My Science Teacher At Teh Time And Quietly Go Are Pluto And The Moon The Same Thing And She's Like? No? - Tumblr Posts
My friend already roasted me in the tags but for the first, oh, 18-ish years of my life I thought that Pluto and the Moon were the same thing. I was into astrology (not astronomy) and read about the signs in Pluto and the Moon and was like “Huh, that’s weird that they listed the moon twice! Oh well.” The signs were different. It’s because they were different planets. I was (and still am) very much a fool.
I used to be a grader and an occasional substitute prof for an introductory astronomy lab. That means that the majority of the people in this lab are only taking it because it’s a requirement and about half of them think it’s an astrology class.
I was grading midterms and this one girl. She was so nice and I think she was a business major. Fuck. The question on the midterm was to draw a diagram of the solar system and this poor girl. This fucking girl had drawn a Mars-centric solar system. As in every planet and the sun were orbiting Mars. I now actually have a custom Cards Againsy Humanity card I got at a con that says “A Mars-centric solar system”
I had a boy argue with me that there was liquid water on the moon (this was around when they had found liquid water on Mars in ~2015) and he wouldn’t believe me that he likely meant Mars and not the moon. After I marked his answer to the relevant lab question wrong, he took it to the department head who had promptly laughed him out of the office.
And there was another boy who, during a lab in our observatory where we would look at certain things in the sky, asked where the sun was. At 10pm in November. After some questioning it was revealed that he thought the moon and the sun were the same thing.