I was craving a good Yoongi fic after going to his concert in April. And then you say 3tan Yoongi is the Haegeum and concert looks! This chapter fulfilled my craving so well. You never miss, Ryen! Thank you!
This is long. I was really looking forward to this chapter! God I really love Yoongi in this chapter. I said I love him so much lol
THE PAIN OMG TT The smut is so good and intense. The distance made their love and lust get really strong huh lol. Thank you for an amazing chapter! Can’t wait to read the next one!
It’s good that she and Jk got their closure. Yoongi the man that you are TT Dom knows now. But Yoongi really is a real one TT He stayed for her omg. The intense kisses. Them not wanting to separate TT My heart stopped and then beated so fast when he said they’ll have to wait later to reveal their relationship. Why?! I could really immerse myself into her insecurity here.
BRO TT I thought he found out about their relationship lol It’s so nice that they talked it out. Older sibling responsibility :/ He’s so cool. I’m surprised at the backstory of their parents. Willful neglect and they’re rich. I feel so bad for her and bro for such bad parents. “Because if he did all this for you, what lengths has he gone for his best friend?“ TT I wonder what. “I just.. I love you, okay?” Omg TT
“…And you feel your chest cave when you hear it go to voicemail.“ God me too. I felt happier seeing him call back quickly. “Sorry, I was showering, fuck.” Fuck I love him. “Just hit my fucking knee getting out.” I LOVE HIM! I can feel his love for her so well here omg. Ok yeah so he has has work. Makes sense but ugh :/ “ “When you get it.” RYEN STOP! MY HEART IS MELTING TOO MUCH AHH!
“Huh? Don’t be.” “Not at you, doll.” MY HEART! I JUST CANT STOP LOVING YOONGI TT He doesn’t doubt her at all wow. “He was at your door first?” I love him pt. 5. NOOO GIRL STOP SPIRALING OMG! DONT RUN! King Yoongi comforting her with a song though. And the guitar omg. I love him pt. 6 “Well, maybe not. They’re best friends. But why would he— “ This is one of a few things that makes me think bro knows about their relationship. Yoongi going to her door so fast. Him holding her. His anger at Jk. Hmm.
“I don’t care if you’re sad, this wasn’t cheap.” lol “He’s lucky you resist the urge to fling saucy food all over his shorts. “Also, I paid for it, the hell?” LOL It’s nice to see them hanging out. Oof it’s been a month?! :( Good thing she got the job though. I’m so sad that she and Yoongi are distant now. “Not unlike what’s happening between another pair of friends you know. “ Ooh what?! Who?? “I’ve always known you were amazing. But now you look like you know that, too.” This section omg. She changed because Yoongi helped her become more confident TT
“Cus knowing him? He’s probably more frustrated than you are.” Omg true! I smiled so hard here. I love him pt. 7. The fact that he tried to invite her over to the studio before. He is whipped! And I love it. (pt. 8) “Lmaoo I’m saying. They better run me my check and cover my hospital bills.” I love that she goes for a joke/praise. And he takes it in stride. I bet he was flustered though lol. (It feels so weird to think of him texting with things like “lmao” wth lol)
“Fuck I miss you“ BITCH I MISS YOU TT I love him pt. 9 This part made me feel like you did so well to give them distance here. My heart hurts but “distance makes the heart fonder” you know?? And then Tae comforts her TT “He laughs in pity but doesn’t show any in his words,“Go get it, doll.” FUCK! The “doll” is really getting to me. RYEN! I love him pt. 10 *sighs* “You huff into your pillowcase, knowing you’re gonna get up because his perfect mix of servitude and command is annoyingly attractive.” OMG YES! I love him pt. 11.
Ok I am not loving that it’s been two months now Min Yoongi hmph. OK I TAKE IT BACK! FOOD AND “Soon.” So short and sweet. I love him pt. 12 istg. God the next section TT How do you make a small amount of words hurt so much! Genius Ryen istg. AHHH MIN YOONGI HOW DARE YOU HAVE OTHER PEOPLE OVER BEFORE MC! (it’s probably work but still...) Package? (Wedding ring?! lol) NO CALLS?! 3 months?! God these short sections hurt so bad.
“There’s a hole in your chest that won’t decrease in size. No matter what you feed it—food, drinks, the compliments of others—it refuses to budge, and this emptiness holds weight. Heavy. Melancholic. Painful.” Damn that’s beautiful and relatable :( Oof her inner conflict to make the call is so good. But he calls her. “ “ Tears burning, you try your hardest to calm the hell down before you answer, wondering why he dubs you his good luck charm when he puts guardian angels to shame.” Yeah he’s an angel TT Him worrying about her. I love him pt. 13.
“I am.” OH! “But you better bring the good shit or I’m not letting you in the car.” My heart hurts still but lol. I love him pt. 14. What chips does he like?? I thought she was going to bring one bag omg lol Poor Jimin. FUCK AND THEN YOU HIT US WITH HOT YOONGI OMG RYEN! THE SLUT JEANS?! AND THEN WHIPLASH AGAIN. “And you suddenly know Yoongi is summer. Endless.” Fuck yeah he is :( I love him pt. 15.
“Yes, my love. And I never said that.” MELTING. I love him pt. 16. And now he’s looking at her thighs?! The whiplash omg. “To your chagrin, he laughs in surprise, forcing you to look out the window. I’m smart cus I read?” This made me think of him being surprised that army are amazed that he listens to science and economic videos from the d day movie night lol Not him bringing up the first chapter omg TT Ahh she’s letting out all her thoughts! My heart hurts. I am also surprised he planned to just drive her home?! And then this sexy mf just says stop. I love him pt. 17.
OH SHIT HES GOING HARD! MANHANDLING! I knew he would go hard after seeing those teaser pictures but damn! “Don’t be nice. Spit in my mouth. Make me beg like a fucking slut, I need it.” Oh shit! (this is going to hit so good for me omg) Ooh a blowjob! Him being concerned that she’s drunk. I love him pt. 18. The smut is hot af! Dom Yoongi! But then she gets shy. And they have a little banter. It’s so intimate omg TT CHAINS! TONGUE TECHNOLOGY! Another correct guess from the teaser pictures yay! He’s so mean but I love it. I was expecting him to stop the first time.
“and you briefly wonder why his hands shake running up your sides.” Huh why is this giving me a bad feeling? Why are more red flags popping up?? I don’t like this. “Never fucking kicking you out.” OH TT I love him pt. 19. Ooh and then role reversal?! “Maybe you also choose not to listen because of what you think you hear, and you don’t want to be haunted if you realize later on what you thought you heard wasn’t true.“ DID HE SAY HE LOVES HER?!
“it consumes you so hard your eyes roll back enough to see the past. Past you, insecure and meek and scared to say what they want.“ LOL “Your brother is right. Something is definitely missing over there. “ Oh ok! I was thinking of it the first time. “I need to re-up this damn cat’s food.” Cute! Yay! I love him pt. 20. “ “She was gonna be your surprise,” he finally murmurs. “For getting the gig.” I LOVE HIM PT. 21. How dare he say that he’s the favorite though. You did gatekeep her Yoongi! >:/
“Okay… Did I scare you?” OH RIGHT! The stalker (?) I didn’t think of that omg. I love him pt. 22. “After a light squeeze, Yoongi gently rolls you over, resting his head exactly where your hand clutches your chest. When you move your fingers, he kisses that same spot, and your heart stops. “How about now.” I love him pt. 23 TT Him taking off her shoes. I love him pt. 24. He always misses her TT I love him pt. 25. The foot massage TT Yay the album is almost done!
“So you keep going, humming more familiar tunes and phrases, softly giggling when Yoongi huffs at the way you drum on his head.“ Cute lol It feels like they’ve gotten so much closer in this chapter wow. They’re vulnerable and intimate. They didn’t worry about being seen when he picked her up. Tell bro omg! OMG RYEN YOURE EVIL FOR THAT ENDING! MY HEART DROPPED BUT I CANT WAIT FOR HER TO TELL HIM! It feel right. But also not at all since she and Yoongi just got to see each other after so fucking long. It feels like the end of the series is coming soon?! Noo :(
busted (3tan) (m) | myg

title: busted pairing: 3tan!yoongi x reader(f) , jungkook x reader(f) series: masterlist | three tangerines | fireworks | house party | basketball | stay | sidewalk talk | friends | dalo | like that | anytime | sundress season | yoongi’s interlude | forfeit | flutter | video call rating/genre: m (18+) ; angst , fluff , smut ; brother’s best friend au, implied age gap au summary: when things go a bit south at your house party, decisions between you and yoongi have to be made. note: well. here we are, y’all. it’s been quite a long time, but we are back to regularly scheduled programming :’)) thank you to everyone that has supported and encouraged me throughout this whole process – and series, for that matter. i couldn’t have done this without y’all and the next part is already in the works. also i cried a lot writing this lol have fun! note 2: happy birthday, hedgehog! and to colourless and nicki and whoever else had birthdays recently, consider this my gift to y’all! warnings: language, the amount of content itself fck i’m so sorry, parties, alcohol consumption, tense situations, shoving, obligatory yoongi on the phone, ch*king, head/hair pulling, reader has a pain kink and it shows oops, angst, overthinking :((, penetrative s*x, chains but come on now, protective s*x, cowgirl, or*l (m/f rec), edg*ng a ha ha, thro*tf*cking, kissing :’))), kissing D:, did i say angst?, bro😵💫, but also bro😭, jungkook gets a warning too, yoongi’s jeans are as ripped as he is heyo, hitting from the b b back, yoongi king of consent sheesh, multiple org*sms, spitting lmfao, sl*t/wh*re mentions, yoongi jfc lol, the aftercare y’all i–😭, the ending🧍 drop date: june 9th, 2023, 7:17pm est word count: 18.8k gdi
Here goes nothing and everything.
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