He wakes up. Ben is screaming and crying in the way only ghosts can. He barely registers it. Only scrambling back up to look at himself in the mirror to only cry when he once again looks like a corpse

Everyone but Klaus and Luther leave the academy, klaus still does drugs but not at hard due to struggling to find people to deal him and the fact that he's so ashamed of his appearance - deals with agoraphobia that worsens overtime

Luther and Klaus bonding - Klaus begining to trust Luther and Luther getting cracks in his rose tinted glasses. Starts to wonder if he should take Klaus to live somewhere safe, away from everything and everyonr - they only have each other

Vanyas book - talks about Klaus and his creepy aura. Ben is mad, Klaus just slinks further into depression and isolation. Luther is angry - soon after the accident and Luther undergoes his fathers serum

Luther and Klaus bonding over body image after Luthers accident! Luther now too ashasmed to leave but angry and frustrated. Klaus trying to be supportive

Some tentative things:

Roadtrip to Pennsylvania!! To see his mother to only find out the truth - sends him into further depression

Luther deciding between going to the moon - I am considering that he runs away with Klaus

Klaus still undergoing training with Reginald - discovering more of his powers over the ghosts

Powers may include that he is acrually able to control them - once again, issues of whether he is alive or not come into question. Ends up giving in to the ghosts as they chant "one of us" to him

Before that we could see some sibling bonding with the others - diego is the first to see him

>>>> perhaps when visiting Grace, Diego sneaks around to see if Klaus is still there - which he is, cue long talks and Diego coming by once in a while (and Klaus trying to convince Diego to also talk with Luther)

Klaus using his immortality as a method of escaping, God isn't happy but he has enough control to stay for a little while in a body that he feels like is actually his

Still debating about Luther going to the moon and leaving Klaus to Reggie or him finding a place with Klaus and escaping - Klaus laughing and calling all three of them (Luther is aware of Ben) a runaway circus act

If the former - klaus goes further under reggies training, so angst angst. Power increase but also lots of mania and trigger warnings


If the latter, luther and klaus bonding, homelessness but also struggling to adjust to a society that outcasts them

Tempted to write both haha like an AU of an AU, the latter maybe the AU and the former may be what actually happens cuz it could help lead to the apocolypse week- but, considering I have like 5 fic ideas (not posted yet) that deal with apocolypse week, kinda tempted to do something else


full control and communication with the dead, summoning and banishing ghosts, raise the dead (aka make the corporeal), immortality and regeneration, levitation, soul projection into the void

**tentatively, has some sort of control life and death like a grim reaper. If i incorporate this, then likely will have Reggie experiment this on him

Perhaps in a happy ending, Klaus gains the control and learns to banish the ghosts

Okay typed this all out in the lunch room - nothing is edited and I'm just spilling out the ideas I have. Nothing is edited and can be switched around or changed as I deadass typed this in one go.

Please do not copy my ideas as these may be used in a fic!! Potentially - I am very cautious about uploaded finished pieces but this fandom has me with so many ideas!!

If you'd like to chat about this fic idea (or any of my others) lmk! I'd love to have someone to talk about TUA with!!

Til then, see y'all in the next FIC IDEA post (or maybe an actual fic?? Who knows)

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